
Organonickel chemistry plays an increasingly important role in organic chemistry, and interest in this topic is now just as keen as in organopalladium chemistry. While there are numerous, very successful books on the latter, a book specializing in organonickel chemistry is long overdue. Edited by one of the leading experts in the field, this volume covers the many discoveries made over the past 30 years, and previously scattered throughout the literature. Active researchers working at the forefront of organonickel chemistry provide a comprehensive review of the topic, including cross-coupling reactions, asymmetric synthesis and heterogeneous catalysis reaction types. A must-have for both organometallic chemists and synthetic organic chemists.


In this handbook, Peer Kirsch clearly shows that this exciting field is no longer an exotic area of research. Aimed primarily at synthetic chemists wanting to gain a deeper understanding of the fascinating implications of including the highly unusual element fluorine in organic compounds, the main part of the book presents a wide range of synthetic methodologies and the experimental procedures selected undeniably show that this can be done with standard laboratory equipment. To round off, the author looks at fluorous chemistry and the applications of organofluorine compounds in liquid crystals, polymers and more besides. This long-awaited book represents an indispensable source of high quality information for everyone working in the field.


Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) are toxic, resistant to degradation, bioaccumulative, and display wide spatial distribution. They accumulate in humans and wildlife, and have been linked to cancer, as well as reproductive and immunological disorders. In 2001 a global treaty on POPs was agreed, to minimise and ultimately eliminate the release of POPs into the environment. The Stockholm Convention lists 12 groups of chemicals, and as of late 2008, a further 12 chemicals are under consideration for inclusion. This book addresses all of these chemicals, but focuses particularly on currently listed POPs that are still of major concern (e.g. polychlorinated biphenyls – PCBs), as well as new and emerging POPs that have been the subject of an explosion of scientific interest in the last decade, i.e. brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and perfluorinated chemicals (PFCs). Other chapters address the challenges posed by the presence of POPs in the developing world; how the properties of chiral POPs can provide unique insights into their environmental sources, fate and behaviour; and issues arising from the presence of POPs in urban and indoor environments. Persistent Organic Pollutants provides a much-anticipated reference source for a wide audience including academics, industrial scientists and regulators.


A thorough survey of synthetic methods, chemistry, and applications of major classes of fluorinated heterocycles Merging organic, heterocyclic, and fluoroorganic chemistry, fluorinated heterocyclic compounds have distinctively desirable properties suitable for use in pharmaceuticals and agrichemicals, especially their ability to penetrate the cell membrane barrier for drug absorption. Offering a needed overview of this relatively new addition to the heterocyclic family, this essential reference provides the latest state-of-the-art information on key application areas within fluorine chemistry. With contributions from experts from both industry and academia, the book covers the chemistry, synthesis, and applications of fluorinated heterocycles with chapters on: Three-, four-, five-, six-, and seven-membered fluorine-containing heterocycles Fluorinated nucleosides Fluorointermediates Applications of fluorinated heterocycles in agricultural products Pharmaceuticals containing fluorinated heterocycles Technical applications of fluorinated heterocycles Written by a team of world-recognized experts in the area of organic and industrial chemistry of fluorine, Fluorinated Heterocyclic Compounds: Synthesis, Chemistry, and Applications will prove valuable to both students and researchers from academia and industry seeking further knowledge of the synthetic methods, chemistry, and applications of major classes of fluorinated heterocycles.


This comprehensive book covers various aspects of nanoscience and nanotechnology and what is known about the potential environmental and health impacts. Divided into three main sections, the book addresses the toxicity of nanomaterials, fate and transport of nanomaterials in the environment, and occupational health aspects of nanotechonology.


This book offers a comprehensive overview of the rapidly developing field of cluster science. In an interdisciplinary approach, basic concepts as well as recent developments in research and practical applications are authoritatively discussed by leading authors. Topics covered include 'naked' metal clusters, clusters stabilized by ligands, clusters in solids, and colloids. The reader will find answers to questions like: * How many metal atoms must a particle have to exhibit metallic properties? * How can the large specific surface of clusters and colloids be employed in catalysts? * How can metal clusters be introduced into solid hosts? * Which effects are responsible for the transition from isolated to condensed clusters? The editor has succeeded in bringing the contributions of various authors together into a homogeneous, readable book, which will be useful for the academic and industrial reader alike.


