
The Christian faith is difficult–intellectually, morally, and spiritually. People struggle to make sense of it, and to live it. Many give up. Sitting in the pew (an increasing rarity), with a Christian upbringing and education behind him, Christopher Ward finds the practice and the preaching of the church unhelpful in resolving these struggles. He is tempted to give up and reject it all. Before he does, however, he is determined to make one last attempt to explore what it all means to him, guided only by what he hears and reads in the Bible Sunday to Sunday. Christopher Ward takes the four readings appointed for each Sunday in one year and identifies those verses that have a particular resonance for him. He then explores his personal response to them, unaided by academic study or biblical commentary, and analyzes their cumulative impact on his thinking. This exercise results in unexpected discoveries, and new trains of thought, plus many frustrations and much perplexity. In the end, his struggles are rewarded by a realization that his faltering faith has more to support it than he first believed.


Dying is the best way to revive your musical career … even if you’re not really dead. It’s all slipping away from Roc Molotov – his band, his girlfriend, and worst of all, his ability to play the game demanded by the star-making machinery of the music business. When the best record he’s ever made is about to pass unnoticed, his oldest friend and manager, Uncle Strange, concocts the perfect scheme. Roc will fake his death, on MTV, in front of millions of viewers, assuring massive success on his latest project and the ability to create a body of «posthumous» songs to feed the grieving fans and satisfy his still-active artistic imagination. The plan works to perfection, but the ever-restless Roc finds that being dead has its limitations in this novel that’s sex, death, and rock n’ roll, played in a satirical key.


Mackenzie – just “Mac,” thanks – is a regular fourteen-year-old girl, until a school trip to Paris leaves her tangled up with a cast of shadowy characters, crazy cabbies, and … are those real-life <i>gargoyles?</i> <br/> <br/> That’s just the beginning for Mac and her zany friends, whose adventures whisk them all around France. From a dizzying encounter on top of Notre Dame Cathedral to a cutthroat race to Marseille (try to steer around the sheep), Mac’s adventures have only begun! <br/> <br/>
<b>Includes</b> <br/> <i>Mac in the City of Light</i> <br/> <i>Mac on the Road to Marseille</i> <br/> <br/>
<b><i>Mac in the City of Light</i></b> <br/> Mac’s school trip to Paris turns into an adventure she never imagined. <br/> <br/>
<b><i>Mac on the Road to Marseille</i></b> <br/> Mac takes an adventure on the roads of France.