
Art history student Eddie's adventures in Italy continue in the second installment of this holiday romance. His sexy former thesis advisor Luc continues as his guide on this revelatory trip to Florence. In the galleries, Eddie finds a reflection of himself, and seeks guidance on his path. He is struck by a notion of impermanence, a feeling of longing to hold these moments, this man, forever. As they tour the city's great works of art, Luc continues his study of the statues. Standing before the David, admiring the famous statue's magnificence, Eddie has a revelation – the one that Luc seemingly brought him here to have. Trouble is brewing with their moody holiday companions, but the pair frolic in the pool regardless, and over phenomenal food, wine and scenery, all is right by the time dessert is served.


Newly graduated from a Master's degree in Brussels, American expat Eddie has fallen hard for his handsome thesis supervisor Luc. Not knowing whether he will be able to stay in Europe, or whether he wants to pursue the life European, he embarks upon an Italian summer holiday with Luc and some friends of his. Eddie feels like the little brother tagging along on the grown ups' holiday, but it's well worth it to fall in love with Italy in the summertime.
Perpetually hung up on not being well-hung, Eddie's insecurity is eased by his hot older man, whose appreciation for Renaissance art is matched only by his delight in Eddie's physique. Well, and his appreciation for Italian bread, which is nonetheless not quite as good as the baguette of his homeland. Whether it's on the beaches of Amalfi or touristing in Florence, the pair revel in the sights of their summer, but will this be enough to tempt Eddie to stay forever?


Nathaniel Feldmann turns up the heat to scorching levels as Joost, the sort of-maybe boyfriend left behind in Amsterdam, turns up shirtless on the Vlieland beach, suprising our protagonist Joel, who has been wandering the dunes (among other things) with sexy Johan from the other night.
Joel is horrified and delighted, pleased that Joost came, anxious that he will find out about Johan. As they drink beers on the beach, all is well, and eventually Sander invites everyone back to the holiday house. Sander disappears with his own love interest, leaving Joel alone with Joost and Johan. When Johan asks, Joost finally says what Joel has been longing to her, that they have been seeing each other. This turns out to be no impediment to a blisteringly hot threesome, the stocky Amsterdammer and the muscly holiday fling team up to give Joel a holiday night to remember.


Der letzte Teil der «Hungrig nach Liebe»-Trilogie ist eine der wenigen Erotikgeschichten, die tief in menschliche Untiefen eintauchen und die Monster enttarnen, die wir erschaffen können, wenn wir uns verlieben. Nathaniel Feldmann nimmt seine Leser mit auf eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt durch den tiefen Ozean des Herzschmerzes, aber auch auf eine ergreifende, sinnliche Reise der Sehnsucht und des unkontrollierbaren Verlangens.
An der herrlichen Küste der Hamptons angesiedelt, erzählt Feldmann eine Geschichte über Sex, Jugend und die transformative Kraft der Liebe. Die Trilogie findet mit einzigartiger Verletzlichkeit und literarischer Brillanz ein würdiges Ende.


Der zweite Teil der «Hungrig nach Liebe»-Trilogie porträtiert einen Nachmittag voller Liebe; in einer romantischen Erotikgeschichte, die kokette Sprache mit herzzerreißender Verletzlichkeit in Einklang bringt. Zwei junge Männer machen einen Spaziergang in Coney Island, teilen sich ein warmes Mittagessen und genießen die Zweisamkeit – alles im Namen der Liebe.
Der zugrundeliegende Wunsch nach tieferer Verbundenheit ist fast herzzerreißend, denn Feldmann nutzt seine feinfühlige Expertise, um seine Leser auf eine Achterbahnfahrt der Emotionen zu entführen, die sich so lebendig anfühlen, dass man sie mit allen Sinnen mitzuerleben scheint. Nathaniel Feldmanns außergewöhnliches Talent strahlt zwischen jeder Zeile dieser wunderschönen Erotikgeschichte hindurch, die ihre Leser vom ersten bis zum letzten Wort verzaubern wird


The final part of the Hungry for Love trilogy is a rare piece of erotica, which delves deep into the monsters we can create when we fall in love. The story takes you on a tour under the deep ocean of heartache, as well as a gripping sensual journey of longing and uncontrollable desire. Go see the lush seaside of the Hamptons with our protagonists, in a tale about sex, about youth, and the transformative power of love. A beautiful conclusion to a beautiful story; Nathaniel Feldmann closes his trilogy with unique vulnerability and literary brilliancy.


A lonely city dweller is ready to take on a new challenge, and decides to book a climbing excursion. His new instructor makes the task at hand much harder than he anticipated. In the picturesque scenery of greenery and mountains, a fiery attraction blooms and blossoms. Nathaniel Feldmann shines in yet another brilliant tale; sultry, lively, and light. The Climb is the perfect weekend escape to travel away from daily responsibilities and live a wild fantasy for a day. A sunny erotic story full of sarcasm, tension, and amenability.


Nathaniel Feldmann delights once again with his expat adventures, this time in a luxurious holiday home belonging to his Dutch best friend Sander's parents.
Needing some time out from his maybe-maybe not boyfriend, he jumps at the chance of a holiday on Vlieland with Sander. Amongst the sea views, they check out a pair of other holidaymakers in the supermarket, and things get flirtatious when they see the same guys in a restaurant that night. Sander has his eye on Dutch rapper Pimmy, while Johan's muscular body has Nathaniel drooling.
The four head to the beach for a steamy makeout session in the sand. When a storm hits, they go back to Sander's parents' lavish place, turn on the sauna and party with abandon. The tension builds with Johan in the heat of the sauna. With their friends right next to them, he gives Nathaniel a pounding to remember, eclipsing all memories of the sort of boyfriend back in the city.


Eine entzückende Geschichte, die ihre Leser lächelnd zurücklässt – das ist der erste Teil von Nathaniel Feldmanns Trilogie «Hungrig nach Liebe». «Frühstück» ist eine sonnendurchflutete Geschichte über die glänzende Luftblase der Hoffnung, die entsteht, wenn man jemanden kennenlernt, der ganz neue Gefühle in einem weckt.
In einem schwülen New Yorker Sommer träumt ein junger Mann davon, seine große Liebe zu finden, und versucht sein Glück bei mehreren Tinder-Dates. Doch Andy, ein charmanter und geheimnisvoller Fotograf, ist irgendwie anders als alle anderen Kerle. Feldmann fängt die Vorfreude, die mit einer überwältigenden Schwärmerei einhergeht, und die Erwartungen, die nach einem gelungenen ersten Date in den Himmel steigen, meisterhaft ein.
Nathaniel Feldmanns ist ein Ausnahmetalent und glänzt hier mit einer wunderschön erzählten Erotikgeschichte, die ihre Leser vom ersten bis zum letzten Wort verzaubern wird.


The second piece of the Hungry for Love trilogy creeps into the afternoon of love; in a romantic piece of erotica that balances coquettish writing with heart-wrenching vulnerability. Take a stroll in Coney Island for a warm lunch date, in which two young men yearn for love and enjoyment.
The underlying desire for deeper connection will pull at your heart strings, as Feldmann uses his unique expertise to take readers on a roller-coaster ride of emotions that feel so vivid you can taste them all. Nathaniel Feldmann's exceptional talent shines through a beautiful handcrafted piece of erotica that will enrapture you from the first word to the very last.