
★ Artgerechte Wachtelhaltung für Einsteiger ★ 1x1 Ratgeber zum Wachteln halten und Zucht von japanische Legewachteln
Warum es sich lohnt, Wachteln zu halten:
Die Wachtel hat sich in den letzten Jahren zu einem der beliebtesten Vögel in Hobbyhaltung und Profizucht entwickelt. Die Gründe hierfür liegen auf der Hand: Wachteln haben – im Gegensatz zu beispielsweise Hühnern – relativ überschaubare Ansprüche an Platz, Futter und ihre allgemeinen Haltensbedingungen. Dazu haben sie ein überaus freundliches, eher zurückhaltendes Wesen, was den Umgang mit ihnen besonders unkompliziert und angenehm macht. Aufgrund ihres feinen Charakters und der durchaus erfüllbaren Anforderungen an Halterin und Halter eignen sich die Kleinen hervorragend für Anfänger und Einsteiger im Bereich Zucht und Haltung.
Dieser Ratgeber stellt jegliche Infos bereit, die es braucht, um mit der Wachtelhaltung oder -zucht loszulegen. Hier erfährst Du alles, was Du wissen musst, damit es mit Haltung, Pflege und dem Zusammenleben auch langfristig klappt.

Folgende Themen werden behandelt:
–die verschiedenen Wachtelrassen und ihre typischen Merkmale, –Wesen und Charakter der Wachteln,-Größe, Alter und Legeleistung, –die richtige und artgerechte Unterbringung: verschiedene Formen von Gehegen und ihre Vor- und Nachteile, –welche Ausstattung Du für das Gehege brauchst,-wie und wann gereinigt und ausgemistet werden sollte, –welches Futter das beste ist und welche Nahrungsmittel nicht geeignet sind, –wie Du Deine Wachteln gut durch den Winter bekommst, –welche Krankheiten es gibt, und was zu tun ist, wenn Deine Wachteln einmal krank werden sollten, –der richtige Umgang mit Urlaub und längeren Abwesenheiten, –Wachtelzucht: wie Naturbrut und Kunstbrut funktionieren, –wie Küken gefüttert und aufgezogen werden, –rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen für Haltung und Schlachtung, –und vieles mehr!


Guinea Pigs Book. 
What a Guinea Pig needs and diet of a Guinea Pig food list. Around attitude, best Guinea Pig food, nutrition, taming and diseases

How to transport guinea pigs? How to tame guinea pigs? How to keep guinea pigs? How to raise guinea pigs? How do guinea pigs claw? How do guinea pigs sleep? What do guinea pigs feed? What can guinea pigs not eat? What do guinea pigs feed in winter? Guinea pigs where do they come from? Why squeak guinea pigs? Why do guinea pigs vibrate? Why do guinea pigs jump? Why do guinea pigs tremble? Why do guinea pigs feed grain-free? Why guinea pigs do not bathe? Why do guinea pigs castrate?


Everything you need to know about an aquarium.
All too often new aquarium owners have bad first experiences with their first aquarium and almost give up before they start. Considering these basic factors and planning will help potential new aquarium owners avoid common pitfalls. Planning is also a good idea for the experienced aquarium owner.
Two of the most important and fundamental aspects to consider when setting up a new aquarium are cost and size. In both cases, people usually underestimate what is needed and can make compromises that cause problems later.
In this guide book you will learn everything you need to know about getting started in the world of fish and aquariums. The great advantage of such a guide book is that you can read everything you need to know in one go and don't have to struggle through different portals and forums. By reading through the guide book you save a lot of time and can quickly and with a lot of expertise start your project to set up an aquarium. If you do not have the possibility to visit a specialist shop directly and find the important information there.


A step-by-step guide to training rabbits. Very important. No individual animal husbandry. The individual weeks should be taken as a guideline. If it takes longer or shorter, that is fine. Table of contents: Can any rabbit be tamed? Advantages of a tame rabbit? Disadvantages of a tame rabbit? How tame can a rabbit become? Which levels? Does the sex play a role? Do only young rabbits become tame or also old rabbits? What to look for in young rabbits and old rabbits? The knocking, grunting and trembling? Dealing with aggressive rabbits. Biting?
Start of taming and training Preparation of the cage Purchase of a pair of rabbits. (transport) The first hours at home Week 1 to 2: Gaining confidence 3rd to 4th week: getting used to the hand in the cage 5th to 6th week: Touching and lifting From 7 weeks: release and return to the cage, dangers in the home? How does clicker training with rabbits work? Any tips? Great clicker exercises with rabbits? (5 tricks) Closing words


★ Happy raising chickens in your backyard for beginners ★
How to raising chickens for eggs in your own garden. 1x1 about feed, equipment, costs and care.
What you should know if you want to acquire chickens!
Saturday and Sunday for breakfast there should always be an egg for the whole family and during the week times quickly make themselves a scrambled egg, there are quickly 10 eggs from a commercial package gone. In addition, one hears in the news again and again from bad conditions on the yards, where the chickens come from.
There it would be perfect, if one acquires oneself a chicken attitude in the garden, in order to offer the animals a beautiful life and to have always fresh eggs. But just buy a few chickens and pack the garden, is that possible? Shouldn't you first read up on chicken keeping in a book for beginners, so that you are optimally informed about what's coming up? The answer is yes, inform is the very first step.
Here in this guide we clarify you about all sorts of topics such as chicken keeping without a rooster or even that in chicken keeping costs arise and especially which. So if you have a great interest in own chickens, then read it through necessarily.

