
Exciting adventure awaits two cousins when they accidentally stumble upon a hidden magical Sandcastle! Before either boy can say “Treasure Chest,” they are swept into this new world by a mysterious artifact, shrinking them to the size of local sand crabs! Without giving them any time to understand what has happened, a new foe, with his own magical “Object of Power,” launches a sudden attack. To the boy’s surprise and relief, the door of the Sandcastle swings open just in time, revealing an amazing underground world, including an unexpected friend and ally, saving the day!<br><br> Once inside the Sandcastle itself, the cousins quickly make new friends (and formidable enemies) amongst the various creatures that live on this enchanted beach. Through battles and ancient puzzles, they journey through this underground realm, only to learn that what has been taught them in their history books – might be very different in real life – including the legends of local pirates, and other events related to Galveston Island. The journey through the Sandcastle’s domain reveals treasure both physical and spiritual. Join the boys as they unknowingly become an important part of the age-old, <i>War of the Sky-Lords</i>.


Young readers will thrill to this breathless story of courage and determination set in the Alaska wilderness. Abandoned by their mother in Seattle, thirteen year old twins Annie and David Ross enlist the help of Lars Hansen, an elderly commercial fisherman, to find their father in Alaska. In late November, when most fishing vessels are decommissioned for the winter, the trio sets out from Puget Sound in a forty foot salmon troller for an eight hundred mile journey along the Inside Passage. Pursued by the authorities as runaways, and with Lars's health failing, the three experience one adventure after another as they inch their way North, through terrifying winter storms and frightening encounters with strangers. In the process, Annie and David also make new, lasting friendships and kindle personal reserves of strength that they didn't know existed.




Святая мисочка, ну что за безобразие?! Кто посмел обворовывать маленьких детей?! В парке, в котором я, Пауль фон Таксенвальд, гуляю каждый день, завелись воры. Они совершают ужасно дерзкие преступления: крадут мягкие игрушки у малышей! Но зачем им старые плюшевые собачки и медвежата? И как выйти на след злодеев? Очевидно, мне и моему другу коту Сникерсу пора приниматься за новое расследование. Берегитесь, воры, от хвостатых детективов ещё никто не уходил!


Когда семья Раджа переехала из Нью-Йорка в маленький провинциальный городок, мальчик решил, что его жизнь станет невероятно скучной. Здесь нет ни друзей, ни любимой пиццерии, ни магазина комиксов. Но Радж и не догадывался, как здорово он ошибался. Однажды на пороге его дома появился весьма необычный кот. Оказалось, что Кошмар – так прозвали хвостатого в семье Раджа, – на самом деле… инопланетянин! Диктатор, сосланный с планеты Лотток, не собирается мириться с несправедливостью и хочет во что бы то ни стало вернуться на родину. И единственный, кто может ему помочь, это Радж. Получится ли у них построить телепорт и запустить Кошмара в космос?


Кошмар и Радж в ужасе. В их городе поселились их заклятые враги! Теперь Раджу придётся снова терпеть насмешки своего бывшего лучшего друга, а Кошмара ждёт новое противостояние с самим генералом Остроклыком, котом, который сослал его на Землю. И если Радж понятия не имеет, что теперь делать, то Кошмар полон решимости! Он надумал создать кошачью армию и дать отпор Остроклыку! Но удастся ли ему это? Ведь тренировать земных котов о-очень непросто!


A painted sword is their only protection from evil sorcery, strange creatures, and enemy forces. On the spell-crossed Phaer Isle, teenage Xemion dreams of being a great swordsman. When he finds a blade-shaped stick, he fashions it to look like a real sword. Knowing that the laws of their cruel Pathan conquerors would require a death sentence for possession of such an object, his friend Saheli demands he destroy it. He agrees, but insists on performing just one sword ceremony. When his mastery of the weapon, a skill long forgotten, is witnessed by a mysterious man named Vallaine, the two friends are invited to join a planned rebellion. At first they refuse, but when a sadistic official discovers their transgressions, they are forced to flee their home and embark on a dangerous journey to the ruins of the ancient city of Ulde, where rebel forces are gathering. Armed with only their wits and the painted sword, they face Thralls, Triplicants, dragons, rage-wraiths, and a host of other spell-crossed beings. As they approach the Great Kone, source of all spell-craft, Saheli’s fear of magic and Xemion’s attraction to it bind them in a crossed spell of their own – one that threatens to separate the two forever.



In The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, four English children are sent to their uncle's house in the country during World War 2. The youngest, Lucy, discovers a wardrobe that is a portal to a magical world, known as Narnia, filled with talking animals, fauns, nymphs, dwarves, and an evil queen who keeps the world always winter but never Christmas. When the rest of her brothers and sisters join her in Narnia, they meet the great Lion Aslan, and quickly become embroiled in a battle between good and evil that will determine the fate of Narnia itself.