
AT THE TOP OF THE HEAP, IT'S A LONG WAY DOWN…<br /><br /> The Little Fella, George Freeman, phoned to tell the owner of The Palace, an illegal Kings Cross casino, that everything was 'sweet in town – for now'. An all-clear from Sydney's gaming boss. He tended to have the right oil.<br /><br /> Beer, served in contravention of liquor licence conditions, at heavily marked up prices, was the liquid gold that gave Abe Saffron his start as a crime boss. 'Mr Sin' rebuilt Kings Cross from there.<br /><br /> Carl Williams joked that he ran Victoria, that he was 'the premier'. He wasn't of course, but he behaved like the State's Lord High Executioner for five bloody years. Why?<br /> For 12 years, nine blocks of Cabramatta were Heroin Central. Tri Minh Tran's 5T street gang run them.<br /><br /> L'Onorata Societa [The Honored Society], our mafia, celebrates 100 years since its first killing in the 2020s. Here, we look at how bosses handle succession and generational change. Shotguns appear regularly.


Джорджо Вазари – художник, архитектор и писатель – был младшим современником таких выдающихся мастеров итальянского Возрождения, как Леонардо да Винчи, Микеланджело, Тициан. Вазари-художника можно охарактеризовать как плодовитого и усердного, хоть и довольно посредственного маньериста – его живопись меркнет на ярком фоне итальянской культуры XVI века с ее плеядой великих мастеров и шедевров изобразительного искусства. В лице же писателя Вазари предстает перед нами как мощная и самобытная фигура, как создатель первой в Европе истории искусств, мастер итальянской прозы, классик науки об искусстве и художественной критики. «Жизнеописания наиболее знаменитых живописцев, ваятелей и зодчих» служили, служат и всегда будут служить настольной книгой для всякого любителя и исследователя итальянского искусства эпохи Возрождения как замечательный исторический документ, являющийся не только богатейшей сокровищницей фактического материала, но и полноценным художественным произведением, воссоздающим яркую и живую картину культурной жизни Италии на протяжении двух столетий. Собрание 178 биографий художников было окончено в 1550 году и издано в расширенном виде в 1568 году. В настоящее издание вошли биографии самых известных художников Возрождения, отобранные из всех трех частей «Жизнеописаний». Текст предваряет статья Александра Габричевского – советского историка и искусствоведа, работавшего над первым переводом труда Вазари на русский язык, который увидел свет в 1933 году.


From the WINNER OF THE NOBEL PRIZE IN LITERATURE 'A work of bewitching beauty and humanity' &nbsp;Chinua Achebe In 1948, a young J. M. G. Le Clézio left behind a still-devastated Europe with his mother and brother to join his father, a military doctor in Nigeria, from whom he had been separated by the war. In his characteristically intimate, poetic voice, the Nobel Prize-winning author relates both the child’s dazzled discovery of freedom in the African savannah and the torment of recalling his fractured relationship with a rigid, authoritarian father. Now available to UK readers in English for the first time, The African is a poignant memoir of a lost childhood and a tribute to a father whom Le Clézio never really knew. His legacy is the passionate anti-colonialism that the author has carried through his life.


A high-growth success story
Martyn Dawes set out to build a high-growth business with a simple idea and the will to do whatever was required to make it a success. Twelve years later he sold this business – Coffee Nation – for £23m.
Along the way, among many highs and lows, there was the thrill of seeing an idea come to life, costly failed trials and false starts, countless business plans, learning how and when to raise funding, the personal journey of surviving when success seemed so distant and securing contracts with some of the biggest retailers in the world. This is the story of how a great British business was built – from a blank sheet of paper – and how it came to be one of the nation's favourite consumer brands. It's also a guide to help any aspiring entrepreneur put their business on the path to high growth.
Through the course of an exciting narrative, Martyn shares his experiences of growing a business and his knowledge of what you should and shouldn't do. Mistakes to avoid are revealed just as honestly as the good decisions, making this is an unusually frank and valuable account for anyone looking to build their own business.
All areas from start-up to exit are covered, including:
– How to come up with an idea and know if it's any good – Researching and testing your business model – When you should not write a business plan and why not – The process of pitching to investors and raising funding – Negotiating contracts and controlling your finances – A special final chapter on how to set up a business for high-growth from the outset
Coffee Nation was based on the reliable principles of a simple idea, a compelling vision, a high-quality product and relentless enterprise. If you have the desire and vision to build your own high-growth business – or you want to read a fascinating story of how it has been done – look no further. It's time to wake up and sell the coffee.


Updated edition of the City bestseller, with a brand new epilogue.
By most people's standards, Jim Parton was being paid vast sums of money for doing nothing very much in the City. That is until, right in the middle of the recession, he is unceremoniously fired by his ungrateful boss. Sound familiar? Of course. But this is not 2009 mid credit crunch, this is the early 1990s. This a story from the last crisis, telling how Jim survived the shock of losing his job, the fallout from it, and how, despite all of it, he went on to have a happier life (in the end).
This is Jim's story of 'before and after'; of Maseratis and designer clothes; of dim people earning disgusting salaries; of fashionable redundancy becoming feared unemployment – and of what really happens when you spend more time with your wife and family.
A tale from the previous crash then, but one offering hope to those in the City right now and to those outside the City providing an insight to what life is like for people who populate the Square Mile. Find out what happens when the money stops…


«Мы старались рассмотреть факт, скрытый в рассказе Начальной летописи о первых киевских князьях, который можно было бы признать началом Русского государства. Мы нашли, что сущность этого факта такова: приблизительно к половине IX в. внешние и внутренние отношения в торгово-промышленном мире русских городов сложились в такую комбинацию, в силу которой охрана границ страны и ее внешней торговли стала их общим интересом, подчинившим их князю Киевскому и сделавшим Киевское варяжское княжество зерном Русского государства. Этот факт надобно относить ко второй половине IX в.: точнее я не решаюсь обозначить его время…»


Это краткое содержание моих путешествий по миру. Поездки в Европу, Азию … Содержит нецензурную брань.



В коллективном труде представлены статьи, воспоминания и архивные материалы о личности и творчестве выдающегося литературоведа, основателя Донецкой филологической школы, профессора М. М. Гиршмана, широко известного своими работами о Михаиле Бахтине и теории диалога. Для научных сотрудников, специалистов-филологов, аспирантов и студентов филологических факультетов, преподавателей-словесников.


This biography of Admiral Thomas C. Hart is important not only because it is the story of a man whose central guiding force in life was the U.S. Navy, but also because it is a study of some fifty-five significant years of American history. This book, based in part on the twenty-one volume Hart diary, investigates the forces and circumstances that shaped Hart&#8217;s actions during a memorable and influential career that spanned three wars and was followed by brief service in the U.S. Senate.From his earliest days on the faculty of the U.S. Naval Academy, where he was dedicated to academic reform, to his &#145;second&#8221; career in elected office, Hart could always be found amid controversy.His appointment as commander of the Asiatic fleet, a billet he wanted and was led to believe he would get, was partly the result of uneasy relationship with FDR. Here, enlivened with Hart&#8217;s naval and diplomatic experiences in the Philippines and the Netherlands East Indies, vantage points that provided him with an excellent perspective on the opening stages of the Pacific War.James Leutze provides us with Hart&#8217;s firsthand account of the Lanikai-Isabel incident, the hazardous foray ordered by Roosevelt in 1941. Although, ostensibly, the purpose of the maneuver was to garner information on the movements of the Japanese fleet, Hart clearly considered that Roosevelt&#8217;s intention was to provoke the Japanese.