
Not constant speed of light, concentration of energy, morphogenetic fields, connection of times in theory and practical experiment – you will find it here. Biology, history and psychology are linked by physical laws into a single whole. Do you want to know the rules of the universe? Classical science and unverified but interesting observations. Transmutation of elements and the principle of operation of a natural Time Machine. Relativity theory and unsupported motion. Open this book…


Не постоянная скорость света, концентрация энергии, морфогенетические поля, связь времен в теории и практическом эксперименте – это вы найдете здесь. Биология, история и психологиясвязаны физическими законами в единое целое. Вы желаете узнать правила Вселенной? Классическая наука и непроверенные, но интересные наблюдения. Трансмутация элементов и принцип работы природной Машины Времени. Теория Относительности и безопорное движение.Откройте эту книгу…


Beekeeping might seem exotic or old-fashioned, but around the world it is becoming more and more common to find a hive or two in urban spaces and suburban backyards. Some modern beekeepers are inspired by the desire to help out the frequently beleaguered creatures, others simply enjoy fresh honey from the most local of sources—the backyard garden. This book discusses your options for setting up a hive almost anywhere, how to plant a bee-friendly garden, and how to harvest and use your very own honey. Not only is it a great hobby, you’ll also be rewarded with a plentiful supply of honey that you can use in tea as well as for cooking, baking and perhaps even lip salve and skin cream.


The Total Outdoorsman Manual is the ultimate guide book for the outdoors enthusiast, packed with hundreds of practical tips and techniques from T. Edward Nickens and the experts at Field & Stream magazine, that is guaranteed to improve your hunting, fishing, camping and survival skills.
With practical information for both the beginner and advanced outdoorsman, the book is an authoritative, comprehensive, and entertaining guide that will enable anyone to master the outdoors and hunt, fish, and camp like an expert. The 10th anniversary edition includes a chapter of new tricks and skills from Total Outdoorsman Challenge contestants.
HUNT BETTER How to track a buck, make the toughest shots, master bowhunting and knife skills, and haul, butcher, and cook wild game.
FISH SMARTER Advice on the best techniques for flyfishing, baitcasting, and spinning, as well as surefire ways to get the most out of your motorboat, canoe, or kayak.
SURVIVE ANYTHING Whether you fall through thick ice, are swept away by a raging river, or have a stare down with an angry bear, these skills means the difference between life and death.
CAMP ANYWHERE Tested and proven expert tips to help you stay warm, eat well, and build a fire in any situation in record time.


Do you keep a few favorite squirrel recipes committed to memory? Know by heart the way to the best deer stand on Grandpa's 20-acre farm? Have an old tractor rusting in the back field, because you just might need the parts one day? You're not alone. So do the authors of The Total Redneck Manual.
Whether you’re winching your truck out of a mud hole, packing in a good dip, or teaching your bird dog to fetch a beer from the mini-fridge, there’s something in this country-fried cultural document for you.
This is a loving celebration of an all-American cultural icon, but it’s also a hands-on working book that can help anyone better enjoy the great outdoors. In true Field & Stream fashion, it's packed with 200+ tips on essential outdoor skills, from picking the right hunting dog and sighting in a rifle, to fixing just about anything with duct tape and paracord, to frying up catfish just like grandma used to make. You'll also learn to open a beer bottle with just about anything, spit on a campfire with deadly accuracy, and kit out the truck of your dreams… with spray paint.
So, kick off your boots, crack open a cold one, take a seat on the porch, and learn from the best.


Everything you need to know about your new feline friend, with over 200 top tips from the experts at Adopt-a-Pet.com! From adoption and care to behavior and communication, this is the most comprehensive guide to cats available.
The experts at Adopt-a-Pet.com, who have spent many years connecting homeless pets to their new families, have compiled all the essential information on adopting a new feline family member into one definitive tome:
Basics: Understand your new kitten or cat, prepare for a new arrival, get the skinny on supplies and toys, and learn everything you need to know to integrate a kitty into your home and life.
Behavior: Get the scoop on breed characteristics, troubleshoot problems, and learn how to communicate with your new friend.
Care & Health: Choose a veterinarian, treat common ailments, and keep kitty entertained, clean, happy, and safe in their new home!
Get ready for your new kitten or learn everything you need to know about the family cat with The Total Cat Manual. With high-quality design, intricate detail, and a durable flexicover, this manual is the perfect gift!


