
★ Successful Resilience Training. ★

Easy to Learn with the 7 pillars principle. Your Resilience Project to master any crisis with self-confidence. Incl. tips for more serenity.
Many people have to deal with crises in their everyday lives. Whether it is our own health, a stroke of fate or another crisis that rules our lives. A crisis is not easy to put away and follows us throughout our lives. But how can we go through life better despite crises? How to build a healthy self-esteem and how to become resilient and build your self-confidence? In the following guide, we'll show you how you can become resilient and boost your self-confidence with simple tricks.


Keeping Greek tortoise properly. ★ Pet guide about species-appropriate feeding, keeping, care and overwintering ★
The following questions will be answered to you among others.
How to keep tortoises? How to overwinter tortoises? What do tortoises eat? What do tortoises need in the terrarium? What do tortoises eat in winter? What do tortoises drink? What do tortoises like? Where do I have to register tortoises? Why do tortoises hibernate? How do tortoises hibernate? If you want to keep tortoises, then this attitude should take place as close to nature and species-appropriate as possible. This means not only that the tortoise needs enough space and regular exercise, but also that you get the possibility of a necessary hibernation. Also in terms of care and nutrition, the tortoises have their own individual needs and must not, for example, as many tortoise owners often do wrong, eat everything there is fresh fruit and vegetables.
So that your tortoise later lacks nothing and can lead a healthy long life, I have taken the trouble to write this very detailed and really detailed guide. In this guide you will not only learn everything about the attitude, the way of life and the diet, I also go here specifically to things like how you best transport your turtle, where you register your turtle or what diseases can occur in a not species-appropriate attitude.
But that's not all, here you really learn everything you should know about your new pet, respectively want to know.


★ The wonder product milk kefir ★ Make kefir yourself with milk kefir tubers for a healthy gut. Simple instructions on how to make it with kefir mushrooms. Incl. 3 recipe ideas
Kefir is an extremely healthy food. In order for you to get the full potential of kefir, you should make it yourself. It's easier than you might think. The following guide will tell you how to make kefir, what you need, and how to use and store everything. You will learn about the history of kefir and the milk kefir tuber, about its extremely positive effect on your body and what you should pay attention to during production.
Since a homemade kefir is ready after two days at the latest and the kefir tuber is ready for use again immediately, you will learn how to take a break from production and you will also receive a few recipe suggestions. There are many ways to use kefir, from smoothies to bread, many things are doable. Read through our milk kefir guide at your leisure and get inspired. Maybe you will discover a new passion, for a versatile, delicious and healthy food, the milk kefir.


★ Happy Hühnerhaltung für Einsteiger ★
Schritt für Schritt Buch Hühnerhaltung im eigenen Garten. 1x1 über Futter, Ausstattung, Kosten und Pflege
Was du wissen solltest, wenn du dir Hühner anschaffen willst!
Samstag und Sonntag zum Frühstück soll es immer ein Ei für die ganze Familie geben und unter der Woche sich mal schnell ein Rührei machen, da sind schnell 10 Eier aus einer handelsüblichen Verpackung weg. Außerdem hört man in den Nachrichten immer wieder von schlechten Bedingungen auf den Höfen, wo die Hühner herkommen.
Da wäre es doch perfekt, wenn man sich selber eine Hühnerhaltung im Garten anschafft, um den Tieren ein schönes Leben zu bieten und immer frische Eier zu haben. Doch sich einfach mal ein paar Hühner kaufen und den Garten packen, geht das? Sollte man sich nicht lieber erst mal belesen in einem Hühnerhaltung für Einsteiger Buch, damit man optimal informiert ist, was auf einen drauf zu kommt? Die Antwort ist ja, informieren ist der allererste Schritt.
Hier in diesem Ratgeber klären wir dich über alle möglichen Themen wie Hühnerhaltung ohne Hahn oder auch das bei der Hühnerhaltung Kosten entstehen und vor allem welche. Also wenn du an eigenen Hühnern ein großes Interesse hast, dann lies ihn dir unbedingt durch.

Hühnerhaltung wie viele mindestens? Und wie viel Platz wird benötigt? Was kostet Hühnerhaltung? Hühnerhaltung wie viele Eier sind zu erwarten? Was fressen Hühner? Grundausstattung und Gehege? Urlaub und Überwinterung? Küken und Aufzucht Pflege und tägliche Routine Richtiges Schlachten Mit Gesundheit zum Happy Huhn und vieles mehr


You want to be healthier, more successful and influence your relationships in a positive way?
You have a permanent inner dissatisfaction? Things only make you happy in the short term?
★Dann is a tool for you here: Gratitude for more joy in life.★
Gratitude Workbook and eliminate dissatisfaction in life. A guide to lead a happier life with a 4 week gratitude notebook journal and gratefulness quotes.
What it does and how you can learn it.
What awaits you in the book:
What gratitude does? Why is gratitude so important? Strengthens the heart Reduces sleep disorders More friends Less depression Happier relationships Can deal better with stressful situations More successful in life Raise your brain to gratitude?


