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Kasey Michaels
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Eldest son Alex lived by the rules of his legendary family's proud heritage and would never disgrace the revered Coleman name by seducing an innocent like Hannah Clark. Yet when the spirited beauty turned the tables, the infamous horse breeder found her impossible to resist. Honor demanded he make Hannah his bride. But Alex's destiny had already been carved in a land far beyond the Lone Star State. And his heart now faced the ultimate decision – the choice between love and duty.
Taltsutamata daam… Leedi Nicole Daughtry on tõotanud, et tema ei lase ühelgi mehel end haavataks muuta. Hoolimata paljudest kosilastest, kes rabava kaunitari käe nimel võistlevad, on Nicole näinud, kui palju valu armastus võib põhjustada ega taha sellest midagi kuulda. Aga siis kohtub ta Basingstoke’i markii Lucas Paine’iga, keda ümbritsev ohtlik ja salapärane aura tõmbab neiut jõuliselt enda poole…
Vanapiiga üksildane elu… Kui leedi Lydia Daughtry armastatu hukkub lahingus, on neiu kindel, et ei armu enam kunagi. Kuni ahvatlevalt kena hertsog äratab temas tundeid, mille olemasolust ta isegi teadlik polnud. Ent kuidas tal saavad olla säärased tunded Tanner Blake’i vastu, kes tuletab pidevalt meelde kõike seda, millest ta ilma jäi?
Appi tõttab mees, kellelt seda kõige vähem oodata oskaks… Malverni hertsog Tanner Blake lubas surevale sõbrale, et hoolitseb tema “kalli Lydia” eest. Kuidas julgeb ta nüüd ise ihaldada seda kaunist noort naist – eeskätt seetõttu, et on ise teise naisega sama hästi kui kihlatud? Tema lahendus on leida Lydiale otsekohe sobiv abikaasa. Aga kui nende mõlema ellu tungib salapära ja oht, muutub Tanneri tõotus äärmiselt isiklikuks… ja temas tekib taas soov Lydiat igavesti enda kõrval hoida.
Appi tõttab mees, kellelt seda kõige vähem oodata oskaks… Malverni hertsog Tanner Blake lubas surevale sõbrale, et hoolitseb tema “kalli Lydia” eest. Kuidas julgeb ta nüüd ise ihaldada seda kaunist noort naist – eeskätt seetõttu, et on ise teise naisega sama hästi kui kihlatud? Tema lahendus on leida Lydiale otsekohe sobiv abikaasa. Aga kui nende mõlema ellu tungib salapära ja oht, muutub Tanneri tõotus äärmiselt isiklikuks… ja temas tekib taas soov Lydiat igavesti enda kõrval hoida.
Keeldudes igasugusest ahvatlusest…
Ta naases sõjast hertsogina. Nüüd on Rafael Daughtryl käsil palju kohutavam lahing kui Napoleoni sõjaväega – nimelt oma perekonnaga. Õnneks nõustub tema lapsepõlvesõber Charlotte Seavers teda aitama, ehkki vastumeelselt. Rafael annab talle peavarju ja Charlotte on mehe sõnakuulmatutele kaksikutest õdedele saatjadaamiks.
Aga kes kaitseb Rafe’i? Krapsakast tüdrukust, keda tema mäletas, on saanud sensuaalne naine, kelle painav ilu ja hoolega varjatud saladused tõmbavad meest enneolematu jõuga. Charlotte’il on põhjust mehi mitte usaldada, ent kas Rafe’i seksikas võrgutamine suudab teda veenda ahvatlusele järele andma?
Ta naases sõjast hertsogina. Nüüd on Rafael Daughtryl käsil palju kohutavam lahing kui Napoleoni sõjaväega – nimelt oma perekonnaga. Õnneks nõustub tema lapsepõlvesõber Charlotte Seavers teda aitama, ehkki vastumeelselt. Rafael annab talle peavarju ja Charlotte on mehe sõnakuulmatutele kaksikutest õdedele saatjadaamiks.
Aga kes kaitseb Rafe’i? Krapsakast tüdrukust, keda tema mäletas, on saanud sensuaalne naine, kelle painav ilu ja hoolega varjatud saladused tõmbavad meest enneolematu jõuga. Charlotte’il on põhjust mehi mitte usaldada, ent kas Rafe’i seksikas võrgutamine suudab teda veenda ahvatlusele järele andma?
