

«Кровь молчащая» – роман, в основу которого легла историческая правда о судьбах российских немцев. Повествование проходит сквозь глубокое исследование природы главного героя, который пытается обрести собственное отношение к происходящему в его жизни, прикоснутся к тайнам своего рода. В фокусе событий ХХ века оказывается Октябрьская революция, лагеря Колымы, блокадный Ленинград, оккупированная фашистами Ялта. Книга увлекает особым ритмом подачи литературного материала – язык прозы и поэзии чередуется с дневниковыми заметками, письмами и архивными документами. Содержит нецензурную брань.


Five women successively nurtured students on the Purdue University campus in America's heartland during the 1930s to 1990s. Each became a legendary dean of women or dean of students. Collectively, they wove a sisterhood of mutual support in their common-sometimes thwarted-pursuit of shared human rights and equality for all. Dorothy C. Stratton, Helen B. Schleman, M. Beverley Stone, Barbara I. Cook, and Betty M. Nelson opened new avenues for women and became conduits for change, fostering opportunities for all people. They were loved by students and revered by colleagues. The women also were respected throughout the United States as founding leaders of the Coast Guard Women's Reserve (SPARs), frontrunners in the National Association of Women Deans and Counselors, and pivotal members of presidential committees in the Kennedy and Nixon administrations. The Deans' Bible sheds light on cultural change in America, exploring how each of the deans participated nationally in the quest for equality. As each woman succeeded the other, they knitted their bond with a secret symbol-a Bible. The Bible was handed down from dean to dean with favorite passages marked. The word «bible» is often used in connection with reference works or «guidebooks.» The Deans' Bible is just that, brimming with stories of courageous women who led by example and lived their convictions.


Meshach Browning (1781-1859), a native of Maryland, was one of the earliest American backwoodsmen. His narratives were described as the «most captivating narrative of hunting scenes that I ever read», by a reader.


Perhaps the first non-Muslim to enter the holy city of Mecca, the Venetian explorer Ludovico di Varthema, also known as Barthema, wrote about his travels to such exotic places as Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia, India, and Ethiopia. His work is noted for its accurate details, human touch, and drama. Suspected of being a spy, Barthema escapes his confinement and ultimately is rescued by the Portuguese. Although published in 1510, this remains a fresh and exciting work today.


В этом году исполняется 30 лет с момента трагической гибели легендарного музыканта, заставившего «требовать перемен» все постсоветское пространство. После смерти Виктора в возрасте 28 лет в России возник настоящий культ Цоя. Самое яркое тому свидетельство – стена музыканта на Старом Арбате в Москве, где постоянно появляются новые надписи от благодарных поклонников. Именно сейчас, в эпоху интернета, когда звездой может стать абсолютно каждый, важно помнить о том, кто добился народной любви не за счет хайпа и эпатажа, а исключительно благодаря таланту и идеям, опередившим свое время. Таким и был Цой, которого мы любим и помним – настоящим героем музыкального Олимпа и своего поколения в целом. Новая книга Александра Долгова – дань уважения и любви харизматичному лидеру группы «Кино». Опасность, сомнения, столкновение с неизбежным и легендарный русский рок – все здесь сплетается воедино, чтобы воскресить в памяти читателя настоящий культурный феномен. Мастерство литературной «живописи» Долгова перенесет вас во времена, когда ленинградский рок-клуб сводил с ума, а «перемены» казались ощутимыми, словно подписанная Цоем фотография. Прочтите и попробуйте вместе с главным героем романа «Спасти Цоя». Александр Долгов – бессменный главный редактор легендарного журнала FUZZ и писатель.


Der Vater Jude, die Mutter Arierin – das konnte Schlimmstes bedeuten. Medizinprofessor Gross bringt es fertig, mit distanziertem Blick in seinem Leben wie in einem Album zu blättern: Jugend und Elternhaus während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus, Landarbeit statt Studium, Arbeitslager, schließlich, nicht frei von ganz bestimmten Stolpersteinen, der Weg zum Erfolg.


We all know the names: Grissom, Armstrong, Cernan-legends of the space age whose names resonate with people around the world and whose deeds need no introduction. We know less about the men who led the organization that planned and began the US exploration of space: the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). Thomas O. Paine grew up an ordinary boy in northern California during the Great Depression of the 1930s. He would go on to serve as NASA's third administrator, leading the space agency through the first historic missions that sent astronauts on voyages away from Earth. On his watch, seven Apollo flights orbited our planet and five reached our moon. From those missions came the first of twelve men to walk on the moon. Years later, in 1985, the Reagan administration would call on Paine again to chair the nation's first-ever National Commission on Space. The Paine Commission Report of 1986 challenged twenty-first-century America to «lead the exploration and development of the space frontier, advancing science, technology, and enterprise, and building institutions and systems that make accessible vast new resources and support human settlements beyond Earth orbit, from the highlands of the Moon to the plains of Mars.»In Piercing the Horizon, Sunny Tsiao masterfully delivers new insights into the behind-the-scenes drama of the space race. Tsiao examines how Paine's days as a World War II submariner fighting in the Pacific shaped his vision for the future of humankind in space. The book tells how Paine honed his skills as a pioneering materials engineer at the fabled postwar General Electric Company in the 1950s, to his dealings inside the halls of NASA and with Johnson, Nixon, and later, the Reagan and Bush administrations.As robotic missions begin leaving the earth, Tsiao invites the reader to take another look at the plans that Paine articulated regarding how America could have had humans on Mars by the year 2000 as the first step to the exploration of deep space. Piercing the Horizon provides provocative context to current conversations on the case for reaching Mars, settling our solar system, and continuing the exploration of space.


Over the past century, the Wolverines have created heroes and legends that excite both the young and old. From the first football game in 1879 to the hundreds of thousands of faithful fans that cheer on the most triumphant program in college football history, University of Michigan football has an undeniable legacy.In Michigan Motivations: A Year of Inspiration with the University of Michigan Wolverines, authors Cyle Young and Del Duduit relive the most famous moments and show readers how they too can overcome adversity, find success, understand true teamwork, and much more. A year's worth of weekly stories will motivate and inspire, showcasing legendary players like Tom Harmon, Anthony Carter, Desmond Howard, Charles Woodson, and Tom Brady. Along the way, readers will also appreciate the Wolverine persistence that drove a 1934 team MVP to become the 38th President of the United States, and they will learn to apply that same Michigan character in their own life. Michigan Motivations is for every fan that bleeds Maize and Blue. Rejoice at the stories that reveal come-from-behind victories, sigh at surprise losses, and scratch your head at how Ohio State went to the Rose Bowl in 1974.