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Различные книги в жанре Зарубежная образовательная литература, доступные для чтения и скачиванияАннотация
Global Communication is the most definitive text on multi-national communication and media conglomerates, exploring how global media influences both audiences and policy makers around the world. This new edition is comprehensively updated to reflect the many fast moving developments associated with this dynamic field. A new edition of the most definitive text on multi-national communication and media conglomerates, each chapter updated with extensive new details Covers the expanding area of global communication and describes major multimedia conglomerates, particularly in the USA, including the purchase of NBC-Universal by Comcast and Disney's expansion in China Includes new information on the phone hacking scandal by News Corporation’s employees in the UK Explains the significant changes in the communication industry both in the US and elsewhere Chronicles the continuing story of the development of Arab Media with new coverage on the Arab Spring Offers an updated companion website with instructor's manual, test banks and student activities, available upon publication at www.wiley.com/go/mcphail
This book will cover network management security issues and currently available security mechanisms by discussing how network architectures have evolved into the contemporary NGNs which support converged services (voice, video, TV, interactive information exchange, and classic data communications). It will also analyze existing security standards and their applicability to securing network management. This book will review 21st century security concepts of authentication, authorization, confidentiality, integrity, nonrepudiation, vulnerabilities, threats, risks, and effective approaches to encryption and associated credentials management/control. The book will highlight deficiencies in existing protocols used for management and the transport of management information.
Quotatives considers the phenomenon “quotation” from a wealth of perspectives. It consolidates findings from different strands of research, combining formal and functional approaches for the definition of reported discourse and situating the phenomenon in a broader typological and sociolinguistic perspective. Provides an interface between sociolinguistic research and other linguistic disciplines, in particular discourse analysis, typology, construction grammar but also more formal approaches Incorporates innovative methodology that draws on discourse analytic, typological and sociolinguistic approaches Investigates the system both in its diachronic development as well as via cross-variety comparisons Presents careful definition of the envelope of variation and considers alternative definitions of the phenomenon “quotation” Empirical findings are reported from distribution and perception data, which allows comparing and contrasting perception and reality
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Автор произведения Isabelle Buchstaller
This book is the first of a series of volumes that cover the topic of aerospace actuators following a systems-based approach. This first volume provides general information on actuators and their reliability, and focuses on hydraulically supplied actuators. Emphasis is put on hydraulic power actuators as a technology that is used extensively for all aircraft, including newer aircraft. Currently, takeovers by major corporations of smaller companies in this field is threatening the expertise of aerospace hydraulics and has inevitably led to a loss of expertise. Further removal of hydraulics teaching in engineering degrees means there is a need to capitalize efforts in this field in order to move it forward as a means of providing safer, greener, cheaper and faster aerospace services. The topics covered in this set of books constitute a significant source of information for individuals and engineers seeking to learn more about aerospace hydraulics.
Methoden der digitalen Signalverarbeitung. Mit interaktivem Lernprogramm und LabView-Experimenten - Norbert Stockhausen
Vernetztes Lernen fur optimalen Studienerfolg: Das neue Lehrbuch ist eine umfassende Einfuhrung in die digitale Signalverarbeitung fur fur Studentinnen und Studenten der Ingenieur- und Naturwissenschaften. Es enthalt eine Vielzahl von grafischen Darstellungen zur Visualisierung von abstrakten Inhalten und stellt eine enge Verknupfung von Mathematik und praktischen Anwendungen her. Ein Lernprogramm auf der Basis von interaktiven PDFs stellt eine zusatzliche Moglichkeit zur Vernetzung der Lehrinhalte dar. Mit den darin beschriebenen LabView-Experimenten konnen eigenstandige Versuche mit einer grafischen Benutzeroberflache durchgefuhrt werden In den ersten Kapiteln werden die furs Verstandnis erforderlichen mathematischen Werkzeuge wiederholt. Nach der Vorstellung der unterschiedlichen Signalarten, wie etwa stationare, kontinuierliche und diskrete Signale, werden in den folgenden Kapiteln die Methoden der Signalverarbeitung und der Nutzen der verschiedenen Transformationen (Laplace, Fourier, Hilbert) behandelt. Die Verbindung zwischen analogen und digitalen Signalen stellt das Kapitel uber die Signalabtastung und -rekonstruktion und die dadurch verursachten zusatzlichen Eigenschaften der Abtastwerte her. Die folgenden Kapitel geben eine Einfuhrung in die Grundlagen der Systemtheorie und der Verarbeitung nichtstationarer und zweidimensionaler Signale. Die in einer Wertefolge enthaltene Information ist nur dann nutzbar, wenn uber das zu untersuchende Objekt Vorkenntnisse vorliegen. Diese basieren auf naturwissenschaftlichen Gesetzma?igkeiten oder Signalstrukturen, welche von Experten als kennzeichnend fur den Zustand oder die Eigenschaften eines Objekts erklart wurden. Im letzten Kapitel werden einige in verschiedenen Fachgebieten angewendeten Signalmodelle vorgestellt, darunter die Modalanalyse, Untersuchung viskoelastischer Werkstoffe, Impedanz-Spektroskopie, inverse Filterung und die Untersuchung hysteresebehafteter Systeme. Diese Anwendungen lassen sich in LabView-Experimenten nachvollziehen.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Norbert Stockhausen
