
Charles Nordhoff is listed as the co-author. But this is James Norman Hall's book. Entirely. It is apparent in everything from the childhood setting in Iowa to the imagery that also appears in other books that Hall had already finished or would write later, including Lost Island and his autobiography, My Island Home. Also conspicuous is a complete change in writing style and tone. The High Barbaree is filled with contemplative narration. Some critics, including Hall himself, saw this as the writer's weakness. It's not. It's what separates this work from his others and makes it, in retrospect, his forgotten masterpiece. Nordhoff was excellent at framing the action in their co-authored books. That is what made their most cinematic friendly books into their most successful, The Mutiny on the Bounty and The Hurricane. But The High Barbaree walks a fine line between the surreality of a dissolving dream and the sure-footedness of a belief in a higher spiritual realm.


Literary Thoughts edition
The Hurricane by Charles Bernard Nordhoff & James Norman Hall

"The Hurricane" was written in 1936 by Charles Bernard Nordhoff (1887-1947) & James Norman Hall (1887-1951). The novel is set in the late 1800s, telling the story of colonists and natives on a small atoll in the South Pacific, which is set upon by a fierce hurricane that destroys nearly everyone and everything.
All books of the Literary Thoughts edition have been transscribed from original prints and edited for better reading experience.
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Literary Thoughts edition
Mutiny on the Bounty by James Norman Hall & Charles Bernard Nordhoff

"Mutiny on the Bounty" is the title of the 1932 novel by James Norman Hall (1887-1951) and Charles Bernard Nordhoff (1887-1947), based on the mutiny against Lieutenant William Bligh, commanding officer of the Bounty in 1789.

All books of the Literary Thoughts edition have been transscribed from original prints and edited for better reading experience.
Please visit our homepage literarythoughts.com to see our other publications.


"An die nächsten zehn bis fünfzehn Sekunden habe ich keinerlei Erinnerung. Das nächste, was ich weiß, ist, dass ich auf die Erde zustürzte, während mein Motor auf Hochtouren lief. Ich erfasste meine Lage und war doch machtlos, sie zu ändern. Mein Gehirn weigerte sich, meinen Körper zu Handlungen aufzufordern. Ich konnte nicht das Geringste tun. Schließlich hatte ich einen klaren Gedanken: 'Stehe ich in Flammen?' Diese Vorstellung schnitt wie ein Messer in meinen umnebelten Geist."
Zahlreiche junge Männer, die sich während des Ersten Weltkriegs mit romantisch verklärten Vorstellungen von den «Rittern der Lüfte» den Luftstreitkräften anschlossen, wurden rasch von der grausamen Realität eingeholt und konnten sich glücklich schätzen, wenn sie ihre Lektion nicht mit dem Leben bezahlten. Unter ihnen befand sich auch der US-Amerikaner James Norman Hall, der später als Co-Autor der Romantrilogie «Meuterei auf der Bounty» weltweite Bekanntheit erlangen sollte. Hall erlag den Lockungen des prestigeträchtigen Fliegerlebens und schloss sich der berühmten Escadrille Lafayette, einer Jagdstaffel bestehend aus in französischen Diensten kämpfenden Freiwilligen aus den (vorerst noch offiziell neutralen) Vereinigten Staaten, an. Seine Erlebnisse sammelte er in Berichten, welche er einer US-amerikanischen Zeitschrift zur Veröffentlichung sandte. Im Juni des Jahres 1918 erschienen Halls Aufzeichnungen in dem Buch «High Adventure: A Narrative of Air Fighting in France», das nun erstmals in deutscher Sprache vorliegt. "Zwischen Himmel und Hölle mit der Escadrille Lafayette" gewährt nicht nur einen detaillierten Einblick in das Alltagsleben eines Jagdpiloten des Ersten Weltkriegs, sondern legt auch Zeugnis ab über die schweren Opfer, die der Luftkrieg den jungen Männern körperlich wie geistig abverlangte.


