
Maggie was only 13 years old when the Anglo-Boer War broke out and irrevocably changed her life. After months of house arrest in the family’s home in Heidelberg in the Transvaal, Maggie, her mother and younger siblings are sent to a concentration camp in Natal. In the camp, they experience hunger, deprivation and loss, but also surprising acts of kindness from some British soldiers. This very personal account tells a story of hardship, but also one of humanity and friendship across enemy lines.


Margaretha (Maggie) Jooste was net 13 jaar oud toe die Anglo-Boereoorlog uitbreek en haar lewe ingrypend verander. Ná maande in huisarres word sy en haar gesin na ’n konsentrasiekamp in Natal gestuur. Hier ervaar hulle honger, onsekerheid en verlies, maar ook soms – op ’n verrassende wyse – die goedhartigheid van Britse soldate. Hierdie baie persoonlike vertelling, in haar eie woorde, is ’n verhaal van swaarkry en erge ontbering, maar ook van medemenslikheid en vriendskap oor vyandsgrense heen.