
A Westerner's inside look into the workings of Chinese society.<br /> <br />For six years, from 2005 to 2011, Australian JFK Miller worked in Shanghai for English-language publications censored by state publishers under the aegis of the Chinese Communist Party. In this wry memoir, he offers a view of that regime, as he saw it, as an outsider from the bottom up.<br /> <br />'Trickle-Down Censorship' explores how censorship affected him, a Westerner who took free speech for granted. It is about how he learned censorship in a system where the rules are kept secret; it is about how he became his own Thought Police through self-censorship; it is about the peculiar relationship he developed with his censors, and the moral choices he made as a result of censorship and how, having made those choices, he viewed others.<br /> <br />This is also the story of a re-emerging colossus – China, the world's most populous nation and one of its oldest civilizations – and how the Chinese relate to foreigners and the outside world. The so-called &quot;clash of civilizations&quot; is played out in the microcosm of JFK Miller's experience working under Chinese state censorship.