
Picture-perfect. That's what Claire Marsden thinks when she first photographs professional hockey star Jason Doyle. Little does Claire know that Jason thinks the same of the beautiful magazine photographer. It's not long before she has him masquerading as a fake fiance…for her friend Trish, but soon Claire's the one thinking romance!Jason Doyle has seen it all, but now he only has eyes for the smart 'n' sassy photographer who's got him in her viewfinder. Helping Trish just lands him in a heap of sexy trouble. He's doing his best to pretend he's head over heels for Claire's best friend, but it's Claire he can't keep his hands off. If his secret desire is discovered, will Jason be keeping his reputation as everybody's hero?


Lauren Jeffries needed a scoop, something that would get her her first serious newspaper story and away from writing obits. When she sort-of faked Harry Nord's obit, she never dreamed it'd get published, let alone that a hot guy would show up asking a lot of uncomfortable questions and making her feel…well, hot.On the hunt for snatched objets d'art, stolen-art investigator Sebastian Alberti has logged a ton of frequent flyer miles circling the globe. When a death notice in the Philadelphia Sentinel about his chief suspect catches his eye, his legs take him right to Lauren's door–and then into her bedroom….


Eve Cantoro's hot lingerie shop in the middle of quaint town, U.S.A., is causing quite a stir. She's not worried, however, because despite the gossip, the silky, satiny unmentionables are flying off her shelves. Some have even been stolen. After the second theft, Eve refuses to back down–it's time for action! So she calls in the cops…well, one cop. And an amazing one, at that.Carter Moran doesn't know tap pants from a sink tap, but after one look at the shop's sexy owner, he's willing to learn. And investigate. Though he's the one with the secret. Carter's hoping it won't get in the way–he and Eve can't get enough of each other. Together they've become inseparable in every way…in every room. He can't not be with her. Something about her speaks to him and it's shouting sex, sex, sex!And suddenly tap pants aren't the only lingerie going missing.…


Running slam-dunk into Vic Golinski at her college reunion leaves Mimi Lodge with a lot of questions. Back in the day, they were Grantham University's star athletes and polar opposites. If she said left, he said right. If he said hot, she said cold. All of that opposition had an unexpected consequence: a heated attraction….So will she and Vic still clash like the fiercely competitive jocks they once were? Life might have softened their beliefs, but clearly that incredible chemistry is still there. As the reunion unfolds, every meeting is a study in grown-up lust–and restraint–as they decide where these exhilarating feelings are taking them.


How does a rule-abiding, accomplished woman fall for a rebel college dropout? It's something rare-books curator Penelope Bigelow is still trying to figure out! Regardless of what logic she tries to use, the proof remains that when celebrity chef Nicholas Rheinhardt is around, her composure takes a vacation.With all the reunion festivities, it's hard to avoid him…especially since he needs her expertise in antiquities for an upcoming episode of his cable travel show.Too bad the past isn't what Penelope's focusing on when she's with Nick. There's more to him than his infamous reputation–and that intrigues her. Penelope isn't looking for perfection…even though Nick's coming very close!


When Lilah Evans graduated from Grantham U, she was ready to leave college behind and change the world. Now, at a crossroads, she's doing something she never wanted to do: attending her ten-year reunion. And that means running into Justin Bigelow.A decade ago, Justin was the big man on campus–Mr. Self-Involved himself. So why did he nominate Lilah for the Distinguished Alumni award? One thing that's clear this nostalgia-filled weekend, he isn't the partying jock she remembers.What's also clear is that the attraction that used to simmer between them is now more intense–and impossible to ignore. With the stakes higher, do they finally have the courage to go for it?


Successful physiotherapist and single mom-to-be Sarah Halverson is not one to take adversity lying down. But these days she's having trouble getting up! Thirty weeks into her pregnancy, Sarah finds that her bouts of dizziness are spelling the end of her mobility–and her independence.She's got to find an answer, preferably one that's close to her office and has a car.Devout bachelor Huntington Phox, owner of a geographically desirable mansion and a Porsche 911, is Sarah's best bet. She could help him overcome a personal challenge of his own, and he could help her through the last tough weeks of her pregnancy. Perfect. Convenient, mutually beneficial and no strings. But the more they share, the more they wonder about exactly where the boundary between friends and more ends!


Talk about adult education! Obstetrician Julie Antonelli's spontaneous decision to take an Italian Conversation class has backfired. Instead of distracting her from the pressures at work, the course proves she can't escape them.That's because the teacher is none other than cardiologist Sebastiano Fonterra–the recently installed Grantham Hospital CEO who drives Julie crazy.Much to her surprise, Julie gets some fascinating lessons about life, family and love. Not to mention seeing Sebastiano in a much more simpatico light. This is one class she won't skip…especially when he's making her believe this could be the beginning of a beautiful future.



Getting shot in a robbery shattered more than Katarina Zemanova's knee.Once an up-and-coming power executive she's realizing that recuperating her confidence, and her trust in people, is a lot harder than she expected. Teaching night school in the sleepy town where she grew up with her «go get 'em» grandmother seems like a good first step. But when Ben Brown bursts into class, that step becomes a giant leap. George Benjamin Brown is no star student.He's a recovering cynic with a newfound teenage son, Matt, and trust issues of his own. Matt sneaks off to enroll in Katarina's class, and Ben storms in to teach him a lesson, but is instead captured by Katarina. And it's the start of a learning experience none of them ever saw coming.