
Ours is an age of offense, a time of reactionary shock–always received, never given. Ours is an age that has forgone cultural narratives, a time of individualism–wherein personal identities trump the collective spirit. Ours is an age of failing earth, a time of ecological collapse–yet the consumption of global capitalism continues to run amok.  But don't fear. You have the correct worldview, the best solutions.  It's not your fault these things are happening. It's the president's, the immigrant's, and the Islamicist's.  Or perhaps It's the socialist's, the tree hugger's, and the baby killer's.  But it's not your fault. Never yours. For the world exists as you see it–in an echo chamber lined with golden pixels.  Do I still have your attention? Then join me.  Within the covers of Narrativizing Theories, I dive into ambiguity and aesthetics to depict how clashing worldviews exist side by side yet remain mutually incompatible.  I examine how cultures distinguish between acceptable and unacceptable beliefs, embodiments, and identities.  And I outline an aesthetic theory of ambiguity that highlights–through the twists and turns of literature–the provisionality of knowledge and the narrativization of reality.


We kill. We come home. We move on. But the violence haunts. And then it questions. Was I justified in Iraq? Is there meaning in violence? For some, the answer comes easily. For others, one question leads to many–the answers seen through all the plain. Benjamin John Peters invites you to accompany him on his harrowing journey through Marine Corps Recruit Training, a violence-riddled Iraq, the questions and doubts of seminary, and the pursuit of reparations in Cambodia. Retold in poignant detail, Through All the Plain chronicles the difficulties of war, of coming home, and of searching for meaning in violence. Peters approaches this topic with both sensitivity and vulnerability in a book that is sure to provoke questions about the nature of faith, violence, and justice in a complex world.