Griechische Landschildkröte richtig halten. ★ Haustier Ratgeber über artgerechte Fütterung, Haltung, Pflege und Überwinterung ★
Folgende Fragen werden dir unter anderen beantwortet.
Wie Landschildkröten halten? Wie Landschildkröten überwintern? Was Landschildkröten fressen? Was brauchen Landschildkröten im Terrarium? Was fressen Landschildkröten im Winter? Was trinken Landschildkröten? Was mögen Landschildkröten? Wo muss ich Landschildkröten anmelden? Warum halten Landschildkröten Winterschlaf? Wie Landschildkröten überwintern?

Möchtest Du Landschildkröten halten, dann sollte diese Haltung so Natur nah und Artgerecht wie möglich stattfinden. Das bedeutet nicht nur das die Schildkröte ausreichend Platz und regelmäßigen Auslauf benötigt, sondern auch dass Sie die Möglichkeit eines notwendigen Winterschlafs bekommt. Auch in Sachen Pflege und Ernährung haben die Landschildkröten ihre ganz individuellen Bedürfnisse und dürfen zum Beispiel nicht, wie es viele Landschildkröten Besitzer oft falsch machen, alles was es an frischen Obst und Gemüse gibt Essen.
Damit es Deiner Schildkröte später an nichts fehlt und sie ein gesundes langes Leben führen kann, habe ich mir die Mühe gemacht diesen sehr detaillierten und wirklich ausführlichen Ratgeber zu verfassen. In diesem Ratgeber erfährst Du nicht nur alles über die Haltung, die Lebensweise und die Ernährung auch gehe ich hier speziell auf Dinge ein, wie Du Deine Schildkröte am besten transportierst, wo Du Deine Schildkröte anmeldest oder welche Krankheiten bei einer nicht Artgerechten Haltung auftreten können.
Doch das ist noch nicht alles, hier erfährst Du wirklich alles, was Du über Dein neues Haustier wissen solltest, beziehungsweise möchtest.


Gerbil: The star of the rodents. ★ Compact guidebook about the Mongolian gerbil. Keeping, care and feeding to keep species-appropriate gerbils. ★
A new pet is always a reason for joy and brings a lot of fun but also excitement.
To ensure that your gerbils are already doing well on the first day in their new home, there are some things that you should consider when keeping, feeding as well as caring for them.
This guide will take you through the entire process, from buying the mouse, to keeping it, to taming it, and show you exactly what to look for.
You should always keep in mind that it is not easy for any animal to immediately feel comfortable in a new environment. You need enough patience so that the animal trusts you. You can see this guide as a signpost that will help you make friends with your new pet and roommate.


How to explain to your own children, how to handle and save money. An important milestone in the education of children is the handling of money. Money rules the world and those who do not have any have some problems in life. Therefore it is even more important to explain money at an early stage. How to earn it and how to handle it properly. Unfortunately, nowadays the subject of money is not taught at school and young people do not learn how to handle money. Therefore, parents should read this book and go through the individual points with the children. an age recommendation can only be given indirectly. Some points are only understandable for young people, other points can be explained from 6 years. So children money explain with simple examples and lessons.
What awaits you and your children in the book:
Learning how to handle money  learn to save money  Interest and compound interest good debts bad debts Credit Invest Acquisitions


★ Just grow mushrooms ★
Guide to growing mushrooms at home, in the basement or in garden. Mushroom gardening and cultivation for beginners. In this guide you will learn everything important that you should know about the delicious mushrooms for home cultivation. Especially the hygiene in mushroom cultivation is one of the most important core criteria.
Mushrooms are the oldest and most diverse organisms on our planet. Unlike plants, they do not photosynthesize and prefer moist, shady places. Mushrooms contain many nutrients and are particularly low in calories. In Chinese traditional medicine, mushrooms are known for their healing properties. Various symptoms can be alleviated by eating them.
So it is not at all surprising that they are so popular. Many hobby growers create their own mushroom cultures in their gardens or basements. You really can't get mushrooms fresher than from your own culture.


★ Proper Quail Guide for Beginners ★ 1x1 Guide to Quail Keeping and Breeding Japanese Laying Quail. Perfect Quail Raising. A wonderful Poultry Breeds

Why it's worth keeping quail:
In recent years, quail has become one of the most popular birds in hobby keeping and professional breeding. The reasons for this are obvious: Quails – in contrast to chickens, for example – have relatively manageable requirements in terms of space, feed and their general housing conditions. In addition, they have an extremely friendly, rather reserved nature, which makes dealing with them particularly uncomplicated and pleasant. Due to their fine character and the quite fulfilling demands on owner and keeper, the little ones are excellently suited for beginners and newcomers in the field of breeding and keeping.
This guide provides all the information you need to get started with quail keeping or breeding. Here you will learn everything you need to know to make sure that keeping, caring and living together works out in the long run.
The following topics are covered:
the different quail breeds and their typical characteristics, the nature and character of quails, size, age and laying performance, the correct and species-appropriate housing: different forms of enclosures and their advantages and disadvantages, what equipment you need for the enclosure, how and when to clean and muck out, which food is the best and which foods are not suitable, how to get your quails through the winter, what diseases there are, and what to do if your quails get sick, the right way to deal with vacations and longer absences, quail breeding: how natural brood and artificial brood work, how chicks are fed and raised, legal framework for keeping and slaughtering, and much more!