
Lord Bromwell is used to breaking the Ton's rules, but even he is shocked when he meets the beautiful but guarded «Lady Eleanor Springford» and they share a soul-searing kiss!Bromwell has a strong sense of duty and when he realizes she's fleeing a desperate situation, the only honorable thing he can do is offer her refuge at his country estate. Except he has no idea Eleanor is really plain Nell Springley, an impoverished lady's companion on the run, and their fledgling relationship is a scandal-in-the-making. . . .


THE PROMISE OF THE BEDCHAMBERAfter glimpsing a softer side to the stern Sir Roland of Dunborough, Mavis of DeLac is filled with hope for their arranged marriage. And when their wedding night explodes with an exquisite passion she dares to dream that their newfound bliss will last for ever.But the following morning, convinced he can never make this beautiful woman truly happy, Roland becomes cold and aloof once again.And as the newlyweds journey across England to protect Roland’s birthright it’s up to Mavis to prove him wrong – and unlock the compassion this noble knight has buried deep inside.



Rescued by the Enemy… Sir Douglas Drury was a spy during the Napoleonic war and has the scars, and enemies, to show for it. When he is set upon in a London street, he finds it hard to be grateful because his rescuer is not only a woman, but French into the bargain! Juliette Bergerine has learned to keep herself safe by avoiding undue attention, but now she’s thrown herself into the arms of danger…A Penniless Guest… Lord Bromwell has a strong sense of duty and, when he realises the beautiful ‘Lady Eleanor Springford’ is fleeing a desperate situation, he does the honourable thing and offers her refuge at his country estate. Except he has no idea Eleanor is really plain Nell Springley, an impoverished lady’s companion on the run and their fledgling relationship is a scandal in the making. Two BRAND-NEW, DAZZLING Regency tales!


Leedi Elizabeth d´Averette kohtub väga huvitava mehega – lindpriiga, kellel on rohkem autunnet kui paljudel rüütlitel. Kui mees päästab ta kallaletungijate käest, nõustub Lizette õilist tegu heastama. Ent kas ei osutu mehega voodi jagamine liiga kõrgeks hinnaks? Finn hindab julgust, mida Lizette’il on kuhjaga. Neiu liitub temaga, et päästa Finni vend ja paljastada kuninga vastu teoksil olev vandenõu. Lizette’i seiklusjanu sobib suurepäraselt Finni omaga, ent kas kaunis aadlipreili hoolib üldse lihtsast Iirimaa mägede pojast?


Kuningliku õukonna intriigidest puutumata leedi Gilliani ainuke soov oli oma perekonna maavaldusi kaitsta ja pidada kinni lubadusest mitte abielluda. Ent siis saabus Averette’i lossi Sir Bayard de Boisbaston, kelle ülesanne oli leedit võimaliku ohu eest hoiatada ja lossielanikke kaitsta. Kes oli see mees, kes julges tema lossis ohjad haarata? Kahtlemata oli tegemist nägusaima rüütliga, keda leedi Gillian oli kohanud. Ja see pani leedi oma vankumatus lubaduses kõhklema.