Chicken keeping how many at least? And how much space is needed? What costs chicken keeping? Chicken keeping how many eggs can be expected? What do chickens eat? Basic equipment and enclosure? Holidays and hibernation? Chicks and rearing Care and daily routine Right slaughtering With health to the Happy Chicken and much more


Axolotl for beginners 1x1 guide for appropriate keeping, care and feeding in the aquarium incl. interesting facts If you look closely at the axolotl, at first you don't know what to think of it. Is he a fish or is he a snake? Is he a reptile or is he an amphibian? On the one hand it looks cute, on the other hand it is also a bit scary. He gives the impression that he wants to resemble a monster-like tadpole. He is also a nocturnal roommate who searches for his prey in the dark. You don't really trust him to do that, because his pink branches make him look friendly.
What to expect in the book:
What are axolotls? Lifespan and sexual maturity Please note when purchasing? loner or group Socialization with other animals Aquarium, space requirements and basic equipment Cleaning and intervals Diet and feeding intervals Breeding and rearing Common illnesses and first aid

This is all about the topic of «water monsters». You will be informed about the axolotl keeping, the axolotl breeding and the axolotl eggs. Before you get a pet, you should be clear about what awaits you in the future. With the Axolotl you have chosen a fairly easy-care pet, which does not require that much attention.
Mini profile for a better overview:
Name: Axolotl (translated: water monster) Scientific name: Ambystoma Mexicanum Class: Amphibians Order: salamander Family: cross-toothed newts Size: 15 to 45 centimeters Speed: Not known Weight: 60 to 200 grams Lifespan: 10 to 20 years Diet: worms, fish and crabs Enemies: Birds and Fish Habitat: Mexico Features feather-like gills


Successfully tame budgies within a few weeks. How does clicker training birds with budgerigars work? A step-by-step guide for budgies taming and parakeet training. You've never had a budgie before and are wondering:  How to tame budgies? How long does it take to tame a budgie? How can you tame a budgie? How does the Clicker Training work? What do the sounds of budgies reveal? Differences in age or gender? These and many more questions are answered for you in this guide. This is how taming and gaining the trust of budgies should work. You can have a lot of fun with these wonderful birds. But please do not keep them on their own!


Everything around the hamster ★ A compact hamster counselor, who provides an overview of the individual races, their differences and characteristics points out and summarizes, how one holds and maintains, feeds and employs the hamster as a loner correctly. ★
You wonder which hamster suits me? How big should the cage be? Which basic equipment is necessary?
The right equipment to make the hamster feel comfortable is summarized in the most important points. Since hamsters are not allowed to eat many plants and food, as these are poisonous or even life-threatening for the animals, a summarized, compact list is also given. So that you can get to know your animal better, the most essential interpretations of the hamster's body language are also explained. The most important diseases of the hamster are also described. However, this list is not intended to replace a visit to the vet, but to create a possibility to recognize changes and abnormalities more quickly, and thus to be able to react immediately.


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The Basic Supplement Guide for Strength TrainingIn the book «The Basic Supplement Guide for Strength Training» you will learn the basics of dietary supplements for strength and muscle building. Best strength supplements for weight lifting and best supplements for muscle growth for men. Natural supplements for bodybuilding.  Whey, what's that? Who needs it?How Whey ingest protein and how to dose Whey?Why with dextrose and with water? Why after the training?What is Whey Isolate? What is vitamin D3? Where do you get vitamin D3 from?What is it needed for? Vitamin D3 deficiency?Dosage and how to take vitamin D3?Side effects? When to take? What is ZMA anyway? Intake of ZMA? What does ZMA do?Why should you take ZMA? Dosage of ZMA? Fish oil? Fish oil can help burn fat.It can help build muscle.It reduces inflammation in joints.Improves insulin sensitivity and metabolism.Reduces cortisol and mental stress.For cardiovascular health.Faster recovery after training.Healthy hairHow much should one take? Creatine? What is creatine? How does creatine work?What is creatine good for? Side effects of creatine? Taking creatine?Time of taking and how? What is the best creatine? What is Beta Alanine? How does Beta Alanine work? Taking beta alanine?Side Effects of Beta Alanine? Powder or capsules? L-glutamine? What is L-glutamine? How does L-glutamine work?What does L-glutamine bring? Side effects of L-glutamine?L-glutamine intake and dosage? What is the best L-glutamine? BCAA what is it? What do BCAA take for? BCAA effect?BCAA how long to take? BCAA how long before exercise?When to take BCAA and how to dose BCAA?BCAA how many times a day? BCAA where included?Why BCAA after exercise? What is aspartic acid anyway? What does supplementation do?Supplementation & Dosage? Side effects? What is a booster? When should or can you use a booster?Disadvantages of a Training Booster?Are there other ways to achieve this effect?