How to survive a range of natural disasters, from extreme weather to earthquakes and tsunamis, to peril from outer space. Find all the lifesaving advice you need to combat all that Mother Nature can throw at you.

The perfect size to fit in your home emergency kit (you do have a home emergency kit, right?), in your glove compartment, or your camping kit. The Natural Disaster Survival Handbook is a must-have for anyone concerned about protecting his or her home, family, and own life.

Essential: Get ready to protect your home, with the right emergency kit and first aid supplies. Be ready for earthquakes, floods, blizzards, and other natural disasters wherever you may be. Learn simple tips and techniques for treating common injuries, assessing danger, and getting to safety fast.

Extreme: When a tornado is bearing down on your car, the floodwaters have cut off your home, or you’re camping and the lightning strikes seem to be getting closer—what do you do? This book tells you, in simple steps with handy illustrations.

Emergency: Mudslides, avalanche, falling boulders often start without warning, leaving little time to prepare – or even think. Be prepared for the worst so you can react quickly.

The Natural Disaster Survival Handbook is essential no matter what you’re doing or where you live.


Extreme weather has the ability to leave us devastated, but with the easy-to-follow Extreme Weather Survival Manual you’ll be ready for anything Mother Nature throws at you. Dennis Mersereau and the editors of Outdoor Life magazine offer their life saving advice to help you survive blizzards, hurricanes, firestorms and much more.
As a weather reporter, it’s only natural that Dennis Mersereau is a self-proclaimed weather freak. Slate.com said of him, “Don’t mess with the Mersereau. He will find your weather fables and he will crush them . . . We need more Dennises. In fact, the National Weather Service itself should be run by Dennis, with each local office headed by a Dennis-like weather blogger tasked with explaining the relevant weather news of the day, and entertaining us when the weather is boring.” Luckily for you, he’s partnered with the outdoor experts at Outdoor Life to bring you the foolproof guide to surviving extreme weather.
From how to read the sky, to which of your grandma’s no-fail weather predicting tips actually work, to how to survive a Storm of the Century, this book has you covered. Filled with weird weather facts (what are those weird sounds under the snow and should you worry about them?) to hands-on survival hints (literally hands-on. Like, don’t lose your fingers to frostbite) to true tales of amazing survival, the Extreme Weather Survival Manual is the one book you need to weather any storm. With high-quality design, intricate detail, and a durable flexicover—this manual is the perfect gift!


From the same team that brought you the Total Fishing Manual, comes the book fly fishing fanatics have been waiting for: The Total Fly Fishing Manual: 307 Tips and Tricks from Expert Anglers. The Total Fly Fishing Manual is the most comprehensive collection of expert fly fishing advice and up-to-date gear reviews. This book gathers the best tips, old school-techniques that still deliver and adds a wealth of new material.
Filled with over 300 hints from the best anglers in both salt and fresh water, the editors of Field and Stream give you everything you need to make the perfect pitch, find a secret spot and score a fish.
From the best flies of all time to the best reel for the job and when to change your hooks learn about the tools you needed for the job. As well as practical skills like tying a Palomar knot, how to unravel flylines, the five-minute fly, tying a clouser minnow, and how to lose the tailing loop.
From old to new, everything you need to know to strike in the night, put a different spin on it, spot and stalk, shoot the breeze and find where they feed.
Put yourself in the best position for the catch: get up the creek for a late-season trout, find a secret spot, sneak up on more fish, fish headwaters for autumn trout, fish with your eyes, hook more rising fish, take the long shot, and dominate the shoreline.
Whether you’re fishing for, salmon, bass or carp this guide will help you improve your technique, upgrade your equipment and hook your prize fish.


For 120 years, Field & Stream has published only top-tier fishing stories, and this riveting volume comprises the very best from the last decade. These pieces tell tales of the fish that drive us to obsession, of epic adventures and the rich characters, wild places, and challenges encountered along the way, and of the families and friends who share our passion.