
Collected together here are three of Jane Austen’s posthumously published works; “Sanditon”, “The Watsons”, and “Lady Susan”. These fragmentary tales show Austen experimenting with different literary styles and parodying the popular novels of her day. In “Sanditon,” Austen uses the premise of an idyllic and modern seaside town to examine its inhabitants and their various social circles with her trademark sharp social observations and wit. “The Watsons” is the story of Mr. Watson, a widowed clergyman, and his two sons and four daughters. The heroine of the tale is the spirited daughter Emma, who finds her marriage prospects lessened by both her poverty and, ironically, her sense of refinement. “Lady Susan”, the most complete of the three, is an epistolary novel which focuses on the story of its title character, a beautiful, but petty and unscrupulous woman. Lady Susan engages in constant flirtations and manipulations while she searches for rich husbands for herself and her young daughter. Also included here is a cancelled chapter of “Persuasion” and the short essay “Plan of a Novel” in which Austen sets out her capacity as a novelist and what makes up the ideal novel. This edition includes a biographical afterword.


Originally published in serial form in 1884 to 1885, “Germinal” is Émile Zola’s realistic depiction of the coalminers’ strike in northern France in the 1860s. In this faithful translation from the original French by Havelock Ellis, the story centers on Étienne Lantier, a young migrant worker who arrives at the coalmining town of Montsou in search of work. Set against a backdrop of extreme poverty and oppression, “Germinal” is the story of the idealistic but naive Étienne, who embraces the ideals of the socialistic movement and goes on to lead a strike of the coalminers with disastrous consequences. In turns harrowing and violent, Zola brilliantly describes scenes of riots and dramatic rescues, while at the same time bringing to life the characters’ romances, passions, and frailties. Based on exhaustive research of coalmining and the worker’s movement, “Germinal” established Zola as a pioneer of the realist movement. Recognized as one of Zola’s masterpieces, “Germinal” would widely become associated with the struggle of the working class and the socialistic movement that dominated the political environment of Europe at the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century. This edition includes a biographical afterword.


First published in 1915, “The Voyage Out”, Virginia Woolf’s first novel, may be her most accessible. It is a witty social satire that chronicles the maturity of the young Englishwoman Rachel Vinrace as she takes a long voyage to South America from London on her father’s ship. Rachel encounters an eclectic array of passengers on the boat and through them Woolf satirizes Edwardian life. This physical passage also becomes a journey of self-discovery for Rachel. She takes both a literal and mythical journey as she enters adulthood and moves from the sheltered world of her upbringing to the wide world full of potential and knowledge. While the novel is witty and satirical, it is also haunting and melancholic, with the beautifully flowing language uniquely characteristic of Woolf’s writing. Many of the themes that come to dominate Woolf’s later works, such as sexuality, consciousness, and death, are first explored in “The Voyage Out.” Rachel’s coming-of-age tale is that of the spiritual growth of a young woman that spans continents, a journey that paralleled that of Woolf’s own life as she left her repressive upbringing to enter the world of art and intellectualism. This edition includes a biographical afterword.


Originally published in 1848, “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” is the second and final novel written by Anne Bronte. Considered one of the first feminist novels, it was both instantly successful and highly controversial. The story follows the relationship between Gilbert Markham, a prosperous farmer, and the mysterious widow Mrs. Helen Graham, who takes up residence with only her son and a servant in the nearby tumbledown mansion of Wildfell Hall. Told in a series of letters, Gilbert describes how he falls in love with the elusive Helen and learns of her tragic past. The victim of small town gossip, Helen finally tells Gilbert how she has left her aristocratic and alcoholic husband in order to save her young son from his influence. The novel was far more realistic in both tone and subject matter than other popular novels of its time and boldly challenged the accepted treatment of women in Victorian England. While Bronte rejected the romantic style popular at that time and frankly addressed the obstacles and prejudices faced by women, Helen and Gilbert’s story is essentially one of love and hope. A classic of the Victorian era as well as a feminist tale far ahead of its time, “The Tenant of Wildfell Hall” is a must read for fans of the Bronte sisters. This edition includes an introduction by Mary Augusta Ward.


First published in 1913, Edith Wharton’s “The Custom of the Country” tells the story of Undine Spragg, a girl from a Midwestern town with unquenchable social aspirations. Though Undine is narcissistic, pampered, and incredibly selfish, she is also a fascinating, vibrant, and beguiling heroine whose marital initiation into New York high society from its trade-wealthy fringes is only the beginning of her relentless plans. Undine is never satisfied with what she has and constantly hungers for more wealth, more prestige, and more luxury. Her search for these lofty goals takes her from New York to Europe and the apartments of the nouveau riche to ancient French estates. While Undine’s cleverness and single-mindedness ultimately gets her what she wants most, it comes at great cost to everyone else, such as her family, child, and many husbands. Through Undine’s restlessness and ambition, Wharton weaves an elaborate plot that renders a detailed depiction of upper class social behavior in the early twentieth century. By utilizing a character with inexorable greed in a novel of manners, Wharton explores the social customs of an emerging modern age and the changing role of women in society.


