
История о том, как деревенский паренек Герд Кантер стал Олимпийским чемпионом в метании диска и спортивной легендой, довольно необычна. Герд начал серьезно тренироваться только в 21 год, когда случай свел его с автором книги Раулем Ребане. Рауль Ребане поверил в его талант, собрал вокруг Герда профессиональную команду, что привело к 11 медалям в различных состязаниях за титул. Книга представляет собой своеобразный учебник по стратегии становления Олимпийским чемпионом, где рассматриваемые темы затрагивают каждого спортсмена, тренера и родителя. Команда, о тренере и тренировках, принципы честного спорта, оценка таланта, стратегия, коммуникация, инновации в спорте, о значении физиотерапии и роли спорта – вот лишь несколько ключевых слов, которые встречаются в книге. Основная идея книги ориентирована на молодежь: если думать масштабно, возможно многое, вне зависимости от сферы. Многие эстонские фирмы использовали книгу в качестве учебника по мотивации и стратегии для своего коллектива.


La “Notte oscura dell’anima” può essere definito come uno sguardo critico ad una fase molto difficile che ognuno di noi prima o poi attraversa. Parla di un periodo propizio alla condanna o, per quanto sembri incredibile, ad una inusuale salvezza della persona. La “Notte oscura dell’anima” può essere definito come uno sguardo critico ad una fase molto difficile che ognuno di noi prima o poi attraversa. Parla di un periodo propizio alla condanna o, per quanto sembri incredibile, ad una inusuale salvezza della persona. Per raggiungere il finale è necessario determinare il momento esatto per fronteggiare le crisi per far sì che ci sia possibile liberarsi dall’oscurità ed entrare definitivamente nel grembo divino. Attraverso questo libro verranno svelati gli elementi chiave, per riuscirci con successo. A parte queste caratteristiche, il testo mostrerà anche come riuscire a convivere con le due forze esistenti nell’universo ed essere in grado di controllarle adeguatamente. Vorrei anche evidenziare che il libro è rivolto a tutte quelle persone che per una ragione o per un’altra non hanno ancora trovato la loro strada nella vita, ma non hanno perso la speranza di un cambiamento e che sanno forse ottenere la pace desiderata che tutti quanti cerchiamo. E inoltre con questo libro spero di contribuire all’evoluzione morale e spirituale dell’essere umano. Auguro a tutti una piacevole lettura e fino alla prossima volta, il favore di Dio.


A historical novel set in Tuscany in the 18th century, during the enlightened government of Pietro Leopoldo of Hapsburg Lorraine. Autobiographical memories of the Grand Duchess Maria Luisa, his wife and confidante. “Vienna 1792. Maria Ludovica of Bourbon, the Spanish Infanta, for many years Grand Duchess of Tuscany and now Empress of the Holy Roman Empire, watches impotently the sudden death of her beloved consort, Pietro Leopoldo of Hapsburg, and from that moment begins almost frenetically to rekindle, one after the other, her innumerable memories of a life, still short, but intensely lived, beside the man who, since their first meeting had fascinated and conquered her, and to whom she had been a discrete and faithful companion. Public facts are weaved together with private feelings, with joys and suffering, in a sequence of urgent events. The Empress unconsciously knows, has always known, that she cannot survive for long (Editor’s note: she will in fact die just two months later) after the death of her husband and therefore must hurry to organise her memories, to finally manage to give an answer to the most important question for her: what did she really mean to him? Only a political and dynastic link, the mother of his children, friend and confidante or the woman he loved notwithstanding everything?”


”She is Emily, Emily Marchionne: my life and my joy” in the book there are two interwoven stories between autobiography and romantic and dramatic tale. With an important message. In the first story we find Simone De Rosi, a sensitive guy, a dreamer who believes in love. Funny, dramatic situations are created around him that will change his life. In the course of the story he will fall by Emily Marchionne. In the second story appears Giorgio, a quiet boy, who was also a dreamer, who hopes to meet his rematch in love. It will cross the passions of protagonists, projects for the music, all narrated by a particular place and a particular person, which intrudes into the plots of the stories; to make sure everything goes the right way, but comes to terms with himself. The novel deals with various issues. It's an autobiography, in fact there are events in the two stories actually lived, but also fictitious events. It's psychological because enters the hard ”Pathology” of bipolar disorder, a shadow that falls on people that is really hard to pinpoint and then ”treat”. More generally it's romantic, because the love story of the characters is crucial in the evolution of the latter. And of course is dramatic because it happen get very sad, that disrupt the lives of the protagonists. Can easily identify with them because the author is a young man who has tried the emotions and experiences that for better or worse we all lived. What dumbfounding, in a good way, is that reading page after page we ask ourselves what message or shall we say the moral of the text. Probably each of us will do a different effect. Curiosity will push to read line after line, devouring every word.






Книга выдающегося польского пианиста и композитора Владислава Шпильмана рассказывает о тяжёлых испытаниях, выпавших на его долю в годы Второй мировой войны в Варшавском гетто. Он не просто пытался выжить, но по мере сил участвовал в сопротивлении врагу, пришедшему на родную землю. Однако впоследствии именно помощь немецкого офицера позволила ему спастись. Отрывки из дневников того самого офицера, Вильма Хозенфельда, также включены в издание и служат важным дополнением к тому, о чем пишет Шпильман. Книга послужила основой знаменитому фильму, поставленному Романом Полански.