
Продолжение приключений домашнего кота Мур-Мурыча. На этот раз ему и его друзьям предстоит отправится в джунгли, что бы раскрыть старую тайну.


Мишкины рассказы – это истории из жизни одного мальчика, которые так или иначе повлияли на его дальнейшую жизнь. Истории о том, как он знакомится с окружающим миром и пытается сделать верный выбор между добром и злом. Некоторые фрагменты могут показаться моему читателю излишне прямыми и жестокими, но именно так воспринимает мир детский мозг – прямо, открыто, без уловок и обертки.


Дорогие юные читатели! Перед вами первая книга из серии "Ангелина в стране магов" юной болгарской писательницы Василевой Цвети-Александры. Ангелина – старшая дочка в семье Иден. Двенадцатилетняя девочка с рыжими кудрявыми волосами и зелеными, как весенняя листва, глазами не хотела оставаться в Эрвилде, так как каждый день в окно ее комнаты мальчики ее возраста кидали огрызки яблок или другой мусор, говоря обидные слова о ней и ее семье. Считалось, что древними предками семьи Иден были маги. В эту историю верили все жители города и хотели, чтобы семья уехала отсюда. Однажды Геля так расстроилась, что убежала из дома на три дня, после чего родители приняли решение переехать на новое место. Итак, вперед за приключениями вместе с нашей героиней и ее друзьями, которые с нетерпением ожидают ее переезда в другой город!


&#39;Ponky Star Saves A Friend&#39; is a story of friendship and adventure. <br>Three friends brave it to the Land Below on a dangerous rescue mission. <br><br>Will these brave stars save Blink Star who is trapped in a cave – will they all get back home in the skies once they fly down?<br><br>Read this fun, adventure tale to find out more!


Haunters of used book stores may have spotted the mystery and adventure books of Percy Keese Fitzhugh (1876-1950). They were phenomenally popular in the 1920s, and millions of copies were sold. Fitzhugh was an American author. His first known work, The Goldenrod Story Book, was published in 1906. The bulk of his work, having a Boy Scouting theme, revolves around the fictional town of Bridgeboro, New Jersey. Characters included Tom Slade, Pee-wee Harris, Roy Blakely, and Westy Martin. Fitzhugh&#39;s Scouting based books were very popular with children and adults. His characters became so real to his readers that it was not uncommon for Percy to receive fan mail addressed to the characters themselves. In the 1930s, attempting to branch out, he began writing the Hal Keen Mystery Series (10 titles) under the pseudonym Hugh Lloyd. They were followed by another mystery series, Skippy Dare, though this one only lasted for 3 books. Neither of these series achieved the popularity of his Scout work.&lt;P> This volume contains the first 7 Pee-Wee Harris books:&lt;P> Pee-wee Harris (1922)&lt;BR> Pee-wee Harris on the Trail (1922)&lt;BR> Pee-wee Harris in Camp (1922)&lt;BR> Pee-wee Harris in Luck (1922)&lt;BR> Pee-wee Harris Adrift (1922)&lt;BR> Pee-wee Harris, F.O.B. Bridgeboro (1923)&lt;BR> Pee-wee Harris, Fixer (1924)&lt;P> If you enjoy this volume of the MEGAPACK® series, check out the more than 400 other volumes, covering children&#39;s literature, science fiction, fantasy, horror, mystery, romance—and much, much more! Don&#39;t be fooled like competitors&#39; poorly-formatted books using similar names! Search your favorite ebook store for &#34;Wildside Press Megapack&#34; to see them all.


Who wrote that threatening letter? Who beat up Bill Collins? Who stole his suitcase and his letter? <P> "At last," thought they, «we have found the culprit!» They held John Till on the ground, kicking and squirming. Then suddenly, Old Man Paddler came on the scene and they began their search all over with entirely new clues.


Bryce Walton was a prolific short story writer as well as a popular novelist. He began his career writing for the science fiction pulp magazines, and later moved into the more respectable (and higher paying) mystery short story and Young Adult book fields.<P> Wildside Press has been working to reissue many of his classic works. Here, then, are four of his action-adventure novels aimed at the Young Adult market (they are quite readable for adults, too):<P> Cave of Danger<BR> Harpoon Gunner<BR> Hurricane Reef<BR> The Fire Trail<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 260+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


A whimsical allegory for life at journey's end, Ghost Tram wends its way through old Melbourne at night, its progress witnessed by creatures great and small whose time is not yet nigh.


Marilla and Jerry are two merfolk who live in the waters of Port Stephens, where they have many friends in the sea and on the shores.<br /> <br />Years ago, when she was very small, Marilla's parents disappeared. Now she only has her grandmother to care for her.<br /> <br />On a trip with her dolphin friends up the east coast of Australia, Marilla learns of the mystery of Esmeralda Cove. Convinced it involves the fate of her lost family, she is determined to solve it. Marilla and Jerry embark on a dangerous adventure.