First published in 1904, “Nostromo” is widely considered one of Joseph Conrad’s best works. Set in the fictitious mining town of Sulaco, a port city in the imaginary South American country of Costaguana, it is the story of Senõr Gould, an English expatriate who owns the silver-mining concession in the country. When the country becomes engulfed in increasing violence and chaos, Senõr Gould charges Nostromo, his trusted head longshoreman, with the duty of hiding his silver so that it does not fall into the hands of his political enemies. Nostromo is highly respected by his fellow citizens and is viewed as being incorruptible, so he is a natural choice for such a serious task. Nostromo succeeds in hiding the silver, but his good deed does not bring him the favor and respect that he feels is his due and his bitterness morphs into greed. Even the perfect and pure Nostromo cannot resist the power of the silver and it is his eventual undoing. Set against the lush landscape and turbulent politics of South America, “Nostromo” is a Conrad’s masterful tale of the power of money, its ability to corrupt, and the destruction it leaves behind. This edition includes a biographical afterword.


First published serially between 1868 and 1869, “The Idiot” is Dostoevsky’s most deeply personal work, which he remarked was his own personal favorite. It follows the journey of the title character, Prince Lev Nikolayevich Myshkin, who is actually intelligent but is cynically referred to as an “idiot” by his fellow characters for his moralistic purity. Prince Myshkin is a young man from an ancient noble Russian family who is returning home after a two year stay at a Swiss clinic for treatment of his epilepsy, a condition that Dostoevsky himself suffered from. On his train journey home he meets the darkly passionate and reckless young man Rogozhin, and is drawn into a love triangle with the beautiful, but flawed and destructive, Nastasya Filippovna. Upon returning to Russia, Prince Myshkin stands out as the exact opposite of the society around him. He is thoughtful, deliberate, deeply compassionate, and selfless; while his contemporaries are greedy, impulsive, materialistic, manipulative, and self-absorbed. They cannot understand the Prince and mistakenly interpret his naivete as idiocy. “The Idiot” is a tragic, haunting, and deeply moving examination of a wholesome and idealistic man’s struggle to cope with the changes being brought on by a modernizing Russia during the second half of the 19th century. This edition follows the translation of Eva M. Martin and includes a biographical afterword.


Widely believed to be her masterpiece, Elizabeth Gaskell’s “Wives and Daughters” was originally published serially in “Cornhill Magazine” between August 1864 and January 1866. The work, which was nearly finished at the time of Gaskell’s death in 1865, was completed by Frederick Greenwood. The novel’s heroine is Molly Gibson, the only daughter of a widowed country doctor in a small town in England. Molly, lonely and motherless, is befriended by the Hamley family, who are landed gentry and therefore above Molly’s station, as the daughter of a professional. After returning home to her father, Molly finds that he has remarried. While her new stepmother is petty and greedy, in sharp contrast to Molly’s warmth, kindness and innocence, Molly finds a friend and confidant in her new stepsister Cynthia. “Wives and Daughters”, a classic 19th century romantic novel that follows the daily lives and romantic entanglements of Molly, Cynthia, and their family and friends; is an insightful examination of the constraints imposed by society between individuals of professional versus aristocratic social classes. In turns both heartbreaking and comic, Gaskell’s novel will linger with readers long past the final page. This edition includes an introduction by Adolphus W. Ward and a biographical afterword.


Charles Dickens’s first novel, “The Pickwick Papers” was originally published in serial form between March 1836 and October 1837. Drawing on Dickens’s experience as a journalist and reporter in London and the surrounding countryside, the novel is a series of loosely related comical adventures of the members of the Pickwick Club, founded by the novel’s main character, Mr. Samuel Pickwick. Mr. Pickwick is a wealthy and bored old gentleman who suggests that he and the club members, Tracy Tupman, Augustus Snodgrass, and Nathaniel Winkle, venture outside London and report on their experiences to each other. From encounters with highwaymen, a duel, romantic escapades, and a brief stay in Fleet Prison, these wild and hilarious adventures form the basis of the novel’s plot. “The Pickwick Papers” gained immense popularity and became one of the first publishing successes of the pre-Victorian era when the character of Sam Weller was introduced in Chapter Ten. Sam is hired on as Mr. Pickwick’s valet and his wise Cockney observations and advice stand in contrast to the naïve and unworldly Mr. Pickwick. Through its numerous well-loved characters and settings, the novel affords the reader a fascinating and entertaining glimpse into 19th century England. This edition includes an introduction by Edwin Percy Whipple and a biographical afterword.


First published serially between 1864 and 1865, “Our Mutual Friend” is the last novel completed by Charles Dickens. The death of a wealthy miser, who is estranged from all except his trusted employees, Nicodemus and Henrietta Boffin, brings his son John Harmon back to London in order to claim his inheritance. The patrimony carries with it one condition, that he marries a woman he has never met, Miss Bella Wilfer. When a body is found floating in the Thames, it is presumed to be John, and the inheritance instead passes to the Boffins. The kind-hearted working class Boffins take into their household the disappointed bride to be Miss Wilfer and treat her as their own daughter, pampering her with their newfound wealth. They also accept the generous offer of John Rokesmith to attend to their financial affairs for free. Rokesmith, who also goes by the alias of Julius Handford, is in fact the heir John Harmon, presumed to be dead. Dickens’s novel is a thematically rich one, addressing the struggle of man between societal expectations and the desire to follow one’s heart. Rich with a symbolism of rebirth, “Our Mutual Friend” brilliantly dramatizes the impact that wealth plays upon society. This edition includes an introduction by Edwin Percy Whipple and a biographical afterword.