

«Семь дней ТВ-программа» – развлекательный иллюстрированный журнал для семейного чтения, содержащий аннотированную телепрограмму. Телепрограмма с 29 ноября по 5 декабря.



The recent progress in analytical methods, aided by bringing in a wide range of other disciplines, opens up the study to a broader field, which means that biogeography now goes far beyond a simple description of the distribution of living species on Earth.<br /><br />Originating with Alexander von Humboldt, biogeography is a discipline in which ecologists and evolutionists aim to understand the way that living species are organized in connection with their environments. Today, as we face major challenges such as global warming, massive species extinction and devastating pandemics, biogeography offers hypotheses and explanations that may help to provide solutions.<br /><br />This book presents as wide an overview as possible of the different fields that biogeography interacts with. Sixteen authors from all over the world offer different approaches based on their specific areas of knowledge and experience; thus, we intend to illustrate the vast number of diverse aspects covered by biogeography.


The book focuses on the way that human beings and computers interact to ever increasing levels of both complexity and simplicity. Assuming very little knowledge, the book provides content on theory, cognition, design, evaluation, and user diversity. It aims to explain the underlying causes of the cognitive, social and organizational problems typically are devoted to descriptions of rehabilitation methods for specific cognitive processes. This book describes new algorithms for modeling accessible to cognitive scientists of all varieties. The book is inherently interdisciplinary, publishing original research in the fields of computing, engineering, artificial intelligence, psychology, linguistics, and social and system organization, as applied to the design, implementation, application, analysis, and evaluation of interactive systems. Machine learning research has been being carried out for a decade at international level in various applications. The new learning approach is mostly used in machine learning based cognitive applications. This will give direction for future research to scientists and researchers working in neuroscience, neuro-imaging, machine learning based brain mapping and modeling etc.


The challenges associated with the environmental impact of renewable energies are formidable and multiple. The exploitation of diffuse forms of energy will require us to reshape our lifestyles and infrastructures. Reducing their environmental impact is imperative and requires the mobilization of all available levers of action.<br /><br />Beyond the analysis of these challenges, this book presents an overview of the levers of action that should allow us to meet them, by crossing the fields of the human sciences, geosciences and engineering. The levers of action examined are both technical (through the substitution or use of low technology) and economic and social (through the development of recycling or decoupling). The book also addresses the question of their effectiveness and their overall impact.



This volume adopts a discourse and feminist approach to post-feminist media cultures and provides cutting edge knowledge of discourse analysis methods as they apply to the study of language and gender in different contexts. Editors Antonia Sánchez Macarro and Ana Belén Cabrejas Peñuelas bring together key discourse analysts to write about topics such as the construction of gendered identities in the (new) media; young women's online and offline gendered and sexualized self-representations; and the analysis of discursive practices in the context of higher education. This volume will serve as an invaluable tool for researchers and students interested in language, gender and discourse analysis.


Подводя итоги III Большого литературного онлайн-проекта, включившего четыре фестиваля разной направленности, Интернациональный Союз писателей предлагает вниманию читателей «Звёздный путь» – сборник произведений участников проекта. Основой книги стали поэзия и фантастика, однако другие жанры тоже не оставлены в стороне. Многие произведения помогают увидеть жизнь немного иначе, чем всегда, придают ей новых красок, другие же напоминают о стоящих перед нами проблемах, а также о тех, с которыми мы можем столкнуться в будущем. В книге есть тексты, которые могут удивить, напугать или озадачить, но одно определенно ясно: они ни за что не заставят читателя заскучать.