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Elizabeth Lane
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Un hombre con una misión…
El policía Flynn O'Rourke juró que llevaría al asesino de su hermana ante la justicia. Así pues, cuando identificó como sospechoso a Aaron Cragun, Flynn alquiló un barco y se puso rumbo al remoto hogar de aquel hombre. Sin embargo, Flynn no sabía que una tormenta haría naufragar su barco, ni que iba a sufrir una herida que le privaría de la memoria… ni que iba a rescatarlo una bella mujer…
El policía Flynn O'Rourke juró que llevaría al asesino de su hermana ante la justicia. Así pues, cuando identificó como sospechoso a Aaron Cragun, Flynn alquiló un barco y se puso rumbo al remoto hogar de aquel hombre. Sin embargo, Flynn no sabía que una tormenta haría naufragar su barco, ni que iba a sufrir una herida que le privaría de la memoria… ni que iba a rescatarlo una bella mujer…
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Автор произведения Elizabeth Lane
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия Harlequin Internacional
Novia prestadaElizabeth LaneHannah Gustavson le escribió a su amor de adolescencia para decirle que estaba esperando un hijo. Pero al no recibir respuesta, se vio obligada a casarse con el hombre que acudió en su ayuda: el hermano de su amante.Alto, guapo, íntegro, Judd Seavers era capaz de acelerar el corazón de cualquier mujer, y Hannah no fue una excepción. A pesar de ser una unión pactada y provisional, no tardaron en sentirse atraídos el uno por el otro. Pero una sombra oscurecía el horizonte. ¿Regresaría a casa el padre del bebé? Y si lo hacía… ¿le devolvería Judd la novia que le había tomado prestada?En la batalla y en el amorCarla KellyPolly Brandon siempre se había sentido un patito feo y en inferioridad de oportunidades por ser hija ilegítima. De ahí su sorpresa cuando Hugh Phillipe Junot le empezó a dedicar toda su atención durante la travesía a Portugal en tiempos de guerra. Polly sabía que, en circunstancias normales, el distinguido teniente coronel de la marina real jamás se habría fijado en ella, pero disfrutar de su protección durante el viaje resultaba reconfortante… y algo más que no se atrevía a nombrar.
Seducción en ÁfricaElizabeth LaneEl filántropo Cal Jeffords nunca habría esperado encontrarse a la sofisticada Megan Rafferty, la viuda de su mejor amigo, trabajando como enfermera voluntaria en un campo de refugiados en Darfur. Sin embargo, ya que había dado con su paradero, no pararía hasta obtener de ella las respuestas que buscaba… ni hasta conseguir llevársela a la cama.Deseos del pasadoKat CantrellCuando Michael Shaylen recibió la custodia de un bebé, acudió a la única mujer que podía enseñarle a ser padre, su examante y psicóloga infantil Juliana Cane, y le hizo una proposición: dos meses de educación infantil a cambio de ayudarla en su carrera.Pero aquella situación era solo temporal, pues a pesar de la pasión que los consumía a ambos, había sobrados motivos para que Juliana se marchara.Peligroso chantajeDani WadeAiden Blackstone se había labrado su propio éxito evitando dos cosas: el regreso a su pueblo natal y el matrimonio, hasta que las maquinaciones de un abuelo controlador y autoritario lo obligaron a hacer esas dos cosas en contra de su voluntad… y pronto descubrió que Christina Reece no era una simple novia de conveniencia.
After he shoots a man, the stakes for gambler Logan Devereaux have never been higher. On trial for his life, he’s offered a shocking alternative form of restitution… marriage to his victim’s pregnant sweetheart!Beautiful Emma O’Toole has sworn vengeance against him – and when a newspaper man puts her tragic story to song the whole nation waits to see what she’ll do.Their marriage is the riskiest gamble Logan’s ever taken, but he’ll put everything he’s got on the line for a chance at winning Emma’s heart.
