
The Wiley Classics Library consists of selected books that have become recognized classics in their respective fields. With these new unabridged and inexpensive editions, Wiley hopes to extend the life of these important works by making them available to future generations of mathematicians and scientists. Currently available in the Series: T. W. Anderson The Statistical Analysis of Time Series T. S. Arthanari & Yadolah Dodge Mathematical Programming in Statistics Emil Artin Geometric Algebra Norman T. J. Bailey The Elements of Stochastic Processes with Applications to the Natural Sciences Robert G. Bartle The Elements of Integration and Lebesgue Measure George E. P. Box & Norman R. Draper Evolutionary Operation: A Statistical Method for Process Improvement George E. P. Box & George C. Tiao Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis R. W. Carter Finite Groups of Lie Type: Conjugacy Classes and Complex Characters R. W. Carter Simple Groups of Lie Type William G. Cochran & Gertrude M. Cox Experimental Designs, Second Edition Richard Courant Differential and Integral Calculus, Volume I RIchard Courant Differential and Integral Calculus, Volume II Richard Courant & D. Hilbert Methods of Mathematical Physics, Volume I Richard Courant & D. Hilbert Methods of Mathematical Physics, Volume II D. R. Cox Planning of Experiments Harold S. M. Coxeter Introduction to Geometry, Second Edition Charles W. Curtis & Irving Reiner Representation Theory of Finite Groups and Associative Algebras Charles W. Curtis & Irving Reiner Methods of Representation Theory with Applications to Finite Groups and Orders, Volume I Charles W. Curtis & Irving Reiner Methods of Representation Theory with Applications to Finite Groups and Orders, Volume II Cuthbert Daniel Fitting Equations to Data: Computer Analysis of Multifactor Data, Second Edition Bruno de Finetti Theory of Probability, Volume I Bruno de Finetti Theory of Probability, Volume 2 W. Edwards Deming Sample Design in Business Research


Nonlinear Oscillations is a self-contained and thorough treatment of the vigorous research that has occurred in nonlinear mechanics since 1970. The book begins with fundamental concepts and techniques of analysis and progresses through recent developments and provides an overview that abstracts and introduces main nonlinear phenomena. It treats systems having a single degree of freedom, introducing basic concepts and analytical methods, and extends concepts and methods to systems having degrees of freedom. Most of this material cannot be found in any other text. Nonlinear Oscillations uses simple physical examples to explain nonlinear dispersive and nondispersive waves. The notation is unified and the analysis modified to conform to discussions. Solutions are worked out in detail for numerous examples, results are plotted and explanations are couched in physical terms. The book contains an extensive bibliography.


Similarities, differences, advantages and limitations of perturbation techniques are pointed out concisely. The techniques are described by means of examples that consist mainly of algebraic and ordinary differential equations. Each chapter contains a number of exercises.


* Explains the physical meaning of linear and nonlinear structural mechanics. * Shows how to perform nonlinear structural analysis. * Points out important nonlinear structural dynamics behaviors. * Provides ready-to-use governing equations.


In this introductory treatment Ali Nayfeh presents different concepts from dynamical systems theory and nonlinear dynamics in a rigorous yet plan way. He systematically introduces models and techniques and states the relevant ranges of validity and applicability. The reader is provided with a clear operational framework for consciously use rather than focused on the underlying mathematical apparatus. The exposition is largely by means of examples, dealt with up to their final outcome. For most of the examples, the results obtained with the method of normal forms are equivalent to those obtained with other perturbation methods, such as the method of multiple scales and the method of averaging. The previous edition had a remarkable success by researchers from all over the world working in the area of nonlinear dynamics and their applications in engineering. Additions to this new edition concern major topics of current interest. In particular, the author added three new chapters dedicated to Maps, Bifurcations of Continuous Systems, and Retarded Systems. In particular the latter has become of major importance in several applications, both in mechanics and in different areas. Accessible to engineers and applied scientist involved with nonlinear dynamics and their applications in a wide variety of fields. It is assumed that readers have a knowledge of basic calculus as well as the elementary properties of ordinary-differential equations.