

Реальная история англичанки Энни Грэйс, которая помогла тысячам людей вернуть себя. Сделав головокружительную карьеру в 26 лет и ведя обычный для топ-менеджера образ жизни, Энни внезапно осознала, что социально поощряемое и, казалось бы, безобидное употребление алкоголя вот-вот обернется для нее потерей не только работы, но и собственной личности. В этой книге откровенный рассказ об освобождении от зависимости сочетается с медицинскими, психологическими и социальными данными об алкоголе. Книга озвучена с помощью искусственного интеллекта.


Главный герой книги «XIX век. Айвазовский, море и вся его жизнь», великий маринист всех времён, Айвазовский Иван Константинович. В произведении показано, как мальчик из бедной семьи благодаря своему таланту, упорству, работоспособности становится великим художником XIX века. В книге также показана эпоха того периода, жизнь, быт, военные действия, которые вела Российская империя за свою независимость, за расширение своей территории. В формате PDF A4 сохранен издательский макет книги.


A collection of brilliant poems written by people working on the frontline of the Covid-19 pandemicAll revenues received by HarperCollins directly from sales of this ebook will be donated to NHS Charities Together for their Covid-19 appeal.Angela Marston is a retired Palliative Care Nurse who spent nearly 40 years in the NHS and Hospice services. She wrote her first poem whilst self-isolating with Covid-19 and, when she recovered, collected poems from other key workers and people affected by the virus.She created an anthology of poems from nurses, doctors, and teachers; pharmacists and journalists; child protection officers and food bank volunteers. From people aged 9 to 92. From established poets and writers.From heroes.Poems for a Pandemic is that anthology.It is a valuable collection of first-hand accounts – of love, of grief, of fear, and of hope – that explores the global effort to rescue humanity from the teeth of an invisible enemy. And it comes direct from the people that don capes and masks in order to go save the world.This is history in the making,’ Angela says, ‘and these poems record for all eternity the thoughts and feelings of ordinary people at an extraordinary time.’


Creation is the antidote to despair.‘All power to this amazing project.’ Joanne Harris‘[A] wonderful little book’ Jerome Flynn‘A must read for anyone who lives on earth.’ Bella LackHow can we begin to talk about what is happening to the world? We are facing a global emergency. Temperatures are rising. Mass species extinction has begun. The time for denial is over. It is time to act.Letters to the Earth is the beginning of a new story. It is an invitation to act and an opportunity to extend the invitation.These letters are the result of a callout from Culture Declares Emergency to the public to write a response to climate and ecological emergency. They are letters from all of us: parents and children; politicians and poets; actors and activists; songwriters and scientists. They are letters of Love, Loss Hope and Action to a planet in crisis.Includes contributions from activist Yoko Ono, poet Kate Tempest, actor Mark Rylance, author Laline Paull, illustrator of The Lost Words Jackie Morris, novelist Anna Hope, environmental writer Jay Griffiths and Green Party MP Caroline Lucas.


Curated by Ruth Hunt, this is a vital collection of essays by LGBT writers exploring sexuality, faith and religion.Is it possible to believe in God and be gay? How does it feel to be excluded from a religious community because of your sexuality? Why do some people still believe being gay is an abomination?In this challenging and eye-opening collection of essays, former CEO of Stonewall Ruth Hunt invites Queer Prophets from around the world to share how they have been affected by these two aspects of their identity.Jeanette Winterson explains we all need to avoid using false binaries. Amrou Al-Kadhi writes about trying to make it as a Muslim drag queen in London. Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s daughter, Mpho Tutu van Furth, relates her grief at being forced to give up her ministry in South Africa. Keith Jarrett reflects on his feelings of avoidance and shame in light of his Pentecostal upbringing, and John Bell writes about his decision to come out later on in life.Essays from: Jeanette Winterson, Mpho Tutu van Furth, Tamsin Omond, Dustin Lance Black, Amrou Al-Kadhi, Garrard Conley, Jarel Robinson-Brown, Andre Musskopf, Judith Kotze, John Bell, Padraig O Tauma, Keith Jarrett, Rachel Mann, Phyll Opoku-Gyimah, Erin Clark, Karl Rutlidge, Jeannie Gramick and Lucy Knight. Afterword: Kate Bottley


That fossilized chart on every classroom wall &#x2014; isn't that The Periodic Table? Isn't that what Mendel&#x00E9;ev devised about a century ago? No and No. There are many ways of organizing the chemical elements, some of which are thought-provoking, and which reveal philosophical challenges. Where does hydrogen 'belong'? Can an element occupy more than one location on the chart? Which are the Group 3 elements? Is aluminum in the wrong place? Why is silver(I) like thallium(I)? Why is vanadium like molybdenum? Why does gold form an auride ion like a halide ion? Does an atom 'know' if it is a non-metal or metal? Which elements are the 'metalloids'? Which are the triels? So many questions! In this stimulating and innovative book, the Reader will be taken on a voyage from the past to the present to the future of the Periodic Table. This book is unique. This book is readable. This book is thought-provoking. It is a multi-dimensional examination of patterns and trends among the chemical elements. Every reader will discover something about the chemical elements which will provoke thought and a new appreciation as to how the elements relate together.<b>Contents:</b> <ul><li>About the Author</li><li>Introduction</li><li>The Periodic Table Exploration Begins!</li><li>Isotopes and Nuclear Patterns</li><li>Selected Trends in Atomic Properties</li><li>First Period Problems</li><li>The Group 3 Problem</li><li>Categorizations of the Elements</li><li>Isoelectronicity</li><li>Group and Period Patterns among the Main Group Elements</li><li>Patterns among the Transition Metals</li><li>Group (<i>n</i>) and (<i>n</i>+10) Relationships</li><li>Chemical 'Knight's Move' Relationship</li><li>Isodiagonality</li><li>Lanthanoids, Group 3, and Their Connections</li><li>Actinoid and Post-Actinoid Elements</li><li>Pseudo-Elements</li><li>Index</li></ul><br><b>Readership:</b> Chemistry students, science educators, chemists.Periodic Table;Isoelectronicity;Atoms;Chemical Elements0<b>Key Features:</b><ul><li>This book provides a unique, multi-perspective approach to the patterns and trends among the chemical elements</li><li>This book introduces different ways in which individual chemical elements are related to another element or elements</li><li>This book uses fragments of the Periodic Table to highlight unexpected linkages and the individuals who identified them</li></ul>




Revelatory investigation into the police handling of the Yorkshire Ripper Case which spanned over 14 years. Newly updated to include Sutcliffe’s bid for freedom in 2008, and the verdict from court in 2010.For over twenty years, the dark secrets of the biggest criminal manhunt in British history have remained a closed book. Detectives refused all requests to tell the inside story of the Yorkshire Ripper investigation that logged over two million manhours of police work. The victims who survived maintained a wall of silence. And the detailed forensic evidence, witness statements and autopsy reports have remained locked away. Until now.Award-winning writer Michael Bilton has persuaded the key people to talk. After years of exhaustive research he can finally reveal the extraordinary truth behind the murder enquiry that left Peter Sutcliffe free to kill again and again. With exclusive access to the detectives involved, to pathologist's archives and confidential police reports, the story of the hunt reads as tensely as any thriller. Its measured analysis of the calamitous investigation is also a shocking and important indictment of the most notorious murder hunt of the twentieth century.Note that it has not been possible to include the same picture content that appeared in the original print version.