
Following the brutal invasion and occupation of Poland, the Nazis put measures into place: remove the Jews, bring in German settlers, and racially classify the rest of the population in order to separate Poles from ethnic Germans. Gerhard Wolf reveals an astonishing reality in which the plan met with massive resistance from various Nazi occupation institutions, especially when it came to deeming a majority of Polish citizens as «racially unfit.» According to Wolf, the everchanging environment of the war meant this was a highly experimental process and emphasizes the formative aspects of Nazi policy-making and how key actors struggled to define racial criteria and determine whether they would have the desired effect. Students and scholars of the Polish occupation, the Holocaust, and Nazism will find new analysis of German imperialism, ethnic cleansing, and genocide in this important book.


What happens when cultural memory becomes a commodity? Who owns the memory? In The Memory Marketplace , Emilie Pine explores how memory is performed both in Ireland and abroad by considering the significant body of contemporary Irish theatre that contends with its own culture and history. Analyzing examples from this realm of theatre, Pine focuses on the idea of witnesses, both as performers on stage and as members of the audience. Whose memories are observed in these transactions, and how and why do performances prioritize some memories over others? What does it mean to create, rehearse, perform, and purchase the theatricalization of memory? The Memory Marketplace shows this transaction to be particularly fraught in the theatricalization of traumatic moments of cultural upheaval, such as the child sexual abuse scandal in Ireland. In these performances, the role of empathy becomes key within the marketplace dynamic, and Pine argues that this empathy shapes the kinds of witnesses created. The complexities and nuances of this exchange—subject and witness, spectator and performer, consumer and commodified—provide a deeper understanding of the crucial role theatre plays in shaping public understanding of trauma, memory, and history.



En septiembre y noviembre de 1927 se celebró en Buenos Aires uno de los encuentros más apasionantes en la historia del ajedrez mundial. El cubano José Raúl Capablanca perdió el título de campeón mundial ante el jugador ruso-francés Alexander Alekhine. Esta novela recrea aquellos hechos. Por las páginas de Perdido en Buenos Aires desfilan Carlos Gardel y otras figuras del escenario y la farándula de la ciudad.


26.04.1986 года в 1:23 ночи на Чернобыльской атомной электростанции случается крупнейшая техногенная катастрофа в мире. Молодые ребята, работавшие в ту ночь на 4-ом энергоблоке, первыми принимают удар аварии на себя. Десятки смертей, сотни сломленных судеб и тысячи не затянутых ран, которые не вылечит никакое время. Правдивая история ребят, вышедших на свою последнюю смену. Они не хотели быть героями, они просто хотели жить.


Книга расскажет про путешествия людей, которые уничтожают бестий Великого княжества Литовского и находят новых товарищей и друзей.