The Bounty Trilogy is a book comprising three novels by Charles Nordhoff and James Norman Hall. It relates events prior to, during and subsequent to the Mutiny on the Bounty. "Mutiny on the Bounty" is novel based on the mutiny against Lieutenant William Bligh, commanding officer of the HMS Bounty in 1789. It tells the story through a fictional first-person narrator by the name of Roger Byam, based on a crew member Peter Heywood. HMS Bounty was on a voyage to Tahiti for breadfruit plants and some of the crew members were complaining about Lieutenant William Bligh's harsh treatment. The mutiny broke out under the leadership of Fletcher Christian, master's mate on the ship. Mutineers set Bligh afloat in a small boat with members of the crew loyal to him. Byam, although not one of the mutineers, remained with the Bounty after the mutiny. Mutineers continued to sail on the Bounty, looking for a place build a colony, conflicting with natives. "Men Against the Sea" follows the journey of Lieutenant William Bligh and the eighteen men set adrift in an open boat by the mutineers of the Bounty. The story is told from the perspective of Thomas Ledward, the Bounty's acting surgeon, who went into the ship's launch with Bligh. It begins after the main events described in the novel and then moves into a flashback, finishing at the starting point. "Pitcairn's Island" – After two unsuccessful attempts to settle on the island of Tubuai, the Bounty mutineers returned to Tahiti where they parted company. Fletcher Christian and eight of his men, together with eighteen Polynesians, sailed from Tahiti in September 1789, and for a period of eighteen years nothing was heard of them. Then, in 1808, the American sailing vessel Topaz discovered a thriving community of mixed blood on Pitcairn Island under the rule of Alexander Smith.


Men Against the Sea follows the events after the Mutiny on the Bounty, when Fletcher Christian and mutineers took control of the ship and set Lieutenant Bligh afloat in a small boat with members of the crew loyal to him. The story follows the journey of Lieutenant William Bligh and the eighteen men set adrift in an open boat by the mutineers of the Bounty. The story is told from the perspective of Thomas Ledward, the Bounty's acting surgeon, who went into the ship's launch with Bligh. Bligh exceeds with his inexhaustible determination and unfaltering leadership, saving the lives of his men and leading them through a horrific experience, to survive the South Pacific.


Mutiny on the Bounty is novel based on the mutiny against Lieutenant William Bligh, commanding officer of the HMS Bounty in 1789. It tells the story through a fictional first-person narrator by the name of Roger Byam, based on a crew member Peter Heywood. HMS Bounty was on a voyage to Tahiti for breadfruit plants and some of the crew members were complaining about Lieutenant William Bligh's harsh treatment. The mutiny broke out under the leadership of Fletcher Christian, master's mate on the ship. Mutineers set Bligh afloat in a small boat with members of the crew loyal to him. Byam, although not one of the mutineers, remained with the Bounty after the mutiny. Mutineers continued to sail on the Bounty, looking for a place build a colony, conflicting with natives.


James Norman Hall (1887-1951) was an American writer best known for The Bounty Trilogy, three historical novels he wrote with Charles Nordhoff. During World War I, Hall had the distinction of serving in the militaries of three Western allies: Great Britain as an infantryman, and then France and the United States as an aviator. After the war, Hall spent much of his life on the island of Tahiti, where he and Nordhoff wrote a number of successful adventure books, many adapted for film.


Pitcairn's Island follows the Bounty mutineers as they try to settle and found colony in the islands of the South Seas. After two unsuccessful attempts to settle on the island of Tubuai, the Bounty mutineers returned to Tahiti where they parted company. Fletcher Christian and eight of his men, together with eighteen Polynesians, sailed from Tahiti in September 1789, and for a period of eighteen years nothing was heard of them. Then, in 1808, the American sailing vessel Topaz discovered a thriving community of mixed blood on Pitcairn Island under the rule of Alexander Smith.


e-artnow presents to you this unique sea adventures collection with novels about mutinies, shipwrecks, travels, and tales of the South Seas. Table of Contents: The Bounty Trilogy: Mutiny on the Bounty Men Against the Sea Pitcairn's Island Other Sea Adventures: The Hurricane The Dark River Botany Bay Lost Island The High Barbaree The Far Lands Faery Lands of the South Seas The Forgotten One and Other True Tales of the South Seas: The Forgotten One Captain Handy's Memoirs Sing: A Song of Sixpence A Happy Hedonist Rivnac Frisbie of Danger Island James Norman Hall (1887-1951) was an American writer best known for The Bounty Trilogy, three historical novels he wrote with Charles Nordhoff. During World War I, Hall had the distinction of serving in the militaries of three Western allies: Great Britain as an infantryman, and then France and the United States as an aviator. After the war, Hall spent much of his life on the island of Tahiti, where he and Nordhoff wrote a number of successful adventure books, many adapted for film.