
Gdzieś na dalekiej północy, w krainach dawnych legend, Bjarni zwany Krukiem wyrusza w podróż życia. Porozmawia z bogami, dotrze na skraj świata, pozna tajemnice Miasta Magów, zdobędzie niewysłowione bogactwa i odwiedzi najdalsze krainy. Jego czyny będą opiewane w pieśniach skaldów oraz podaniach prostego ludu, ale prócz historii o bohaterskich bitwach i starożytnych skarbach, usłyszymy też o klątwie kruka… Przekleństwo olbrzyma Glamrunga będzie go ścigać, gdziekolwiek się uda, a mroczna tajemnica odsuwać od przyjaciół i bliskich. Każdy skarb ma swoją cenę, każde kłamstwo kiedyś ujrzy światło dzienne, a najpotężniejsza choćby pieśń nie zmieni przeszłości. Wojownik z północy przekona się o tym na własnej skórze.


В начале двадцатого века одна юная особа, отыскав загадочную книгу, отправляется в фантастическое путешествие, чтобы узнать тайну своего прошлого… Будучи подопечной богатого мистера Локка, Январри Сколлер чувствует, что не слишком отличается от других артефактов, украшающих коридоры его особняка: ее заботливо содержат, по большей части не замечают, и она совсем здесь не к месту. Однажды Январри обнаруживает странную книгу, в которой рассказывается о загадочных дверях, ведущих в другие миры… Каждая страница открывает ей невероятную историю, тесно связанную с ее собственной судьбой…


Незримый Университет рад представить самый Полный атлас Плоского мира! Опираясь на знания исследователей, моряков, торговцев и проповедников, найдите Острова Пряностей. Проследите за течением реки Кнек до Великого Плесневого Озера. Взгляните на обширные пустыни континента Клатч (и не позволяйте больше своим козам пастись где не следует). Узнайте, где находится самый большой магазин ковров и что ждёт путешественника в землях Великого Нефа. Насладитесь флорой и фауной эфемерной страны За-Лунь (к вашим услугам – пчёлы-убийцы, ядовитые змеи, арбузы-кровососы и непроходимые зелёные насаждения).



Magdaline Spencer è una ragazza con una vita difficile alle spalle, una madre morta prematuramente ed un padre alcolizzato, che per pagare i propri debiti, la vende al miglior offerente. A salvarla arriva Jessie Fitzpatrik, un angelo che per aiutarla rinuncia alle sue ali, promettendo però di non vederla mai più. Grazie ai suoi poteri medianici, Magda entra in contatto con Mori, un angelo morto durante uno scontro con i demoni, che le chiede di avvertire del pericolo i suoi compagni della casa degli angeli. Le strade di Magda e Jess si intrecceranno ancora una volta, sullo sfondo di una Chicago misteriosa, dove angeli e demoni la fanno da padroni, non visti, tra la gente… ma a complicare le cose arriva Billy, un demone, che infatuatosi della ragazza, non renderà la loro vita facile.


The lyrics are a series of short-novels all inspired by the lyrics of Genesys songs. The stories are an elaborate fantasy transformation in the light of imaginary projections induced by listening to some Genesys songs (and reading their lyrics). ”Wind and Wuthering”, ”Duke” and ”a Trick of the Tail ” are the albums of Genesis whose songs inspired these novels. Some of them intertwine with each other, others live their own lives. All the result of those fantasy plots that each of us carries with us and that the music of Genesis manages, inevitably, to make alive.


Megan is a psychic teen, who cannot find anyone to help her understand her powers… no-one living that is. 'The Misconception' is a short story about a young girl's growing realisation that she is able to do things that none of her family can, although some of her school friends say they have similar unusual psychic abilities. The girl's name is Megan and she is twelve years old in this, the first book. Megan has two seemingly insurmountable problems. The first is that her mother is frightened of her daughter's latent abilities and not only will not help her but actively discourages her and the second is that she cannot find a teacher to help her develop her supernatural, psychic powers. She tries to discuss them with her mother, but gets very short shrift and she does not even bother telling her father, because she knows that her mother would not approve and ultimately, Megan wants to stay on the right side of her mother. Megan feels that there is an unspoken bond between them both. Perhaps it is the bond that exists between all mothers and their daughters, but maybe it goes much deeper too. Who can tell, since Megan doesn't even know herself? All she knows is that her mother does not seem to be playing the part expected of her as the loving mother of a soon-to-be teenage daughter, who has anxieties that she wants, no, needs to discuss with someone she trusts. Megan is willing to give her mother time to get over her fear of the paranormal. She can wait and she can even put up with the horrible abuse that is metered out to her secretly without her father's knowledge. At least, she can for now. 'The Misconception' is the first of, so far, twenty-three short stories in this series about the continual enlightenment of Megan as she finds people to help her understand how best to proceed with her supernatural, spiritual and psychic development. For she has to be taught not only what it is possible to do and how to do it, but to what end she should put her special abilities. Megan is a good girl, so it would seem obvious that she would tend towards using her powers for good, but it is not always easy to do the right thing even if you know what that is. These stories about Megan will appeal to anyone who has an interest in psychic powers, the supernatural and the paranormal and is between the ages of ten and a hundred years old.


Heng Lee starts to feel very strange all of a sudden, so he calls in to see the local shaman, who happens to be his aunt. She carries out a few tests and decides that Heng has no blood, but how is he going to tell his family, and what will they do about it? Heng Lee is a goatherd in the remote mountains north-east of Chiang Rai in northern Thailand, very close to the border with Laos. It is a tight-knit community where everyone knows one another. Heng gets sick all of a sudden, but not too sick to take the goats out, until one day he has to go to see the local shaman, because he has started fainting. There are no medical doctors in the vicinity and the Shaman has been good enough for most people for centuries. The Shaman takes some specimens and comes to the conclusion that Heng’s kidneys have stopped functioning and so has little time left to live. The battle is on to save Heng’s life, but there are other forces at work too. What will become of Heng, his family and the rest of the community, if he takes the Shaman’s advice?


A volte viviamo la vita senza renderci conto che c’è qualcosa di più ad attenderci ma, in momenti precisi e senza sapere né come né perché, tutto questo cambia. Scopri attraverso la nostra protagonista come si arriva ad accettare e a capire che non tutto è come sembra, imparando a scoprire un nuovo mondo per il quale nessuno si sente preparato. Vivi con lei quest'esperienza così importante che può cambiare il tuo modo di vedere la vita, che la condurrà in uno dei posti più misteriosi del mondo in cui rimane quasi immutata una cultura millenaria e dove il reale si confonde con l'immaginario; accompagnala fino al tetto del mondo, il Tibet, per addentrarti nella conoscenza privata dei monaci buddisti.


Uma pequena coleção de contos surreais de forte impacto emotivo. Uma pequena coleção de contos surreais de forte impacto emotivo, cada um marcado por uma cor. Um chamado constante aos fantasmas da vida interior, retratados com intensidade e delicadeza.