
How America was Tricked on Tax Policy explains how regular citizens were “tricked” by the outdated view of economists that much heavier taxation of labor rather than capital is economically justifiable. The truth is that workers pay their taxes while the rich pay very little. Based on reputable sources of information, including publications of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), official statistics data, and the publications in high-ranked journals, the book paves the way for a new policy-making process aimed to achieve more sustainable taxation and to increase the wellbeing of citizens as the main goal of any modern state policy.  Dealing with critically important and underexplored topics in tax policy, the book challenges an enshrined dogma that is rarely challenged at the level of policy. In doing so, this book envisions policy changes that could be highly impactful in a new political administration. This book proposes that governments should look for not just corporate income tax rate reduction when announcing their tax reforms but should equally focus on the reduction of the overall tax burden on labor. The negative impact and high social cost of wage taxation is exemplified by the key areas of tax policy that are relevant for every wealthy state, such as taking due care of public health, investing in education and wellbeing of children, and supporting small business for the overall benefit to society. The book compellingly argues how tax policy could be improved by incorporating science and scientific methods.


Журнал «БУХ.1С» выходит с 2002 года и адресован практикующим бухгалтерам, пользователям программных продуктов «1С», а также всем, кто интересуется вопросами бухгалтерского учета, налогообложения и автоматизации хозяйственной деятельности предприятий. В этом номере: – Как в «1С:Бухгалтерии 8» отразить валютные операции; – Маркировка новых групп товаров, поддержка в 1С; – Изменения для спецрежимов с 2021 года; – Как в 1С рассчитать и начислить пособие по уходу за ребенком до 1,5 лет. И многое другое. Дополнительно после приобретения журнал будет доступен в формате epub.



Предлагаемый сборник относится к числу изданий научных трудов студентов бакалавриата и магистратуры, раскрывающих видение перспектив развития бухгалтерского учета в условиях информационного общества. В сборнике нашли отражение основные тенденции реформирования учета и отчетности в современной России. Предназначен для студентов бакалавриата, магистратуры, аспирантуры.


Learn the skills to make your bookkeeping business thrive!

Run your own profitable business from home
Start your business with just a small investment
Learn how to successfully market your services

Many bookkeeping services fail because the entrepreneurs who start them focus on bookkeeping and don’t take the time to learn how to plan their businesses and make them profitable. Written in the step-by-step style that has made the Start & Run series the best of its kind, this indispensable guide addresses issues specific to a bookkeeping service, such as how to assess which clients are profitable and when to involve a professional accountant. By following the principles Angie Mohr outlines and using the worksheets that accompany this book, you will be well on your way to owning a successful bookkeeping business. You will learn how to:

assess whether running your own business is right for you
decide whether to work from home
market your services cost-effectively
manage your workload and cashflow

Whether you are just starting your own business or wanting to expand an existing business, this book will show you how. It includes chapters on hiring and managing employees, staying competitive, and planning for business growth.


This book, the fourth volume of Studies on Balkan and Near Eastern Social Sciences, is a collection of empirical and theoretical research papers in the social sciences regarding the Balkans and the Near East written by researchers from several different universities and institutions. The book addresses economic, financial, political, historical, sociological, and international relations and health, cultural, and feminist issues in the region of the Balkan and the Near East. The book is aimed at educators, researchers, and students interested in the Balkan and Near Eastern countries.


By January 2012 all major economies, apart from the US, will provide financial reports using International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). This book sets out the key differences between IFRS and US GAAP from a practitioner's perspective, although financial analysts will also benefit from the material presented.
The financial crisis has been attributed to, among other things, a perceived lack of transparency in the financial markets. In general, transparency implies an ability to see the reported results of an entity's financial activities clearly and to use these results in making investment decisions. At question is the belief that transparency in financial reporting will lead to transparency in financial markets. Unfortunately, this link may be more subjective than most of us wish.
Ruth Ann McEwen presents an analysis of reporting issues affecting transparency under IFRS, compared with US GAAP, and suggests areas of concern for preparers and users of financial reports. Providing an invaluable guide for all accountancy professionals, the book also contains a technical analysis of major accounting issues raised by convergence, and indicates areas of interest during initial adoption of IFRS by US entities. This authoritative book provides all the essential information required for advanced practitioners and analysts at this critical juncture.


Building and maintaining effective financial models
See-Through Modelling provides a solid theoretical and practical basis for becoming an advanced financial modeller in Excel. It gives the theory and practical detail necessary to build and maintain a financial model yourself. This is done with particular reference to project finance and by drawing upon the lessons learned from UK PFI.
In this book Dominic Robertson covers the key aspects of financial modelling, including:
– Financial theory – Modelling theory – Excel theory and techniques – A step-by-step practical guide to building a project finance operating model – Computer set-up and efficient use – Keyboard skills – Macro-economic data collection
He also includes key practical techniques such as how to:
– Greater strategic vision due to vast forecast flexibility – Lower risk of modelling errors due to standardised modelling – Decrease reliance on individual analysts due to increased ease of model interchange – Clear, detailed and holistic modelling function training outline
Learning to build a UK PFI project finance model is an extremely good place to start to learn financial modelling. UK PFI is like the world in miniature with simplified operations and simplified finance but containing all the accounting and cash elements that make for a wide-ranging experience.
See-Through Modelling is for finance directors who are looking for a deeper understanding of the dynamics of their enterprise and those who want to understand the benefits of adopting a see-through modelling strategy within their enterprise. It is also an invaluable resource for aspiring financial modellers in general and project finance modellers in particular.