
MONEY CAN'T BUY EVERYTHING…It certainly couldn't buy Lane Douglas a way out of the scandalous rumors that followed her everywhere, leaving her no choice but to take on a new identity in a new town. But she never imagined this endeavor to disguise her heiress status would awaken her dormant desire.Suddenly she was embroiled in a wild tango of temperaments with high-powered playboy Tyler McKay, who was determined to have her in his bed. Lane was tempted beyond reason to take Tyler up on his offer and share the sheets in a blazing affair with this man who aroused her passion like no other. But would succumbing to Tyler's seduction bare their relationship to the tabloids and reveal her most closely guarded secret–or bring her everlasting pleasure?


A powerful, primal longing to be a mother enveloped Angela Justice.But her best friend, Dr. Lucas Ryder, intercepted the strong-willed unwed beauty at the sperm bank door, insisting some things be left to passion. At his touch, her body became a map of desire – and he traveled every inch, leaving her pleasured, exalted and pregnant.Though Angela loved Lucas with a ferocity that shook her, she vowed to shun his pledge of commitment…until her soul was certain of his true, eternal love!


Once they'd shared an unforgettable encounter, but Ciara Caldwell had disappeared into the night, leaving Bryce Ashland with no clue to her identity.He still remembered his mystery woman's face, but now Bryce was a bachelor dad who didn't have time for any female – except his baby girl. Then Ciara unexpectedly landed on his doorstep as his daughter's new nanny, and the fortress around the brooding widower's hardened heart broke wide open.Ciara was the stand-in mother Bryce had dreamed of for baby Carolina – but Ciara's skill as caregiver wasn't all he wanted from her. He ached to share her bed again and again. But could he risk his heart – with everything to lose, but so much to gain?


Nash Rayburn was shaken to his boots when Hayley Albright showed up on his ranch declaring herself his temporary wife for hire. Although he hadn't seen her in years, he still remembered how Hayley stoked his passion and riled his temper–and how his life might have been different if he hadn't been forced to give her up to marry another….The single dad knew that Hayley regarded him as an enemy, but despite her seeming indifference, he felt her melting every time he touched her. And he knew he'd do almost anything to win her trust and claim her as his own once and for all!


HE WAS SWORN TO UPHOLD THE LAWDetective Nash Couviyon never let emotion interfere with duty. But when his former flame Lisa Bracket was the victim of a frame-up, he knew he had to help her clear her name. Although Nash had thought he'd never see Lisa again, desire for her had always burned inside him. To the untrained eye she looked guilty. However, Nash knew Lisa was innocent of murder, and when she became the victim of a series of attacks, he knew his instincts had proved right. Now the only way to keep her safe and draw out the true killer was to place Lisa under his protection. But did duty alone motivate him or did he hope to rekindle the love they'd once shared?


What ever happened to Darcy Steele?In school, she was everyone's best friend. But these days, Darcy Steele was a single mother living in the shadows following a marriage gone dangerously wrong. Not even her closest friends knew her whereabouts–until one of those friends was murdered.Now Darcy was back to find answers about her friend's death, even if it meant jeopardizing the cover she'd so carefully constructed–and discovering that the one man she trusted might not be what he seemed. Because risking her own life was a small price to pay when the lives of those she loved were at stake….Athena Force: Chosen for their talents. Trained to be the best. The women of Athena Academy shared an unbreakable bond…until one of them was murdered.


Deep Cover Captured, tortured, and nearly executed. . .just another day on the job for Logan Chambliss and Dragon One. Their mission: clean up a highly sensitive mess the CIA made in Venezuela involving the country's marked vice president. Too bad the plan went belly up–then downhill with the appearance of a gutsy, gorgeous, take-it-or leave-it female Logan just happens to know intimately. And who should be dead. . . Tessa Carlyle should never have answered the phone. There she was, going native in Fiji for her job as a National Geographic location scout when a voice from her past crashes her perfect life. Threatened with blackmail, her only choice is to help a man she despises–to help a man she never forgot. But her unlikely resurrection puts her directly in the crosshairs of a ruthless killer. . . From the rain forests of Venezuela to the streets of Caracas, Logan and Tessa will have to negotiate a twisted trail of deceit and betrayal. At stake is the fate of two nations and a deadly threat that could kill millions. . .


