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Кристина Россетти
Список книг автора Кристина РоссеттиАннотация
«Ты была скромна и вместе с тем решительна, ты не сомневалась ни в своём даре, ни в правильности своего видения. Твёрдой рукой ты правила рисунок своих стихов, придирчивым ухом вслушивалась в их музыку. Ничто несовершенное, лишнее или неуместное не портило впечатления от твоей работы. Словом, ты была художником. И потому, даже когда ты бряцала колокольчиками просто так, чтобы отвлечься, тебя навещала пламенная гостья, благодаря которой слова в стихотворных строчках плавились, становясь единым целым, так что выудить их оттуда не сумела бы ничья рука», – писала о знаменитой английской поэтессе Вирджиния Вулф. Сестра легендарного художника-прерафаэлита Д.Г. Россетти, Кристина сумела самостоятельно достичь известности, завоевав значительное место среди поэтов викторианской эпохи. Классическое изящество, тонкая лиричность, звучность и певучесть отличают «прерафаэлитские шедевры» Кристины Джорджины Россетти, а блистательный перевод, выполненный Марией Лукашкиной, как нельзя более точно передаёт все нюансы произведений поэтессы.
"Goblin Market and Other Poems" is a collection of poetic tales by Victorian poet Christina Rossetti. It was her first published work and it received critical acclaim. The poem «Goblin Market» is a story about two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who live alone near a market that is run by goblins. Each night, the goblins call out to the girls to try their wares, but the girls are wary of their offers. One night, Laura cannot resist temptation, and she gorges herself on the sweet fruits at the goblin market. When she arrives back home, Laura dreams about the fruit, but she can no longer see or hear the goblins. She begins to wither away, and Lizzie sees that her sister needs to eat. Lizzie walks to the market, but the goblins attack her when they realize that she is not purchasing the fruits for herself. They try to force feed their goods to Lizzie, but they ultimately give up. Lizzie goes home and nourishes Laura back to health, and both girls are able to live to warn their own daughters about the dangers of the goblin market. Children and adults alike will enjoy this and other poems in this classic collection.
In this representative collection of Christina Rossetti’s poems we find a vast array of narrative tales, love lyrics, sonnets, hymns, ballads, and sprightly verses for children. Ranked among the finest English poets of the nineteenth century, Christina Rossetti is a widely read, though not widely imitated poet, recognized for her devotional poetry, influenced by the religious conservatism and asceticism of the Church of England. This collection of poems includes her most renowned work, “Goblin Market”, a narrative poem which tells the tale of two sisters, Laura and Lizzie, who are tempted by river goblins. Also included in this collection is “The Prince’s Progress”, a tragic tale of loss concerning a princess awaiting the return of her prince. Rossetti’s poetry is remarkable for its clarity and simplicity of diction in dealing with themes of truth, beauty, love, death, heavenly joys, earthly pleasures, and purity of faith. All together seventy-one poems are contained herein “The Goblin Market and Other Poems”, a collection of endearing works of inward contemplation and timeless vision which will inspire and delight readers of all ages.
An important and often-quoted literary figure, the English poet Christina Rossetti (1830–1894) wrote some of the most beautiful and voluptuous poetry in the English language. Like Emily Dickinson, she lived in self-imposed isolation, writing of God and lost love with a sensuality and passion that seemed to emanate from the soul.This edition of 53 works combines a number of her best-known sonnets, ballads, and shorter lyrics with her long masterpiece, the narrative fable Goblin Market. A haunting fairy tale in verse, Goblin Market was once labeled a children's poem, yet its intricate symbolism and themes of temptation, sin, and redemption mark it for an adult audience. Among other works included in this choice collection are «The Convent Threshold,» «Up-hill,» «Cousin Kate,» «Winter: My Secret,» «Maude Clare,» «No, Thank You, John,» and «After Death.»
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Кристина Россетти
Жанр Зарубежные стихи
Серия Dover Thrift Editions