
Ensure learning equality in every classroom. Investigate previous and current policies designed to help close the achievement gap. Examine predominant mindsets that contradict school missions to promote equal academic opportunities, and consider the psychological impact this has on students. Explore strategies for adopting a new mindset that frees educators and students from negative academic performance expectations.


Transformational leaders have four distinctive skills: strong communication, the ability to build trust, the ability to increase the skills of those they lead, and a results orientation. Time for Change offers powerful guidance for those seeking to develop and strengthen the educational leadership skills needed for change management. Throughout this authoritative guide, Anthony Muhammad and Luis F. Cruz share concrete tools and strategies that will prepare you to lead your school toward lasting, meaningful change. Use this educational leadership book to inspire a shared vision and overcome resistance to change: Develop an understanding of leadership as a skill that can be practiced and improved. Consider three questions of transformational leadership (Why? Who? How?) and then Do! Learn about the technical and cultural dimensions of change and the ways in which both must be addressed. Understand the reasons behind resistance to change and how to manage it through effective leadership. Synthesize your skills as a school leader and utilize them to effect strategic change. Contents: Introduction Chapter 1: Finding Balance for Systems Change Chapter 2: Communicating the Rationale – Building Cognitive Investment Chapter 3: Establishing Trust – Making an Emotional Investment Chapter 4: Building Capacity – Making a Functional Investment Chapter 5: Getting Results – Collecting the Return on Investment Chapter 6: Tying It All Together References and Resources


With foreword by Richard DuFour and Rebecca DuFour Transforming School Culture provides a school improvement plan for leaders to overcome staff division, improve relationships, and transform toxic school cultures into healthy ones. Dr. Anthony Muhammad contends that in order to transform school culture, we must understand why teachers continue to hold on to models or beliefs contrary to those put forth by their school or district. He explores the human behavior, social conditions, and history that cause the underlying conflict among the four different types of teachers in a school. The second edition of this best-selling resource delivers powerful new insight into the four types of educators (Believers, Fundamentalists, Tweeners, and Survivors) and how school leaders can work with each group to create positive school culture. The book also includes Dr. Muhammad's latest research as well as a new chapter dedicated to answering frequently asked questions on culture and school leadership in education. How this new edition will help you create a positive school culture: Study the author's research and observations of 34 schools—11 elementary schools, 14 middle schools, and 9 high schools—and how each school's staff supported or hindered student achievement. Consider the characteristics of positive school cultures and how your school's culture and climate may differ. Learn how laws such as the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and No Child Left Behind ( NCLB) impact teachers and school culture. Understand why teachers must work together to improve student performance. Obtain tips for creating a positive school culture and producing synergy. New in This Second Edition: An updated research base, including over 60 new references Connections to ESSA as well as reflections on NCLB's impact on education Additional insights into the four types of educators Further guidance on what it takes to be a transformational leader and redirect Fundamentalists through communication, trust, capacity, and accountability A new chapter of frequently asked questions in regard to school culture, leadership, and the four types of educators Contents: Introduction Chapter 1: From Status Quo to True Reform Chapter 2: The Framework of Modern School Culture Chapter 3: The Believers Chapter 4: The Tweeners Chapter 5: The Survivors Chapter 6: The Fundamentalists Chapter 7: «Drop Your Tools»: A Lesson in Change and Our Best Chance at Eliminating Fundamentalism Chapter 8: Implications for Practice Chapter 9: Frequently Asked Questions Appendix: Study Design References and Resources Index


School improvement begins with self-examination and honest dialogue about socialization, bias, discrimination, and cultural insensitivity. The authors acknowledge both the structural and sociological issues that contribute to low-performing schools and offer multiple tools and strategies to assess and improve classroom management, increase literacy, establish academic vocabulary, and contribute to a healthier school culture.