
This book makes a case for infrapolitics as an enactment of intellectual responsibility in the face of a tumultuous world of war and of technological value extraction on a planetary scale. Infrapolitical Passages proposes to clear a way through some of the dominant political determinations and violent symptoms of contemporary globalization. In doing so, Gareth Williams makes a case for infrapolitics as an enactment of intellectual responsibility in the face of a tumultuous world of war and of technological value extraction on a planetary scale. The book offers a theory of globalization as a gigantic, directionless crisis in humanity’s symbolic organization, as well as a theory of global economic warfare as the very positing of directionlessness and, at the same time, facticity. Williams’s infrapolitics stands at a distance from the biopolitical, which it understands as domination presenting itself as the production of specific forms of subjectivity in the face of the commodity. The subsequent obscuring of being signals the need to circumvent the instrumentalization of life as subordination to the metaphysics of subjectivity, representation, and politics. Infrapolitical Passages works to confront that which is unavailable in subjectivity and representation, opening a way for facticity in the age of globalization in order to make room for the infrapolitical question for existence.


This comprehensive textbook addresses one of the major public health concerns of our era – obesity. Clearly and simply, Obesity: science to practice provides a balanced, coherent account of obesity: how to define and measure it, its epidemiology, the physiological basis, associated diseases, how to assess, manage and treat it, and also strategies for prevention. The book is generously illustrated, including graphs and flow charts for easy reference. The chapters cite key references so that interested readers may pursue a given topic in more detail. Well presented and thoroughly edited by one of the leading experts in the field, this is the textbook of choice for anyone working in obesity.


Difficult Diabetes is intended for diabetologists and endocrinologists who want to keep abreast of the developments in this fast-changing world. It provides a distillation of clinical wisdom that is desperately required in the absence of evidence-based guidelines. This book seeks to avoid rehashing the accepted content and dogma found in the excellent textbooks of diabetes. It provides more of an in depth coverage than is possible in individual review articles. Its key objective is to provide guidance to clinicians about the most topical and controversial aspects of their practice. Provides guidance to clinicians about the most topical and controversial aspects of their practice Each chapter is written by an expert in the field who can give a balanced overview of the topic All information is as up to date as possible due to fast production of the book