
Black Cat Mystery Magazine is a new journal devoted to the best in mystery short fiction. Crime? Noir? Cozy? Private eye? You'll find all genres present and accounted for – with new tales by the best writers of today! The third issue features the following:<br> Suburbia, by Michael Bracken<br> The Sorority House, by Eve Fisher<br> Tourist Season, by JM Taylor<br> Diversions, by John M. Floyd<br> The List, by Charlie Drees<br> Something Certain, by Peter W. J. Hayes<br> The Moment of Righting, by Robb T. White<br> Beyond a Reasonable Doubt, by Ashley Lynch-Harris<br> The Target, by Charlie Hughes<br> Whale Watch, by Charles Roland


Black Cat Mystery Magazine is a new journal devoted to the best in mystery short fiction. Crime? Noir? Cozy? Private eye? You'll find all genres present and accounted for – with new tales by the best writers of today! The second issue features contributions by Michael Bracken, John Hegenberger, John M. Floyd, BK Stevens, and Debra H. Goldstein, plus a classic reprint by Melba Marlett. <P>Complete contents:<P> THE CLEANSING SOIL, by Charlie Hughes<BR> SKIRTS, by Michael Bracken<BR> A DISTURBANCE IN THE HAREM, by Elizabeth Zelvin<BR> A WEIGHTY MATTER, by Debra H. Goldstein<BR> BURIED SECRETS, by Steve Shrott<BR> JACOB’S LADDER, by Cynthia Benjamin<BR> THINGS PAST, by BK Stevens<BR> THIN BLOOD, by Trey R. Barker<BR> TWO IN THE BUSH, by John M. Floyd<BR> THE BAD SLEEP, by John Hegenberger<BR> THE SECOND MRS. PORTER, by Melba Marlett