
When it comes to computer security, the role of auditors today has never been more crucial. Auditors must ensure that all computers, in particular those dealing with e-business, are secure. The only source for information on the combined areas of computer audit, control, and security, the IT Audit, Control, and Security describes the types of internal controls, security, and integrity procedures that management must build into its automated systems. This very timely book provides auditors with the guidance they need to ensure that their systems are secure from both internal and external threats.


Essential guidance on the revised COSO internal controls framework Need the latest on the new, revised COSO internal controls framework? Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls provides a step-by-step plan for installing and implementing effective internal controls with an emphasis on building improved IT as well as other internal controls and integrating better risk management processes. The COSO internal controls framework forms the basis for establishing Sarbanes-Oxley compliance and internal controls specialist Robert Moeller looks at topics including the importance of effective systems on internal controls in today's enterprises, the new COSO framework for effective enterprise internal controls, and what has changed since the 1990s internal controls framework. Written by Robert Moeller, an authority in internal controls and IT governance Practical, no-nonsense coverage of all three dimensions of the new COSO framework Helps you change systems and processes when implementing the new COSO internal controls framework Includes information on how ISO internal control and risk management standards as well as COBIT can be used with COSO internal controls Other titles by Robert Moeller: IT Audit, Control, and Security, Executives Guide to IT Governance Under the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, every corporation has to assert that their internal controls are adequate and public accounting firms certifying those internal controls are attesting to the adequacy of those same internal controls, based on the COSO internal controls framework. Executive's Guide to COSO Internal Controls thoroughly considers improved risk management processes as part of the new COSO framework; the importance of IT systems and processes; and risk management techniques.


A fully updated, step-by-step guide for implementing COSO's Enterprise Risk Management COSO Enterprise Risk Management, Second Edition clearly enables organizations of all types and sizes to understand and better manage their risk environments and make better decisions through use of the COSO ERM framework. The Second Edition discusses the latest trends and pronouncements that have affected COSO ERM and explores new topics, including the PCAOB's release of AS5; ISACA's recently revised CobiT; and the recently released IIA Standards. Offers you expert advice on how to carry out internal control responsibilities more efficiently Updates you on the ins and outs of the COSO Report and its emergence as the new platform for understanding all aspects of risk in today's organization Shows you how an effective risk management program, following COSO ERM, can help your organization to better comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act Knowledgeably explains how to implement an effective ERM program Preparing professionals develop and follow an effective risk culture, COSO Enterprise Risk Management, Second Edition is the fully revised, invaluable working resource that will show you how to identify risks, avoid pitfalls within your corporation, and keep it moving ahead of the competition.


Create strong IT governance processes In the current business climate where a tremendous amount of importance is being given to governance, risk, and compliance (GRC), the concept of IT governance is becoming an increasingly strong component. Executive's Guide to IT Governance explains IT governance, why it is important to general, financial, and IT managers, along with tips for creating a strong governance, risk, and compliance IT systems process. Written by Robert Moeller, an authority in auditing and IT governance Practical, no-nonsense framework for identifying, planning, delivering, and supporting IT services to your business Helps you identify current strengths and weaknesses of your enterprise IT governance processes Explores how to introduce effective IT governance principles with other enterprise GRC initiatives Other titles by Robert Moeller: IT Audit, Control, and Security and Brink's Modern Internal Auditing: A Common Body of Knowledge There is strong pressure on corporations to have a good understanding of their IT systems and the controls that need to be in place to avoid such things as fraud and security violations. Executive's Guide to IT Governance gives you the tools you need to improve systems processes through IT service management, COBIT, and ITIL.