
MAGNUS HAD DECIDED TO SELECT A BRIDE!Miss Thalia Robinson, a destitute orphan, was fortunate that she had been allowed to look after her cousin Laetitia's three adorable children. Tallie usually spent her quiet life lost in daydreams, but the arrival of a house party to aid Magnus, Earl of d'Arenville, to find a wife, turned her world upside down.Magnus's cold facade had been pierced by a delightful small girl, and now he'd decided he wanted children of his own. For that, he needed a wife. But things didn't go according to Laetitia's plan, for he ignored all the debutantes that were presented to him, and, taken with Tallie's loving treatment of the children in her charge, decided that she was the one he would marry….


HER TOUCH WAS LEGENDARYHe had come to South America to find her, to learn from the legendary healer what it was to mend lives. But Sergeant Burke Gifford hadn't expected the surge of powerful feeling Angel Paredes would stir in his heart. After all, he was a rough-and-tumble Special Forces man on a mission, not a man come to fall in love.HIS LOVE WAS ALL-CONSUMINGShe had healed many, but her own heart remained wounded. Yet from the moment Angel looked into Burke's eyes, she knew this strong, silent sergeant had a power far greater than hers. The power to love her–and to make her whole again.


Lindsey Sloan teaches the best and brightest students at Randolph-Lowen High School–exceptional teens with promising futures far from their small Alabama hometown. So when brash detective Jace Nolan arrives from up north and accuses her kids of setting a series of fires in local black churches, Lindsey is furious. No matter how Jace tries to convince her, Lindsey can't believe her pupils could do something so horrible, let alone be addicted to the rush of getting away with it.But when her attraction to Jace places her in mortal danger and people begin dying, Lindsey can no longer be sure just what her students are capable of. If Jace is right, it's up to the two of them to outsmart these criminal minds–before they carry out the ultimate thrill-kill.


New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author DIANA PALMER presents a classic romance about a woman with big dreams and a man who has nothing left to believe in…except her Tess Meredith and Raven Following grew up on the beautiful, wild Montana plains. But their friendship and love were doomed by Raven’s Sioux heritage…and his departure from the land of his people.In Chicago, he built a new life, haunted by thoughts of the lovely, spirited young girl he’d left behind. Until she arrived back in his world—bringing with her the past he’d tried to bury.But Tess had changed, too. She’d matured into a woman, and was determined to fight for her rights in society—and for the love of a man who felt he was savage at heart…



It was called a haven for runaway teens. In truth, it was a nightmare, one that ended in fiery violence sixteen years ago. Or so its survivors believed… Syracuse news anchor Julie Jones is afraid. Her long-dead past was resurrected when a blackmailer threatened to expose secrets that could destroy her. Then the man was found dead–his throat cut with a knife from Julie's own kitchen.Now a new, faceless enemy wants more than money. This time Julie stands to lose the most precious thing of all–her teenage daughter, Dawn. Julie finds herself with one unlikely ally, Sean MacKenzie. A journalist with a flair for the sensational, Sean covers the worst humanity has to offer. Julie Jones is hiding something that terrifies her, and he's determined to find out what.He just can't decide whether his goal is to expose her or save her. Julie will do anything to protect her daughter. But someone else is watching, willing to do whatever it takes to avenge a past that cannot be forgotten.


Twenty-three-year-old Jersey girl Eve Vitali is on the verge of something…whether it be a relationship, the fabulous life that she reads about in the Styles section of the New York Times or a nervous breakdown. Despite her Jackie O. suit, Eve works as an unappreciated assistant for–of all things–a bicycle magazine. Everyone keeps telling her that she's got her foot in the door, but the rest of her is surfing the Net and schlepping around with Tabitha, an Amazonian sex goddess. Between glam parties, obligatory visits home and myriad men, Eve is realizing that it takes a lot of work to get beyond the verge and on to the next big thing….It seems everyone has advice on how to get there:Eve (on keeping her «foot in the door»): «Develop artificial cheeriness. Answer all requests with 'great.'Hypothetical: Person of dubious authority: 'Eve, why don't you count all of the paper clips in the entire department and then divide them into seven equal piles?' Me: 'Great. I'll get right on it. That'll be great.'»Tabitha (prefers foreign men, gets entree to the coolest parties, buys lots of underwear): «Remove unsightly hairs before all dates.»Roseanne (Eve's roommate who works in–gasp!–finance): «Whatever you do, don't be predictable.»



Her diary had never let her down, never told her it was too busy, never not been there for her. Unlike men!Now the unthinkable had happened….For high-flying London lawyer (and self-confessed control freak) Sam Washington, accidentally leaving her diary in a New York hotel room is a fate worse than death! Tormented by the idea of a stranger reading her innermost thoughts, she knows there's also a secret in her little black book that, in the wrong hands, would devastate her best friend and cause a tabloid sensation….Alarm bells start ringing when TV producer Ben Fisher turns up on her doorstep–fresh off the plane from New York…and desperately seeking Sam. They're complete strangers, yet he seems to know more than a little about her: Has he found her diary? Has he read it? Sam resolves to find out by getting closer to Ben–who seems happy to oblige! Only, is his mind on kissing…or just telling?


There's no way I would have ever imagined swapping datinghorror stories with my mother-in-law. But life is now officially very, very weird.In Eleven Short Months Charlotte Smith Has:A. Become a widow too soonB. Had her job transferred out of stateC. Driven over 1500 miles with two cranky kidsD. Moved in with her mother-in-law, Rose Fiorello Smith (a cross between Mary Poppins and Napoleon)For Charlotte aka Charlie, dealing with bumps in the road is a fact of life lately. Maybe it's time she made Rose realize that embracing change isn't about waving goodbye, but saying hello to a life where limits are for sissies…and a new beginning is only a new hairdo away.