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Воспитание детей
Различные книги в жанре Воспитание детей, доступные для чтения и скачиванияБольшая книга родителей будущих первоклассников - Елизавета Филоненко
Академия психологии для родителейАннотация
Родители дошкольников и младших школьников! Эта книга – для вас!
Учеба – самая сложная работа в жизни ребенка, и большинство родителей в наши дни начинают готовить свое чадо к школьному обучению чуть ли не с пеленок. В ход идут различные методики «раннего развития» и развивающие пособия, призванные обеспечить первокласснику успешный школьный старт, развить в нем лидерские способности и сформировать гармоничную личность. Однако чаще всего старания взрослых приводят к обратному результату – увы, современные дети не хотят учиться, не умеют общаться, отдают предпочтение не книгам и подвижным играм, а гаджетам, и школа для них становится источником постоянного стресса.
Существует ли выход из этого тупика? Да. Дверь в успешное будущее для дошкольника открывают пять ключей: социальный интеллект, эмоциональный интеллект, произвольность и мотивация, физическое развитие и интеллектуальные навыки. Обо всех тонкостях и секретах развития этих сфер рассказывает детский психолог и специалист в семейной психотерапии Елизавета Филоненко.
Free-Range Kids, How to Raise Safe, Self-Reliant Children (Without Going Nuts with Worry) - Lenore Skenazy
FREE RANGE KIDS has become a national movement, sparked by the incredible response to Lenore Skenazy?s piece about allowing her 9-year-old ride the subway alone in NYC. Parent groups argued about it, bloggers, blogged, spouses became uncivil with each other, and the media jumped all over it. A lot of parents today, Skenazy says, see no difference between letting their kids walk to school and letting them walk through a firing range. Any risk is seen as too much risk. But if you try to prevent every possible danger or difficult in your child?s everyday life, that child never gets a chance to grow up. We parents have to realize that the greatest risk of all just might be trying to raise a child who never encounters choice or independence.
Explains massage for preemies, newborns, and toddlers Soothe your baby and promote well-being the all-natural way Curious about baby massage? Featuring illustrations and step-by-step instructions, this friendly guide makes it easy to use techniques that can reduce your baby's stress; ease the discomfort of colic, constipation, and teething; and create a strong attachment between the two of you. You'll also find suggestions for making massage part of your everyday routine. Discover how to: * Ease common ailments * Enhance your bond with your baby * Stimulate growth and development * Comfort a fussy baby * Massage babies with special needs
Depressive disorders can produce dramatic and frightening changes in young peoples’ behaviour, but while parents may suspect something is wrong, they are often at a loss to know what. This book shows parents how to tell the difference between the ordinary ups and downs and true depression, helping them better understand clinical warning signs and the various approaches to treatment. Dealing sensitively with how depression sometimes manifests itself—self-harm, alcohol and drug abuse, and suicide attempts—the book offers parents practical guidance on how they can reach out to their children and find professional assistance.
If you want to focus children's attention, you first have to capture their interest. Attention Games is filled with interesting and child-tested activities that can help children of all ages become better at focusing and paying attention. By sharing the upbeat, joyful activities in Attention Games, you can enhance your child's intelligence, boost his confidence, increase his ability to concentrate on one thing for long periods, and show that you care. Developed by Barbara Sher—parent, teacher, play therapy specialist and pediatric occupational therapist—these activities are specially designed to encourage kids to expand their powers of attention in ways that will help them throughout their lives.
A step-by-step guide to bringing up happy, responsible children… One of the greatest challenges any parent will face, is teaching their children the difference between right and wrong and helping them to learn good social behaviour, whilst maintaining a satisfying, loving relationship. Today, more than ever before, parents are concerned about their children's behaviour and its effect not only on the child, but also upon society. This step-by-step guide provides well-researched information for parents who want to positively encourage their children and teenagers to behave well and to achieve their full potential. A practical guide which incorporates plenty of useful advice on issues such as: ? Providing positive attention for children ? Using rewards ? Communicating Effectively ? Empowering Teenagers ? Negotiating Rules and Boundaries
101 SIMPLE WAYS TO MAKE EVERY DAY A SPECIAL DAY! Children who move their bodies as part of the learning process are more stimulated and alert-and they retain more of what they are taught. By sharing the upbeat, joyful activities in Smart Play, you can enhance your child's intelligence, boost his or her confidence, teach academic and motor skills, and provide a lasting foundation for learning. Developed by Barbara Sher over the course of thirty years as a parent, teacher, and play-therapy specialist, this collection of 101 delightful, easy-to-follow games helps children use their bodies to master essential mental skills and concepts. You and your family can play virtually anywhere, with any number of participants, and without special preparation or equipment. So gather the children in your life and get ready to have fun as you open their minds and hearts to new experiences and knowledge. SPECIAL SECTIONS HIGHLIGHT: * Encouraging movement and thinking * Improving motor and social skills * Enhancing language and math skills * Fostering parent-child interaction * Building on children's love of fantasy, action, and rhythm
What does being a dad in the 21st Century really mean? Men today want to play an active role in the upbringing of their children; that means knowing how to cope with them, play with them, control them and love them. Becoming a father however, can be an extremely daunting prospect, after all it is completely uncharted territory. This wonderful book is not only for expectant and new fathers but covers the whole range of issues dads encounter from conception through to teenage traumas. Situations such as step-fatherhood and the changing relationship with partners are also discussed in a sensitive and informative style. The stresses imposed by modern lifestyles on fathers and kids are looked at as well as the problems and benefits encountered by the fact that kids today are often very sophisticated and clued-up. Chapters include: * I'm Going to be a Dad * Bonding for Fathers * Discipline * Learning to Play Again * Teenage Traumas Written in a light-hearted yet informative style, and including numerous interviews with fathers themselves, this book reflects the latest thinking and theories on how to be a good father.
As we all know, sexuality is not an easy topic for parents and carers to deal with once their children enter adolescence. We are all aware of the need to discuss sex with our kids, the only question is, how to start the conversation? This practical, down-to-earth book offers tips on how to broach the subject and gives advice on a range of problems from the bodily changes at puberty through to coping with relationships, contraception and HIV. And in light of modern society's ever changing attitudes towards sexual behaviour, more controversial issues are addressed such as sexual orientation and STDs. Written in a very open, honest style, yet based on a solid bedrock of scientific information this book will help you to help your teenager to cope with their own sexuality. * Written by a very well respected academic * Includes useful lists of organisations and further reading * Will empower you to develop a deeper, more satisfying relationships with your teenage kids
The Three Big Questions for a Frantic Family. A Leadership Fable About Restoring Sanity To The Most Important Organization In Your Life - Patrick Lencioni M.
In this unique and groundbreaking book, business consultant and New York Times best-selling author Patrick Lencioni turns his sights on the most important organization in our lives—the family. As a husband and the father of four young boys, Lencioni realized the discrepancy between the time and energy his clients put into running their organizations and the reactive way most people run their personal lives. Having experienced the stress of a frantic family firsthand, he and his wife began applying some of the tools he uses with Fortune 500 companies at home, and with surprising results.