
Essential Forensic Biology is an introduction to the application of the science of biology in legal investigations. Focusing on the legal system in the UK, the book provides a detailed description of the decay process, and discusses the role of forensic indicators – human fluids and tissues, including blood cells, bloodstain pattern analysis, hair, teeth, bones and wounds. It also considers the role microorganisms, invertebrates and plants play within forensic investigations before considering future directions in forensic science. The book examines the study of forensic biology in cases of suspicious death, and also explores the organisms used in a range of legal investigations; from human and animal neglect to food spoilage, structural damage, the illegal collection/trade of protected species and bioterrorism. Essential Forensic Biology fills the gap for a resource, which provides information on the range of biological organisms; animals, plants and microbes used in forensic studies. An invaluable introductory text for all students taking forensic science courses, the book features a fully integrated website that covers forensic entomology with additional material and figures from the text to enhance student understanding. An introduction covering the essentials of forensic biology Features a fully integrated website covering forensic entomology with additional material and self-test questions to reinforce student understanding Each chapter includes a series of questions and topics for further study Focuses on the UK legal system From the reviews: “…the numerous black and white photographs, drawings and tables within the book are clear and well deployed.” TIMES HIGHER EDUCATION SUPPLEMENT, 23rd February 2007


This book contains chapters by some of the leading figures in the field of evolutionary psychology. The latest data are presented on evolutionary theories in perception, information, various aspects of social behaviour, language, learning and aggression. A common theme running through the printed discussions in this book is the important problem of how we can develop and test rigorous characterizations of evolved mental adaptations.


This book is concerned with modelling the fate of organic substances in the soil. Once a chemical enters the soil it is subject to various transformation processes. It partitions between the liquid, solid and gaseous phase, it is sorbed to different binding sites with a different strength of bonding, it may decay by a simple chemical process or it may be transformed by microorganisms. Solute transport through soil and subsurface is mediated by water flow and is strongly influenced by solute sorption. To complicate matters, soil structures are heterogeneous. All these processes are embedded in a spatio-temporal hierarchy. The book brings together many different aspects of environmental fate modelling of pesticides comprising such diverse subjects as, e.g., compartment theory, nonlinear biological degradation models, modelling toxicity, parameter identification, coupling of physical and biological processes, pedotransfer functions, translation of models across scales, coupling geographical information systems with models, and FUZZY-approaches.


Cereal grain safety from farm to table Mycotoxin Reduction in Grain Chains examines the ways in which food producers, inspectors, and processors can keep our food supply safe. Providing guidance on identification, eradication, and prevention at each stop on the "grain chain?, this book is an invaluable resource for anyone who works with cereal grains. Discussions include breeding and crop management, chemical control, contamination prediction, and more for maize, wheat, sorghum, rice, and other major grains. Relevant and practical in the field, the lab, and on the production floor, this book features critical guidance for every point from farm to table.


A comprehensive volume examining the fundamental questions raised by reductionists' theory about levels of explanation necessary to understand biological systems. The book evaluates the enormously powerful techniques of molecular biology, and analyzes precisely how molecular information has improved our understanding of fundamental biological processes.


Insect-Plant Interactions and Induced Plant Defence Chair: John A. Pickett, 1999 This book examines the sophisticated mechanisms that plants use to defend themselves against attack by insects and pathogens, focusing on the networks of plant signalling pathways that underlie these defences. In response to herbivory, plants release a complex blend of as many as 100 volatile chemicals, known as semiochemicals ('sign chemicals'). These act as an airborne SOS signal, revealing the presence of the herbivore to the predators and parasitoids that are its natural enemies. Plants also have endogenous defence mechanisms that can be induced in response to pathogens, and separate chapters deal with systemic acquired resistance, phytoalexins, and the interacting pathways in pathogen and pest resistance. The book discusses underlying biochemical mechanisms by which plant stress leads to the biosynthesis of chemical signals from pools of secondary metabolite precursors, or even from the primary metabolism source. Finally, consideration is given to the possibilities for exploiting these signalling pathways by plant molecular genetics. The use of plant signals and their analogues to switch on defence pathways in crop plants is covered in depth. Bringing together contributions from entomologists, chemical ecologists, molecular biologists and plant physiologists this book is truly interdisciplinary, and will be essential reading for anyone with an interest in agricultural pest control.


Prominent clinicians and researchers from diverse disciplines discuss the basic cell and molecular biology of steroid action and sex steroids' effects on the nervous and immune systems. Provides an integrated evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages of hormone replacement therapy.




Жизнь на Земле – непостижимая, вездесущая, кишащая миллионами ног, сучков, колючек и зубов вакханалия, в которой мы существуем и из которой мы происходим. Три с половиной миллиарда лет она обходилась без нас, и вот, в последние мгновения истории, из этого хитросплетения животных, растений, грибов и микробов выныривает человек и задается вопросом: кто я такой и в чем смысл моей, человеческой, жизни? В своей дебютной книге эволюционный нейробиолог Николай Кукушкин шаг за шагом воссоздает картину мира от неживой материи до человеческого разума, чтобы найти в прошлом своего вида ответы на вечные вопросы. Оказывается, в человеческом страдании виноваты динозавры, легкие существуют благодаря лишайникам, а главным событием в жизни наших предков за последний эон было превращение в червей. «Хлопок одной ладонью» – это история человека и его внутреннего мира, вмещающая в себя весь путь от неорганических молекул до возникновения языка и рассказанная так, будто это рыцарский роман или мифический эпос.