
Sometimes theological ideas are good topics for ongoing debate. Other times, the community of faith needs to come to a decision: yes or no. Christian Reconstructionism offers the Christian church a basic approach to faith different from mainstream historic Christianity. Is their approach warranted? Or is it a fundamental distortion of the gospel? The present volume seeks to set out the case that Christian Reconstructionism is not a legitimate variation of Christian doctrine, but rather a serious misunderstanding of the gospel attested in Holy Scripture. First, an attempt is made to look at the basic ideas of Christian Reconstructionism. Rather than focusing on names and dates, the focus is on the set of ideas that characterize this view of Christianity. Second, a response is given to each of the main ideas. The response makes use of traditional Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Eastern Orthodox doctrine; but it is based primarily on careful exegesis of Scripture. The ultimate question is if Christian Reconstructionism is grounded in the Bible, or in a political ideology foreign to Scripture. An epilogue briefly points to a different way of seeing Christian involvement in contemporary, global society.


The American church is in crisis. The crisis is not caused by the politics of Trumpism, though that is the occasion for it. The crisis is evoked by the great challenge which every generation faces: to follow Jesus Christ in the way of discipleship. The word of God's promise sets before American Christians a simple but dramatic choice in the face of the toxic politics of Trumpism. Does the gospel of Jesus Christ embrace the politics of Trumpism? Yes, or no? Each must choose, and the gospel itself is at stake.


The present volume is the fifth in a five-volume study of church doctrine. The multivolume set covers the major parts of church doctrine: Canon, God, Creation, Reconciliation, and Redemption. The first volume begins with an introduction to the entire project on why doctrine matters, which stresses the ecumenical, global, and above all biblical horizons of church doctrine as a primary expression of Christian witness. The purpose of this fifth volume is to explicate the full reality of God's redeeming love for the whole creation. In the doctrine of redemption, the church looks forward in hope. Through the gift of the Spirit at Pentecost the church is gathered out of all nations and peoples of the earth, and looks forward to the coming day of final redemption for the whole cosmos. Yet even now, the promise of God's coming is active in the world, rendering the church into a new humanity, establishing a new society, calling every individual to a new life of joy in discipleship. Church doctrine is not a luxury, but a necessity for the living community of faith, by which its witness in word and deed is tested against the one true measure of Christ the risen Lord.


The present volume is the fourth in a five-volume study of church doctrine. The multivolume set covers the major parts of church doctrine: Canon, God, Creation, Reconciliation, and Redemption. The first volume begins with an introduction to the entire project on why doctrine matters, which stresses the ecumenical, global, and above all biblical horizons of church doctrine as a primary expression of Christian witness. The purpose of this fourth volume is to celebrate the gospel of Jesus Christ as the treasure of the church and the power of God for the reconciliation of the world. The gospel bears witness to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and calls for faith in him as the free gift of forgiveness and new life. The gospel is constantly in motion, tearing down every barrier of human bigotry and prejudice, not only forming a new society, but reforming the church itself. Church doctrine is not a luxury, but a necessity for the living community of faith, by which its witness in word and deed is tested against the one true measure of Christ the risen Lord.


The present volume is the third in a five-volume study of church doctrine. The multivolume set covers the major parts of church doctrine: Canon, God, Creation, Reconciliation, and Redemption. The first volume begins with an introduction to the entire project on why doctrine matters, which stresses the ecumenical, global, and above all biblical horizons of church doctrine as a primary expression of Christian witness. The second volume discusses the doctrine of God. The purpose of this third volume is to reaffirm the traditional church doctrine of Creation, and yet to do so in a way that submits that tradition to the overruling, overpowering authority of Scripture. God the Creator, according to the Bible, owns the entire universe; it does not belong to humankind. We live in service of his covenant of grace; but we do so along with our fellow creatures in a common vulnerability and finitude. The volume addresses the question of how the church doctrine of Creation speaks to the manifold ecological crisis of our time. Church doctrine is not a luxury but a necessity for the living community of faith, by which its witness in word and deed is tested against the one true measure of Christ the risen Lord.


The present volume is the second in a five-volume study of church doctrine. The multivolume set will cover the major parts of church doctrine: Canon, God, Creation, Reconciliation, and Redemption. The first volume (now in print) begins with an introduction to the entire project on why doctrine matters, which stresses the ecumenical, global, and above all biblical horizons of church doctrine as a primary expression of Christian witness.
The purpose of this second volume can be simply stated: to let God be God. In a world in which the God of the Christian witness is often confused with the tribal god of religion–a god who sets «us» against «them,» who divides humanity into nations, peoples, regions, races–the gospel proclaims the living God of the Bible who fashions a new humanity on the earth. This God in the freedom of his love elects to be for humanity, and calls all humanity to live for him. Church doctrine is not a luxury, but a necessity for the living community of faith, by which its witness in word and deed is tested against the one true measure of Christ the risen Lord.


The present volume is the first in a five-volume study of church doctrine. The multivolume set will cover the major parts of church doctrine: Canon, God, Creation, Reconciliation, and Redemption. This first volume begins with an introduction on why doctrine matters, which stresses the ecumenical, global, and above all biblical horizons of church doctrine as a primary expression of Christian witness.
The purpose of this volume is to begin a search for an alternative to the many theologies available on the religious left and the religious right. Where doctrine is absent, the church is held captive to ideology; the same is as true among conservatives as it is among liberals. The present work is an attempt to struggle toward the meaning of orthodoxy in church doctrine–an orthodoxy that is never merely a given, but which always has to be sought and found again and again in each new generation of the church.
Church doctrine is not a luxury, but a necessity for the living community of faith, by which its witness in word and deed is tested against the one true measure of Christ the risen Lord.