

Un policía investigador de la vieja escuela auto exiliado en el área de archivos; un abogado erudito y bohemio atrapado en un anodino puesto burocrático y una bella psicóloga especializada en trastornos del sueño y perseguida por fantasmas del pasado: tres vidas entrelazadas en el marco de una trama sutil que desemboca en un final sublime. Un policía investigador de la vieja escuela auto exiliado en el área de archivos; un abogado erudito y bohemio atrapado en un anodino puesto burocrático y una bella psicóloga especializada en trastornos del sueño y perseguida por fantasmas del pasado: tres vidas entrelazadas en el marco de una trama sutil que desemboca en un final sublime. En la mejor tradición de la novela negra latinoamericana, Sergio Ochoa teje en Minotauro un relato de ambientes oscuros y personajes enigmáticos que mantienen vilo al lector y, como quien no quiere la cosa, página tras página se va adentrando en una serie de vericuetos filosóficos aderezados con un toque de humorismo un tanto turbio.


― No início não havia nada, a não ser a luz. Pelo menos isso era o que me tinha dito, e também que isso seria, precisamente, o que veria nos meus últimos momentos. No entanto, aquilo não era o que eu esperava. Sentia-me estranhamente leve, como se todas as preocupações que me andavam a atormentar nestes dias se tivessem desvanecido. ― No início não havia nada, a não ser a luz. Pelo menos isso era o que me tinha dito, e também que isso seria, precisamente, o que veria nos meus últimos momentos. No entanto, aquilo não era o que eu esperava. Sentia-me estranhamente leve, como se todas as preocupações que me andavam a atormentar nestes dias se tivessem desvanecido. Nem sequer a pressa que me fizera acelerar tanto na estrada, tinha agora o mínimo interesse para mim. Sentia-me tranquilo, leve, sem preocupações. Parecia ver tudo agora com mais clareza e perspetiva. Na verdade, tinha desperdiçado demasiado tempo da minha vida com tanto esforço desnecessário em aparências e para conseguir alcançar mais do que os outros, que agora tudo me parecia tão banal.


MARRIED TO A STRANGEROne steamy afternoon when the setting sun bled the raging Red Thunder River red, Texas sheriff Chance Conover forgot who he was. A trauma from fifteen years ago resurfaced in his mind, creating muddy images of murder that stirred whirlpools of horror. Worst of all, Chance couldn't remember the beautiful woman who claimed to be his wife–Taryn Conover. Traveling back up the river to confront his past and the danger that surely awaited him was the only way this lawman knew to protect the woman who loved him–and his unborn child. But would Taryn's kisses help him remember the life he'd lost in time to save the one he'd found?


EVERY MAN HAS HIS DAY OF RECKONING…With a new face and new life, Kevin Ransom vowed never to return to that small Texas town where an impulse of anger had destroyed his body and soul. But then, he never dreamed that his actions that day on the Red Thunder River had led a madman to keep the woman he loved in a drugged state, trapped as a prisoner in her body for fifteen years. Kevin had caused Ellen Paxton enough pain, but for her sake he had to go back to make things right, especially when he found out that she and her horse ranch were in grave danger. He would keep his identity hidden…. But would he be able to hide the love still in his heart?


THE TOUGHER THEY ARE, THE HARDER THEY FALL… Mercenary Dare Macintosh lives by one hard-and-fast rule: business should never be personal. If the price is right, he’ll take the mission. But then Molly Alexander asks him to help her track down the men who’d had her kidnapped and for the first time, Dare’s tempted to combine work with pleasure.Fiercely independent, Molly vows to trust no one until she’s uncovered the truth. Could the enemy be her powerful, estranged father? The ex-fiancé who still holds a grudge? Or the not-so-shy fan of her bestselling novels? As the danger heats up around them, the only anchor Molly has is Dare himself. But what she feels for him just might be the most frightening thing of all.


CAUGHT IN THE CROSSFIRE OF VENGEANCE AND DESIRE Undercover mercenary Trace Rivers loves the adrenaline rush of a well-planned mission. First he’ll earn the trust of corrupt businessman Murray Coburn, then gather the proof he needs to shut down the man’s dirty smuggling operation. It’s a perfect scheme – until Coburn’s long-lost daughter saunters in with her own deadly plan for revenge. With a smile like an angel and fire in her eyes, Priscilla Patterson isn’t who she seems to be.But neither is the gorgeous bodyguard who ignites all her senses. Joining forces to plot Coburn’s downfall, Priss and Trace must fight the undeniable heat between them. For one wrong move, one lingering embrace will expose them to the wrath of a merciless opponent…


KISSES AND CURSES MADE FOR BEWITCHING BEDFELLOWSLike a specter, Detective Armand LaMorte moved with the shadows, stealthy and secretive, and was an expert tracker. Crescent City criminals didn't have a chance when he was on their trail–and no woman had a chance of resisting his native-born allure….Eden Bennett was no exception. In her darkest hours, Armand offered her strength and safety while a decades-old mystery threatened to destroy what was left of her family. Ensconced in Armand's cloak of security, she knew no danger. But a killer was closing in…on them both.


Formerly a Special Forces soldier, Chuck Bolton now poses as a ranch handyman.His mission? To protect his ex-fiancée, PJ Franks, and their baby girl from a malevolent masked man.But when PJ’s enemy’s motive is revealed, their survival isn’t Chuck’s only concern…


Detective Preston Bowman has a gift for sensing danger and the danger stalking Abby Langdon is undeniable. Alone on her isolated ranch Abby has only Preston to trust and, as the risk intensifies, so does her desire for the strong, silent lawman.But even if he could keep everyone on the ranch safe… she couldn’t say the same for her heart.