
Bon Echo: The Denison Years documents the era when famous artists, intellectuals and theatrical personalities visited the strikingly beautiful Lake Mazinaw area in Ontario’s rugged Land O’ Lakes district, to both play and work. From the construction of Bon Echo Inn by American Dr. Weston Price to the creation of today’s Bon Echo Provincial Park, the author has been privy to the «inside» story. The struggles and ideals of the early Toronto feminist Flora MacDonald Denison and her author-playwright son, Merrill, are well recorded in this important book. The author, a good storyteller, obviously learned plenty from the old master during her many years as his manuscript typist, a relationship that ended with Merrill Denison’s death in 1975.


In 1842 at York Factory, the English-born missionary James Evans built a lightweight tin canoe that glittered and shone in the sunlight. Wherever he went, Native peoples called the canoe his «Shining Island» or «His Island of Light.» Travels in the Shining Island chronicles important events in the life of the extraordinary Methodist missionary, James Evans (1801-1846). It was Evans who created a written alphabet in native languages that remains in use to the present time. Truly the first printer/publisher in the Canadian Northwest, his story is one of incredible courage, perseverance and unwavering faith. "Using clay, lead and hand-carved wood to make characters, and soot, oil and animal blood for ink, he created a unique literary tradition that has become a central part of Northern Aboriginal culture." – Queen’s Quarterly


Set at the turn of the twentieth century and spread across the enormous canvas of Russia itself, Another Winter, Another Spring is a tale of love and loyalty tested against great hardship and suffering.


During World War II, thousands of Canadians left our country to fight for our Allies. Where they went and what they did has always been a question for some. Perhaps this book will give some answers. It deals with the experiences of an ordinary airman, a radio telephone operator, one of the many «ordinary people» who served their country in time of war. Ernest Monnon was a keen amateur photographer, who used to exchange his cigarettes for film and developing, and many of the pictures in the book are his.


"For me, getting older physically seems to be epitomized in the feeling that I look like my mother. She’s really attractive … It’s just that I can see that she’s older, and I’m not supposed to be." – Charlotte Wilson Hammond "My view of the world is slowly becoming more integrated. Sometimes I feel as if I’ve walked to the top of a mountain, and can look down and see all around." – Lesia Gregorovitch "Some women have told me that they’re too old at fifty. And I wondered to myself why – at fifty – would anyone think herself too old?" – Linda Silver Dranoff "Now I look upon everything I do … and say, ’Is this how I’m going to be using the energy that I have, or am I going to use it in a different way?" – Roberta Bondar "The most important thing is not to be afraid." – Kim Campbell


This book pays tribute to 14 women who donated millions of dollars to causes close to their hearts. Iris Nowell is the author of five books. Writing her 1996 book, Women Who Give Away Millions, has given her a solid foundation of philanthropy, the not-for-profit sector, and the wealthy. She has also written a memoir of Canadian artist Harold Town, and a biography of artist, filmmaker, and impassioned feminist, Joyce Wieland.


The latest book by Canada’s Trivia Guys is an entertaining where-are-they-now look at the fate of some 100 celebrities, newsmakers, and significant artifacts from this country’s past. Lake Ontario swimmer Marilyn Bell, CFL legend Russ Jackson, Canada’s first automobile, and Roger Woodward, a boy who survived the waters of Niagara Falls more than 40 years ago, are among those tracked down. Long after making headlines or burrowing their way into our collective consciousness, these Canadian icons have travelled different roads or in some cases kept more quietly to the path that gained them attention in the first place. Kearney and Ray spice up their stories with dozens of fascinating facts. With website links to further information, this book is a great resource to learn more about Canada’s heritage.


In 1754 Eleanor Powers was hung for a murder committed during a botched robbery. She was the first woman condemned to die in Canada, but would not be the last. In Uncertain Justice , Beverley Boissery and Murray Greenwood portray a cast of women characters almost as often wronged by the law as they have wronged society. Starting with the Powers trial and continuing to the not-too-distant past, the authors expose the patriarchal values that lie at the core of criminal law, and the class and gender biases that permeate its procedures and applications. The writing style is similar to that of a popular mystery: «Harriet Henry lay dead. Horribly and indubitably. Her body sprawled against the bed, the head twisted at a grotesque angle. Foam engulfed the grinning mouth.» Scholarly analysis combines with the narrative to make Uncertain Justice a fascinating and engaging read. There is a wealth of information about the emerging and evolving legal system and profession, the state of forensic science, the roles of juries, and the political turmoil and growing resistance to a purely class-based aristocratic form of government.


Co-winner of the Canada-Japan Literary Awards 1997 By either folly or design, Gabrielle Bauer finds herself on a plane bound for Tokyo, leaving her career, home, and husband behind.


"We live, as we dream – alone." Sometimes our inner isolation is alleviated; in the aftermath of a cataclysmic event, rescuer and rescued meet, and loneliness is bridged. This book of true stories shows ordinary people in extraordinary events – a ski accident, a missing child, thrilling sea rescues – that take place from snow-bound Labrador to the coast of California. It is about the lives of rescuers who search for life’s meaning while engaging in deeds of heroism and compassion. It is about the aftermath of rescue. There are stories from each Canadian provinces and from the United States. Each is a story of action and inspiration.