All The Secrets Inside Clancy McRae is mad as hell. Charged with creating technology-enhanced troops, she's discovered her top-secret nano-device has been surgically implanted in four U.S. Marines without her approval. Though it makes them smarter, faster, and stronger than any human on earth, in this untested stage it can also drive them insane–or kill them. Now she's stolen classified data, risking her career–and her life–to go after them. While recovering from a shoulder wound, Spec Ops leader Mike Gannon learns the rest of his team was dropped into the jungles of Peru to locate a chilling new weapon. Then: nothing, nada. Injured or dead, it's his duty to bring them home and destroy the threat. But when a scrappy red-haired beauty butts into his rescue mission, insisting the government turned his men into lab rats, Mike doesn't believe her–till she becomes a moving target. Keeping Clancy with him keeps her safe, yet as the tropical temperatures rise with their passion, Mike and Clancy are ensnared in a labyrinth of ingenious deceptions concealing a peril no one suspects–and only they can stop. In the dark forgotten Andes, they unearth a deadly plan and an ancient menace that turns a rescue into the crucial fight for their very survival. And the clock is ticking. . .


Danger In Plain Sight Stay alive. That's all Dr. Sydney Hale can think. In one terrifying minute, her life was turned upside down. Now, the cops think she's a murder suspect, the government wants her to come in, and somebody will do anything, including kill, to get the knowledge only she has. Alone, she'll never survive on the run. What she needs is a perfect weapon, and Marine Jack Wilson just may be the answer to her prayers. Jack has always been clear about who the enemy is, but now, he's not sure. Why is Sydney Hale the only survivor of a government lab breach? What secrets is she hiding? Why is the government lying to him? Jack intends to find the answers to all his questions, but first, he has to keep Sydney alive long enough, and if there's anything this Marine knows, it's how to keep moving and fight back. What he doesn't know is what to do about the fierce desire she awakens in him. With no one to turn to but each other, sexual tension explodes into a passionate hunger and a tender love neither can fully trust–or live without. And with the stakes rising, Jack and Sydney will make their stand, gambling everything they have on a choice that could save–or destroy–them both. . .


It Only Takes One Match. . . Vivi Fiori wondered how the day could have gotten so bad so fast. One minute, she's on a train moving through the Thai countryside, a precious archeological artifact in her hands; the next, she's being chased through the jungle by the Thai mafia with some hardcore American marine right behind her, shouting orders like she should be grateful for his macho interference. What Vivi needs is to get to her contact in Bangkok–warm shower, nice hotel, girly clothes, no dead bodies or sexy armed Marines. Her practical side is telling her to run like hell. Then again, her practical side never met a guy like Sam Wyatt. . . . . .To Start An Uncontrollable Fire Sam has a mission–follow a trail of stolen diamonds, hoping it will lead him to the weapons sale he needs to stop. Finding the terrorists who took down his buddy will be the icing on the cake. But now, he's stuck babysitting a curvy, talk-a-mile-a-minute redhead who's hell-bent on playing Indiana Jones with her piece of Thai history. He can't just abandon her to the snakes, the crocs, the Mafia, and whatever else is out there. She wouldn't last ten seconds. And he can't deny that everything about her stirs a deep hunger in him–or that the power of their attraction is so electric he knows he can never really let her go. Now, protecting Vivi is his new mission–his most dangerous yet–and one that will lead them both to a deadly threat beyond all imagining. . . «A fabulous writer! Fetzer rocks!» –Cherry Adair