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuriesKnown to her friends as a free spirit, Elizabeth Lane has traveled the world in search of new adventures and good stories.She has lived in Mexico, Guatemala, Panama and Germany and traveled to such exotic spots as China and Nepal, but she is most at peace in the mountains of her native Utah. As of this writing, she lives in a suburb of Salt Lake City with an eighteen-year-old cat named PowderPuff.Single since 1984, Elizabeth has raised a son and two daughters. One daughter, who died in an accident in 1985, is still a loving presence in her mother's life. The other two children are grown and thriving, and Elizabeth revels in her new loves her grandchildren.Elizabeth is, perhaps, too easily lured by new challenges. She loves hiking, photography, belly dancing, animals, Native American culture, and any kind of music. She has pursued whales off Baja California, trekked the Himalayas, rafted the Grand Canyon, and even taken a flying lesson. Since 1983 she has worked full-time as an educational software designer. But her favorite pastime is writing lively, passionate stories that will reach out and touch her readers.Her novels have been published in ten languages and enjoyed in many parts of the world. Elizabeth's first novel, a historical saga about the Spanish conquest of Mexico, was published in 1980. Several more sagas followed, including two books set in China. When the market for big, serious historical novels faded, it took her four lean years to make the transition to romance. Wind River, her first Harlequin Historical, was published in 1989.She has also written several contemporary Silhouette books. «Everyone and everything has a story» Elizabeth is fond of saying when asked about her ideas. "From the penny in your hand to the stranger in the grocery line, each set of experiences is unique. Look around you and listen with your imagination. You'll have stories to write for a lifetime. "Elizabeth Loves hearing from her readers. You can contact her at her e-mail address, elizl@uswest. net, or write to her in care of Harlequin Reader Services.
"I want the boy."For three years Angie Montoya hid her son from her late fiancé's family…until his brother tracked them down. Now Jordan Cooper demands she move to his Santa Fe ranch–the boy's birthright. But how can Angie live with the man who called her a gold digger…the man whose one kiss she's never forgotten?Racked by guilt since his twin's death, Jordan seeks redemption by raising his nephew. But Angie resurrects a hunger in him that only she can satisfy. Jordan knows he can have her on one condition–that she never learns the truth about him.
She Hated Him On SightCattleman's daughter Rachel Tolliver believed that sheep ranchers like Luke Vincente had no business out on the open range. Yet despite his troubled past, he was an honorable man, driven by a passion for the West–and for her. But the range war brewing would surely forbid any declaration of their wildfire love!Luke Vincente had little use for rich men's daughters, and Rachel Tolliver's blood ran royal blue with cattle-baron cash. And yet, for all she was «the enemy,» he could see them taking on all comers…together. But could she truly make the hard choice to face an uncertain future in his arms?
The last thing Alexandra Bromley wanted was a colourless marriage like her parents… Alex was all about adventure, and that’s exactly what she got when dashing pilot Rafe Garrick crashed – quite literally – into her life! The chemistry between them undeniable, Rafe couldn’t ignore the courageous spirit that matched his own. Or the fact that Alex was soon carrying his child…Now forced to wed, Rafe must find a way to give his adored new bride the freedom she so desperately craves!
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Автор произведения Elizabeth Lane
A wife worth waiting for…Dashing – but cynical – Quint Seavers lives for danger. A past betrayal has made him wary about love, and he has no idea that independent, practical Annie Gustavson holds a secret long-time passion for him. Nor does he realise that the only reason Annie has travelled to San Francisco is to win his love – or walk away for ever.When disaster strikes the city, Annie’s courage and determination match his own – and suddenly Quint knows that she is exactly what’s been missing in his life all along…
Indulge your fantasies of delicious Regency Rakes, fierce Viking warriors and rugged Highlanders. Be swept away into a world of intense passion, lavish settings and romance that burns brightly through the centuries‘We’re going to have a child. You need to come home so we can get married. ’So wrote Hannah Gustavson to the father of her baby. But, with no response, she was forced to marry another man…her lover’s brother. Tall, handsome and honourable, Judd Seavers could make any woman’s heart race. Hannah was no exception, and was awed by the ex-soldier who gave her his name.A love as grand as the Rockies, and just as forbidden, crested between them. But a shadow loomed. Would the baby’s father come home? And, if he did, would Judd return his borrowed bride?