
When explorers land on a seemingly unpopulated planet, they discover a sugarcane-like substance growing in seemingly cultivated fields, and the canes ring like a pipe organ at night. They need organic matter for their replicators and plants for their hydroponics, so they harvest some of it. Big mistake!


apocalypse, dust, underwater, city, end of world


An old woman slowly loses the battle to insanity, or perhaps to her own fey nature, after her husband dies while coming home from his monthly shopping trip. But something supernatural may be in play… A classic fantasy!


After a plague has killed almost everyone on the planetm a young woman, newly married, is as far as she knows the last person alive. Her radio engineer husband had made her promise to keep going on air every night to sing, hoping that anyone else still alive will hear her and come find her… [Also published as «The Last Woman»]


Catastrophe had visited Earth and left it completely destroyed. But mankind had already bridged the galactic gap, and on the planets of the Centaurus system the discovery of the Memory Bank had brought man to the brink of immortality. The custodian of the Bank and ruler of the Centauran council was the most beautiful woman of the Centauran world, thousand-year-old Marian.<P> Lieutenant-Commander Merck was a non-depositor. He had an intuitive feeling of the danger of the Memory Bank: that it would Weaken the people, leaving them easy prey to hostile civilizations. He was to meet the ravishingly beautiful Barbarian girl, Iskra, who was to play a vital part-in his resolve – to defy the powerful Centauran culture!


Science fiction and fantasy have going hand-in-hand since long before the term «science fiction» was coined. Among the earliest examples is Gulliver of Mars, by Edwin L. Arnold (originally published in 1905) – and the genre grew and flourished through the work of Edgar Rice Burroughs (A Princess of Mars, etc.), Poul Anderson (Three Hearts and Three Lions , etc.) Lin Carter (Jandar of Callisto , etc.) and so many more. Here are four novels – and four very different takes on the mix of fantasy and science fiction: THE RAT RACE, by Jay Franklin<BR> THE MEMORY BANK, by Wallace West<BR> GULLIVER OF MARS, by Edwin L. Arnold<BR> REBELS OF THE RED PLANET, by Charles L. Fontenay<P> If you enjoy this ebook, don't forget to search your favorite ebook store for «Wildside Press Megapack» to see more of the 300+ volumes in this series, covering adventure, historical fiction, mysteries, westerns, ghost stories, science fiction – and much, much more!


When the first expedition from Earth arrived on Mars, they were greeted with open arms. Not only had the Martians long ago learned all they wanted about Earth – they wanted nothing to do with us. To quote their welcoming committee: «You Earth people don't know your own history. You have always been incorrigible. When Mars was younger, we drove you back to your own planet, whereupon you tumbled into savagery for a gratifyingly long time. The really intelligent Martians then emigrated to the ends of the universe to avoid a second encounter. In fact we are not interested in playing cowboys and indians with your people.»<P> But Earthmen ARE incorrigible, and Martians are obstinate, and the result is an adventure-packed novel that spans two planets and several stars and is great science-fiction all the way!<P> "A running chronicle of the conflict between the ancient feathered folk of Mars and the brash expansionists of Earth.... It is entertainment from start to finish, with only snatches of the serious aspects of dying Mars and bull-headed Earth. Go along with the author and enjoy the story." – P. Schuyler Miller, Analog Science Fiction


A lean wind wails through the age-old avenues of Dawningsburgh.
Mornings, it brings sand from surrounding hills and scrubs at fresh paint, neon signs endlessly proclaiming the city’s synthetic name and street markers in seven languages.
At sunrise it prepares the dunes for footprints of scurrying guided tourists.
When icy night clamps down and the intruders scamper to their hotels, the wind howls as it flings after them a day’s collection of paper cups, bottle caps and other picnic offal.