
With this singular book Nataniël tells the story of a childhood in three small towns and one large suburb, in an era during which rules were seldom questioned and of a young boy’s overwhelming fear of the ordinary. Look At Me is Nataniël's first full-length memoir.


Met hierdie unieke boek vertel Nataniël die verhaal van ’n kindertyd in drie klein dorpies en een groot voorstad, ’n era waartydens reëls blindelings gevolg is en oor ’n jong seun met ’n oorweldigende vrees vir die gewone. Kyk na my is Nataniël se eerste volwaardige memoir.


Nataniël is weer op sy stukke. 41 magiese nuwe stories in Afrikaans en Engels, uit sy mees onlangse verhoogproduksies landswyd. Tegelyk absurd en tog so herkenbaar Suid-Afrikaans. Soos in Nicky & Lou, en sy jongste blitsverkoper 150 stories, is die verhale in Zip! spitsvondig en báie snaaks, en tog ook so wys. Hoe skryf hy op een plek: “As mense na jou staar of jou nie aanvaar nie, is dit heeltemal in die haak. Solank hulle vir jou hande klap.” 27 stories is in Afrikaans, en 14 in Engels. Nataniël has done it again. 41 pitch-perfet stories from his most recent stage productions since 2012: funny, wry, and often with a bitter sting in the tail. These stories evoke South Africans at their best, and their worst. It’s the small dorpies, the crazy characters on the fringe, and always Nataniël’s uncanny insight into human nature. 27 stories are in Afrikaans, and 14 in English.


Hierdie omvangryke versameling van die bekende en gewilde Nataniël se verhoogverhale is die ideale Kersgeskenk! Nataniël is een van Suid-Afrika se meester-storievertellers op die verhoog. Sy unieke stem en styl, sy spitsvondige en skerpsinnige humor, sy deernis vir die verskoppelinge en verstotelinge, dit alles maak hom ’n belangrike stem in ons kultuur en samelewing. Die versameling sluit in byna al sy verhale (Afrikaans én Engels) uit ouer bundels wat reeds deur die jare uit druk geraak het (Oopmond, Rubber, Maria Maria, Tuesday, Kaalkop², When I was), sowel as 10 nuwe stories. This extensive collection of stories by the inimitable Nataniël will make an ideal Christmas gift for any of his fans! His unique voice and style, his quirky and sharp humour, his empathy for the outcast and outsider, make him an important voice in our society. The collection includes almost all his stories (English and Afrikaans) from his older books which are now out of print (Oopmond, Rubber, Maria Maria, Tuesday, Kaalkop², When I was), as well as 10 new stories.


Nataniël se jongste bundel is ’n keuse van 46 stories (15 in Engels en 31 in Afrikaans) uit sy verhoogproduksies sedert 2007, onder meer uit Predicting Snow, Men who Fly, Egg Whites and Angel Food, Coronation, Cathedral, Knowing your Microwave and other Magical Moments, Combat. Magiese vertellings oor ons absurde wêreld: die vreemdheid maar ook die bekendheid daarvan. ’n Meesterstorieverteller.Lof vir Nataniël se stories:“Nataniël se hantering van die groteske en absurde kom by hom so spontaan, onpretensieus en maklik soos wat dit vir ander mense is om ‘n eier te kook.” – Jeanne Goosen“In enige ander tydvak of kultuur kon Nataniël dalk ‘n sjamaan gewees het.” – Cas van Rensburg Nataniël’s latest collection includes 46 stories, some in English some in Afrikaans, selected and adapted from his shows staged since 2007, amongst others Predicting Snow, Men who Fly, Egg Whites and Angel Food, Coronation, Cathedral, Knowing your Microwave and other Magical Moments, Combat. Magical stories about a world both strange and familiar. Praise for Nataniël’s stories:“Nataniël has always been a master storyteller as he creates an extraordinary world filled with lonely people all struggling to find their way.” – Diane de Beer“Nataniël’s stories are arguably modern fairytales.” – Derek Wilson


Since his solo debut 20 years ago, Nataniël has become one of the best-known and most popular South African entertainers. When I was is an all-English collection of 25 previously unpublished stories by Nataniël, selected and adapted from his stage productions Finding Gabriel, My brother Fonzo, Walking with Wizards, My name is Diamond, Songs of Saints, The Moses Machine, Of heartbreak and hope, The Hong Kong kiss, Predicting snow and Men who fly