
Science is developing more and more potential for human beings to enhance themselves. The pace of change is rapid, and some people are already warning that we are heading for a post-human future populated by ever-lasting, self-sustaining intelligence systems into which the contents of a human mind have been poured… Is this true? In Enhancing Me, Pete Moore examines the ways in which technology can change our bodies, our brains, our emotions, and how long we live. He talks to people who have actually been 'enhanced' to find out what it's like and how beneficial it is; and to the experts to find out what the future holds – including a look at some of the more controversial, headline-grabbing claims. He also looks at what drives us to want to be 'superhuman', and the consequences for the individual and society alike: If you could live forever, would you want to? If you could download your mind onto a computer, would you still be you? Should we insert chips into our children, so we can track where they are? Should we force violent criminals to have mood-controlling brain implants? Would you want technology to improve your memory… or help you forget? If you've ever wondered – or worried – about the pace at which technology is progressing, then this book will give you an eye-opening glimpse of the future in this fascinating field. About the author Pete Moore has been a freelance science writer since 1993, and specialises in making 'academish' intelligible to people who only speak English! He has received seven national awards for his work, and has appeared on radio and television on 50 different occasions, discussing his books and related news events. He is a public speaker and a member of Toastmasters International; as well as a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, a visiting lecturer in ethics at Trinity College Bristol, and a course tutor on the Science Communication MSc at the University of the West of England, Bristol.


‘O brave new world, That has such people in’t!’ Shakespeare, The Tempest New scientific developments are changing the world, but whether the world of our children and grandchildren will be the hell of Huxley’s Brave New World or the sheltered paradise described by Shakespeare depends on how we choose to use these developments. That choice will frequently be driven by our appreciation of what human beings really are. In this thought-provoking book Pete Moore presents an antidote to the scientific reductionism that so frequently seeks to narrow any definition of our species by single features, such as our genes or the ability of our brains. This exploration of the nature of humanity reveals the rainbow spectrum that makes us who we are. Through discussions with individuals whose lives help us to focus on individual aspects of our make up, Moore explores the difficult issues that are facing us. This book provides a timely reminder that technology cannot be separated from its impact on real people and how their lives are changed for the better or worse. Medical developments offer tremendous opportunities for good, but if we lose sight of what it is to be human they also have the ability to be used for very dangerous, even evil purposes. We have a chance to influence this future. We should not ignore the challenge. DR PETE MOORE is a medical journalist and an official rapporteur at Windsor Castle and the House of Lords. He is the author of Blood and Justice (0470 848421, Hbk / 0470 84844 8 Pbk).