
The story of the little Ladybird Marie, who wants to paint dots everythere. Chinese-English.New release of the classic in Chinese-English! Ladybird Marie paints all the animals with dots. The animals don't like them. Marie is very sad. She flies away from her home! Will Marie find a place where she can paint her dots?Nominated for the best European radio play at Prix Europa.爱画点点 的小瓢虫玛丽. 中文 – 英文.ai hua dian dian de xiao piao chong mali. Zhongwen-Yingwen.小瓢虫玛丽爱给其它动物身上画点点。可是大家不喜欢点点。玛丽感到很伤心。她飞向另外一片草地。这片新草地离她的家很远。玛丽能在这个新天地里继续画她的点点吗?


New release of the classic in English-Arabic! Ladybird Marie is sick. She can no longer paint. Her hands and wings are in splints. Diana, the dragonfly always helps other animals and helps Marie. Will Marie ever paint again? As the summer comes to an end, Diana feels unwell. Now who can help Diana?فِي العَدَدِ القَادِم مِن سِلْسِلَة القِصَص! اللغة الإنكليزيَّة – العَربيَّة..الخُنْفُسَاء مَاري يَائِسَة. فَهِيَ لَمْ تَعُدْ قَادِرة عَلى الرَّسْمِ ، وَذَلِكَ لأنَ يَدَهَا وَجَنَاحَها مُلتَويَين. أما اليعسوبة لُولِيتا ، التي تساعد دائماً جميع الحيوانات ، فَسَتُطَبِّبُ ماري أيضاً. فهل سَتَتَمَكن ماري مِنَ الرَسْمِ بِشَكلٍ جَيِّد من جَدِيد؟ وَعِندَما قَارَبَ الصَّيف عَلَى الإنْتِهاءِ سَاءَ حَالُ لُولِيتا. فمَن سَيَقُومُ بِمُسَاعَدَتِها الآن؟


Nuova edizione in italiano del classico inglese!Bella la coccinella incontra la piccola poiana Matteo.Matteo non vuole cacciare i topi, preferisce giocare con loro.I suoi genitori non sono contenti ma un giorno la famiglia delle poiane viene minacciata dalle cornacchie…New release of the classic in Italian-English!Ladybird Marie meets the little Buzzard Ben who doesn't like to catch mice.He prefers to play with them. His parents don't like this!But then the buzzard family is threatened by crows…


Neuauflage des Klassikers! Deutsch-Italienisch.Marienkäfer Marie trifft den kleinen Bussard Horst. Der möchte keine Mäuse fangen. Er spielt lieber mit den Mäusen. Seinen Eltern gefällt das gar nicht! Doch dann wird die Bussardfamilie von Krähen bedroht…Nuova edizione in italiano del classico tedesco.Bella la coccinella incontra la piccola poiana Matteo.Matteo non vuole cacciare i topi, preferisce giocare con loro.I suoi genitori non sono contenti ma un giorno la famiglia delle poiane viene minacciata dalle cornacchie…


Neuerscheinung! Deutsch-Italienisch.Marienkäfer Marie trifft die kleine Schwalbe Ina. Keiner möchte mehr Inas Gute-Nacht-Lieder hören, die sie den ganzen Tag über singt.Darüber ist Ina sehr traurig. Als ihre Familie in den Süden fliegen will bleibt Ina bei ihrer kranken Freundin Marie.Nuova edizione in italiano del classico tedesco.Bella la coccinella incontra la rondinella Sofia. Sofia è molto triste: nessuno vuole più ascoltare le ninne nanne che la piccola rondine canta per tutta la giornata.Quando la sua famiglia decide di volare al sud, Sofia rimane con la sua amica malata Bella.