
The ruthless tycoon and the virgin heiress Dangerously handsome Olivier Moreau has everything: power, money, and endless women warming his bed. But there is one thing Olivier is still hungry for: revenge on the Lawrence family! What better vengeance than to seduce innocent Bella Lawrence…and cast her aside when he’s had his fill? An eye for an eye, a heart for a heart.But when cold, calculating revenge turns to red-hot passion, Olivier has no intention of letting her go… She’ll stay right where he wants her – in his bed!


Step into a world of sophistication and glamour, where sinfully seductive heroes await you in luxurious international locations.Fast cars and glamorous socialites are everyday components of devastatingly handsome billionaire Orlando Winterton’s thrilling, decadent lifestyle… …then something changes, and Orlando closes himself off from the world. Until Rachel Campion arrives at Orlando’s remote country estate, desperately in need of shelter. Orlando cannot deny the pull of her fragile beauty, and takes her with passionate fury. The next morning his demons return to haunt him, and he knows he must ask Rachel to leave… But then a baby is found abandoned on his doorstep – allegedly his son!To Orlando, the solution is simple: he’ll hire Rachel to take care of the child – and as long as she’s under his roof he’ll keep on making love to her… Until he’s got her out of his system!


Accidentally pregnant, conveniently wedInfamous playboy Tristan Romero meets ordinary Lily at a lavish ball, and arrogantly predicts that she will wake up the following morning between his designer silk sheets! Powerless to resist this wicked billionaire, Lily knows Tristan is only offering one night. But then she discovers she's pregnant. . .Tristan's aristocratic duty demands he take Lily as his bride. However, Lily's shame over accepting a loveless proposal is heightened when she realises that, as the Spaniard's wife, she'll be expected to fulfil his every need. . .



World-famous racing driver Cristiano Maresca always spent the night before a race in the arms of a beautiful woman… Three years ago that woman was Kate Edwards, and her time with Cristiano awakened her to unimaginable pleasure. But the following day the untameable Cristiano had a near-fatal crash…and then Kate discovered she was expecting his baby…Now Monte Carlo is set to celebrate Cristiano’s return to the track. Shivering with nerves, Kate braves the paparazzi to find the man who set her body aflame – and tell him her scandalous secret… That Italy’s most notorious playboy has a surprise love-child!


Tamsin and the Argentinean Tamsin’s ready to spend her summer relaxing and topping up her tan.Until Alejandro – the man who nearly destroyed her reputation – comes back into her life. Now his world of champagne and scandal awaits her once again…and Tamsin’s determined to make up for lost time. Sarah and the Italian Sarah’s summers are about spending time with her little girl.She never has a chance to think about herself. Then film director Lorenzo turns her life upside down. Thrust into a world of glitz, glamour and gossip pages, Sarah’s about to have the most exciting summer of her life.Enter the glittering celebrity world with two unforgettable summer stories


Dviejų knygų serija „Ficrojų palikimas“. Antra knyga. Sofija Grynham į armijos karininko Kito Ficrojaus gyvenimą įsisuko tarsi viesulas, griaudama jo širdį juosiančias sienas ir pakeisdama gyvenimą visiems laikams. Palikti sužadėtinę ir išvykti į karo lauką jam buvo kaip niekad sunku. Kai Kitas grįžta namo, sužadėtinių pasimatymas apkarsta. Sofija nebeatpažįsta vyro, kurį kadaise įsimylėjo. Ir nors kelios audringos naktys Maroke sugrąžiną Kitą į moters glėbį, šį kartą jiems prireiks kur kas daugiau nei aistros.


Dviejų knygų serija „Ficrojų palikimas“. Pirma knyga. Sofija Grynham nesitikėjo savo draugo Džaspero brolio, turtingo aristokrato ir karo didvyrio Kito Ficrojaus, sutikti avantiūristiškos kelionės pirmos klasės traukinio kupė metu. Akimirksniu užsiplieskusi aistra tarp jos ir Kito jai buvo netikėta staigmena, juolab kad Sofija visą savaitgalį pažadėjo vaidinti Džaspero merginą! Nors apie Kito drąsą sklando legendos, grįžti į nuostabų seną dvarą jis bijo. Tačiau Sofijos gyvybingumas išsklaido visus šešėlius. Kitą užplūsta nevaldomas troškimas turėti moterį, kurią paliesti jam draudžiama.


Aštuonių knygų serija „Balforų šeimos paveldėtojos“. Trečia knyga. Sužinojusi, kad pasaką priminęs jos gyvenimas pastatytas ant melagysčių pamatų, ji spruko. Dabar naivioji Emilė Balfor vargiai suduria galą su galu. Princas Luisas Kordoba iš pirmo žvilgsnio atpažįsta Balforų atžalą – vienintelę moterį, kurios nepaveikė jo kerai. Be cento likusi Emilė negali atsisakyti pasiūlymo gauti stogą virš galvos, net ir žinodama, kad teks dalytis su mergišiumi lova! Išvežta į jo didenybės karalystę, Emilė toli gražu neprilygsta per kraštus besiliejančiam princo seksualumui. Bet jos širdis įspėja netapti tik paprasta jo sugulove!