From acclaimed authors Stephanie Laurens, Nicola Cornick and Kasey Michaels come three enchanting tales to exceed expectations.A Lady of Expectations Jack Lester seeks the perfect bride—one who is attractive and kind, but who also loves him in spite of his wealth. Which is why he keeps this trifling detail hidden. But when Sophie Winterton enters his life, believing he must marry into wealth to run his family’s estate, how will he convince her that she is the woman he desires—and that he can be the husband she deserves?Secrets of a Courtesan Eve Nightingale thought she had put her past as mistress to the Duke of Welburn behind her. But when the handsome duke strolls into her small village, she finds it hard to keep her secrets concealed…and to keep her heart from stirring for him once again.Missives & MistletoeGoverness Maggie Stover is outraged when she is coerced into harboring a pirate in her home, lest her family face eviction. Though she may have a change of heart when she realizes the pirate is in fact the long-lost, and devilishly alluring, Duke of Trevere.
London’s Little Season is so scandalous…It was an offhand vow often made on the battlefield. But Darby Travers, Viscount Nailbourne, now has his late comrade’s young daughter on his doorstep. Worse, his new ward comes with an overprotective, mistrustful chaperone – the child’s aunt, Sadie Grace Boxer. Darby is quite sure that behind her lovely façade, lies a secret.Sadie Grace faced many trials working alongside her brother in his surgery, but none prepared her for the world she’s thrust into on his passing. Navigating the ton, with its endless ball gowns and parties, is difficult enough, but hiding the truth about her niece while the handsome and sophisticated Viscount watches her every move proves nearly impossible. When the past catches up with her, will she be able to trust in Darby…
Two scandalous menTwo beautiful women to tame them The Ruthless Lord Rule His reputation is notorious. Lord Tristan Rule can have any young lady of the ton, though Miss Mary Lawrence has specifically caught his attention…But the ruthless Rule soon finds Mary has the power to forge his hard-as-steel heart into something very malleable! The Toplofty Lord Thorpe Julian Rutherford’s greatest admirer is outrageous imp Miss Lucy Gladwin. Amidst a scandal, she finally has Julian all to herself – and Lucy will stop at nothing to show him they can overcome any trial through a true meeting of souls…and bodies!A Kasey Michaels Double Bill
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Автор произведения Kasey Michaels
London’s Little Season is so intriguing…Ever since Cooper Townsend returned from France as a hero with a title, he has been relentlessly pursued by every marriageable lady in London. Except unconventional Miss Daniella Foster. Her appeal is that she doesn’t simper or flatter. She only wants him to unmask a blackmailer!Every other woman in London is fighting over His Lordship’s romantic attentions, but marriage is the last thing on Dany’s mind…at least until he kisses her. Now, as a mutual enemy races to ruin Coop’s reputation and Dany’s family name, an engagement of convenience sparks a passion that might save them both.
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Kasey Michaels
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия The Little Season
The Dashing Duke-to-be and the Daring DebutanteGabriel Sinclair has returned from battle as the reluctant heir to a dukedom. As if his new responsibilities weren’t enough, his aunt enlists him to guide a young heiress through London’s Little Season. Surprisingly, Miss Thea Neville is not the tedious obligation he expected. She’s exotic and enchanting – and utterly unaware of the secret poised to destroy her family’s reputation.After ten years in America, Thea is ready to do her duty and marry well. Deportment, modistes, balls – the ton is a nightmare she couldn’t navigate without Gabriel’s help. She really should accept the first bachelor who offers for her. But instead she’s discovering a dangerous attraction to her wickedly handsome chaperone – which will change her plans completely!
Forced to assume a false identity, «John Bates» journeyed to the new Earl of Hythe's home to uncover a murderous plot. There he found Elinor Dalrymple, sister to the newly ensconced earl and mistress of his seaside estate.At first glance, John dismissed her as merely a staid spinster. Yet once she let down her hair, sweet Elinor transformed into a beautiful butterfly–and a feisty damsel who was dubious of his devilish rogue persona. Suddenly John's carefully orchestrated masquerade was crumbling…under his own desire to reveal his true self to Miss Dalrymple!
Информация о книге
Автор произведения Kasey Michaels
Жанр Исторические любовные романы
Серия Mills & Boon Silhouette