The essential introduction to the understanding of the structure of inorganic solids and materials. This revised and updated 2nd Edition looks at new developments and research results within Structural Inorganic Chemistry in a number of ways, special attention is paid to crystalline solids, elucidation and description of the spatial order of atoms within a chemical compound. Structural principles of inorganic molecules and solids are described through traditional concepts, modern bond-theoretical theories, as well as taking symmetry as a leading principle.


Analysieren von Proben – preiswert und effektiv Die elektrochemische Stripping-Analyse stellt eine au?erst empfindliche und gleichzeitig einfache und preiswerte Analysenmethode dar. Von einer kurzen theoretischen Einfuhrung uber den Aufbau einfacher Me?anordnungen bis hin zu zahlreichen Anwendungsmoglichkeiten bietet dieses Buch alles Wichtige uber diese Methode. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf den praktischen Aspekten und den Anwendungsbeispielen aus der Spuren- und Umweltanalytik. Dabei gibt der Autor dem Leser Hilfen zum Auffinden der fur seine Probleme geeigneten Me?methode und weist auf Stormoglichkeiten bei den verschiedenen Messungen hin. Die ausfuhrliche Beschreibung der Instrumentation versetzt den Benutzer in die Lage, einfache Me?anordnungen auf seine Bedurfnisse zugeschnitten selbst zusammenzubauen. Dieses Buch ist fur alle Praktiker der Analytik, wie Chemieingenieure und Chemotechniker, aber ebenso fur Praktikumsleiter in Ausbildungsstatten geeignet. Der Autor war 25 Jahre auf dem Gebiet der Spuren- und Umweltanalytik bei Siemens tatig.


Neben der Methodenentwicklung ist die Optimierung bestehender Methoden eine zentrale Aufgabe im HPLC-Labor. Eine Aufgabe, die heute in immer kurzerer Zeit und kosteneffizient erledigt werden muss. Das Handbuch bietet eine fundierte Hilfe, um diese Herausforderung noch besser zu meistern. International renommierte Autoren wie John W. Dolan, Michael McBrien, Veronika R. Meyer, Uwe D. Neue, Lloyd R. Snyder oder Klaus K. Unger behandeln sowohl die allgemeinen Grundlagen und Strategien der Optimierung als auch die spezifischen Aspekte der unterschiedlichen Techniken wie RP-HPLC, NP-HPLC, Micro- und Nano-HPLC sowie der Kopplungstechniken wie LC-MS. Auch die richtige Saulenauswahl sowie Enantiomerentrennungen gehoren zu den behandelten Themen. Die Autoren liefern konkrete, praktische Tipps ebenso wie relevante Hintergrundinformationen. Sie bieten daruber hinaus Einblicke in die Optimierungspraxis sieben international renommierter Firmen verschiedener Branchen. Einige Beitrage stellen die Anwendung gangiger Optimierungssoftware wie DryLab oder ChromSword dar. Das ganze wird abgerundet durch praxisnahe Berichte erfahrener Anwender aus den verschiedenen Anwendungsgebieten, inbesondere aus den Life Sciences, wie beispielsweise Proteomics oder Pharmaentwicklung. Alle Beitrage sind in einem auf das Wesentliche konzentrierten und anwendungsnahen Stil geschrieben. Der Aufbau des Buches mit abgeschlossenen Kapiteln erleichtert das gezielte Nachschlagen.


This comprehensive reference and handbook covers all aspects of ultrasound for analytical applications. Besides classical extraction techniques, it also provides an overview of ultrasound applications and devotes two chapters to proteomics and polymer technology. From the contents: * Common ultrasonic devices * Elemental speciation * On-line applications * Accelerated extraction of semivolatile and volatile organics * The ultrasonic bath vs. the ultrasonic probe * Liquid-liquid, liquid-solid and solid-liquid extraction * Solid-phase (micro)extraction * Stir bar sorptive extraction * Sonochemistry for organic and inorganic synthesis * Electrochemical applications * Applications to polymer science * Power ultrasound meets proteomics Of great interest to researchers in academia and industry, as well as analytical and natural products chemists, and those working in trace analysis.