
Parents are drowning in a sea of homework, wondering how to stop the madness and have some happy time with their children again. The premise of The Homework Sanity System, is to partner with children around their homework, helping them to organize their work and encouraging them to think on their own.
Roger Wilkerson offers light at the end of the homework tunnel with a real-life, practical method for parents to conquer the nightly homework challenges posed by school today. The accessible 4-step process of Partner-Connect-Correct-Collect brings possibility and yes, even fun to your evening homework sessions.
Children want to learn, play and grow, awakening to each day as a new adventure. We participate in that bright future for our children by starting right where we are, and stepping up to support them.
The book is a companion to Homework Sanity: Insights for Parents from a Private Tutor.


There are people who believe you can't change things and then there are people who shift things. Roger Wilkerson is one of the latter, with a unique talent for finding solutions to complex problems.
Roger's focus is assisting children, particularly those who have been labeled disruptive due to ADD/ADHD/ODD. These children often have fallen victim to the challenges of over-testing without basic instruction in core subjects such as mathematics, reading, writing, and verbal expression skills.
Homework Sanity: Insights for Parents from a Private Tutor is a tool to aid parents in partnering with their child to learn, rather than descending into the unappreciative trap of the Homework Monitor from Hell.
Born in Columbus, Ohio, Roger is based out of Los Angeles, California. He loves traveling and has lived in Philadelphia, Los Angeles, Honolulu, Saudi Arabia and Thailand. His one-on-one tutoring services are employed worldwide.