
E. Stanley Jones observed that people “know everything about life except how to live it.” We humans have acquired immense knowledge and achieved great things. We are enlightened, Jones said, but not necessarily enlivened. Steve Harper has been mulling over this human situation for a few decades and offers his profoundly inspiring conclusions in Life In Christ .   Harper helps us recognize our tendency to search for life through rules and dogmas rather than in relationships with other people and with God. By living in relationship, we live as enlivened Christians, the abundant life God intends for us and the life we long for. He encourages us to see the spiritual life as a movement, where we are always on the way, taking steps forward to continually align our lives with Christ. He shows us how Christ can be the goal and pattern for our lives, motivating us to live as God’s beloved and as instruments of God’s love.   Harper provides a wealth of helps, including a set of questions for reflecting on each chapter, a discussion guide for conversing about the book in a group, and extensive reading lists for further enrichment.


A fresh wind of God's Spirit is blowing on the earth today, and as in times past, God is inviting us to raise our sails and move forward with the power and direction that reflects our commitment to God's will. Some are calling it «a new pentecost,» but whatever name is given, we are living in a time when we have an opportunity to connect with God's renewing work. One specific manifestation of this movement is «the new monasticism.» This book is an invitation to explore it and embrace the dynamics it contains.


This workbook describes major features in John Wesley's devotional life, and it illustrates how you can apply his ministry to your own life.
Structured around Wesley's «Means of Grace,» the seven-week study workbook covers among other topics prayer, scripture, the Lord's Supper, and fasting. Developed for individual or group study, the workbook also offers suggestions for organizing an initial group meeting and developing a successful group study.
Required text for Lay Speakers Grow Spiritually Through Daily Discipline: Advanced Course. Also available in Spanish as La Vida de Devoción en la Tradición Wesleyana and Korean.
See also A Pocket Story of John Wesley and Praying with John Wesley.