Combines in one volume the basics of evolving radio access technologies and their implementation in mobile phones Reviews the evolution of radio access technologies (RAT) used in mobile phones and then focuses on the technologies needed to implement the LTE (Long term evolution) capability Coverage includes the architectural aspects of the RF and digital baseband parts before dealing in more detail with some of the hardware implementation Unique coverage of design parameters and operation details for LTE-A phone transceiver Discusses design of multi-RAT Mobile with the consideration of cost and form factors Provides in one book a review of the evolution of radio access technologies and a good overview of LTE and its implementation in a handset Unveils the concepts and research updates of 5G technologies and the internal hardware and software of a 5G phone
The result of decades of research by a pioneer in the field, this is the first book to deal exclusively with achieving high-performance metal-polymer composites by chemical bonding. Covering both the academic and practical aspects, the author focuses on the chemistry of interfaces between metals and polymers with a particular emphasis on the chemical bonding between the different materials. He elucidates the various approaches to obtaining a stable interface, including, but not limited to, thermodynamically driven redox reactions, bond protection to prevent hydrolysis, the introduction of barrier layers, and stabilization by spacer molecules. Throughout, chemical bonding is promoted as a simple and economically viable alternative to adhesion based on reversible weak physical interaction. Consequently, the text equips readers with the practical tools necessary for designing high-strength metal-polymer composites with such desired properties as resilience, flexibility, rigidity or degradation resistance.
Written by experts in combustion technology, this is a unique and refreshing perspective on the current biofuel discussion, presenting the latest research in this important field. The emphasis throughout this reference is on applications, industrial perspectives and economics, focusing on new classes of biofuels such as butanols, levulinates, benzenoids and others. Clearly structured, each chapter presents a new class of biofuel and discusses such topics as production pathways, fuel properties and its impact on engines. The result is a fascinating, user-oriented overview of new classes of biofuels beyond bioethanol.
Online Risk to Children brings together the most up-to-date theory, policy, and best practices for online child protection and abuse prevention. Moves beyond offender assessment and treatment to discuss the impact of online abuse on children themselves, and the risks and vulnerabilities inherent in their constantly connected lives Global in scope, setting contributions from leading researchers and practitioners in the UK in international context via chapters from Australia, the USA and Europe. Key topics covered include cyberbullying, peer-oriented abuse, victim treatment approaches, international law enforcement strategies, policy responses, and the role of schools and industry
BEST PRACTICES FROM CHINA'S HIGH-PERFORMING SCHOOL SYSTEM Empowered Educators in China is one volume in a series that explores how high-performing educational systems from around the world achieve strong results. The anchor book, Empowered Educators: How High-Performing Systems Shape Teaching Quality Around the World, is written by Linda Darling-Hammond and colleagues, with contributions from the author of this volume. Empowered Educators in China describes the nation's policy reforms that built the modern Chinese educational system and the educational practices that are considered typical in China. The book spotlights Shanghai's system which is distinctive and superior. Shanghai offers a clear illustration of an educational system that continually invests in educating a diverse student population and, by measures of international comparison tests, is achieving outstanding results. Many factors contribute to the Shanghai system's ongoing success, including the students' motivation toward strong performance, the parental support for education that is culturally ingrained throughout the country, the focus that teachers place on high expectations for students, and the individual tutoring they provide. The author argues that these factors are only a partial explanation of Shanghai's success and then closely describes educational policies that support teachers' preparation, hiring, ongoing development, and opportunities for awards and leadership. These policies are based on the assumption that teachers are key to the nation's future and must be appropriately supported in order to contribute to student performance and achievement, an assumption that is also explicitly stated within Chinese law. This volume offers specific descriptions of how these national policies are translated, adapted, and enacted in Shanghai.