
The Mystery of You is an exciting and thought-provoking look at ourselves and how we live our lives. It contains a rich tapestry of ideas, beliefs and experiences. It challenges the reader in many ways by confronting everyday issues, but always remaining interesting and easy to read. Many questions are discussed, for example: – What is happening to humanity?– What kind of individuals and communities are we producing?– What have morality and ethics got to do with everyday living?– Where can we find some clues that will give us a head start in our own journey through the maze of living? The first part of the book is written by Ron Goldschlager, a successful businessman and communal identity who cares deeply about humanity and our world. The second part is a series of articles by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz, a philosopher, scholar, educator, advisor to many high-profile international leaders and prolific writer of over 70 books. Accompanying and complementing the text is a wonderful collection of paintings by Victor Majzner, some produced especially for this work. They are inspiring and colourful illustrations of the important themes in this book. In a positive and easy-to-digest manner, this book explores Jewish thought and belief, and offers a practical and creative perspective on eternal issues. It consists of seven chapters: Ageing; Belief and Bureaucracy; Continuity; Behaviour; Water and Life with Numbers; This is About Happiness; Science or Religion and Religion or Science.