
Das Yoga-Lexikon knüpft an Das Yoga-Wörterbuch an, dessen Inhalt erweitert und vertieft wird, indem zahlreiche Einträge aus der Welt des klassischen Hinduismus ebenso wie Yogi-Biografien und Übungsstile hinzukommen. Als erstes Nachschlagewerk dieser Art enthält das Lexikon auch ein Wörterbuch Deutsch-Sanskrit, welches vielfältige Recherchen anhand deutscher Suchbegriffe ermöglicht, und präsentiert zudem einhundertzwanzig wichtige Sanskrit-Begriffe in indischer Devanagari-Schrift. So erschließt das Buch mit 2000 Artikeln, 70 Biografien und 40 Übungsstilen sowie 190 Asanas in Wort-für-Wort-Übersetzung den Zugang zur gesamten Welt des Yoga und verwandten Themen.


Sri Aurobindo has commented the lives and teachings of Krishna, Buddha, Christ and Ramakrishna in a large number of writings. In this present study his most important statements on the Avatars of the past are presented and discussed in detail along with utterances of the Mother which throw more light on the respective subjects. Thus we gain deep insight into Sri Aurobindo’s integral vision of the spiritual development of humanity and its future destiny.


The Mahabharata is one of the most impressive creations of the Indi-an mind. The studies presented in this book are based on a dissertation which has been comprehensively revised and rewritten by the author in order to make the text accessible to a larger public. In the first part of the book the subject is the role of Krishna and his relationship with the Pandavas. Next follows an in-depth analysis of the dice game, whose legal, psychological and philosophical aspects are presented in detail and with great clarity. The second part contains biographical studies of a large number of yogis, saints and ascetics in the epic with an outline of their manifold characters and different practices, their individual realizations as well as human weaknesses. The book also contains many original Sanskrit quotations which are given along with the author’s own English translations.