
No te alejes de míCuando Sarah Purcell despertó en la habitación de un hospital, lo último que esperaba era que el médico que la atendía fuera Cullen Gray, el hombre que estaba a punto de convertirse en su exmarido.Al cuidado día y noche de su esposa, Cullen vio que esa vez no iba a poder enterrar sus sentimientos. Y decidió que debía recuperarla y volver a tenerla donde se merecía, a su lado.Innegable atracciónBecca Taylor había empezado una nueva vida y cuando Caleb Fairchild irrumpió en su vida, la atracción que ambos sintieron resultó ser lo último que necesitaba.Caleb había aprendido la lección de la forma más dura, y nunca volvería a confiar ciegamente. Sin embargo, no podía evitar sentirse atraído por Becca. Cuando los secretos de ella salieron a la luz, la traición parecía inevitable… a menos que la verdad consiguiera resquebrajar las paredes de hierro que él había construido alrededor de su corazón.


Stranded with the bad boy…For wedding-dress designer Serena James, nothing less than perfect will do–and that applies to finding Mr. Right! Her pilot, Kane Wiley, doesn't meet any of the criteria…apart from being drop-dead gorgeous! Kane feels most at home in the skies.For this drifter, no commitment means freedom. But while flying Serena to a wedding convention, Kane is forced to perform a crash landing! They might be chalk and cheese, but, stranded together, there's no denying the chemistry. And it's going to be a while before their SOS is answered….


Chaney Sullivan's Note to Self: When re-entering your billionaire boss's world. . . Remember why you turned him down all those years ago ; not because you wanted to, but because infamous playboys like Drake Llewelyn are trouble with a capital T! He plays to win. You can't afford to take another gamble on love and lose, no matter how much he says he's changed.So arm yourself against his movie-star gorgeous looks, devastating charm, intoxicating smile. . . Oh, no! This is going to be so much harder than I thought!


Coming home for Christmas… Carly Bishop hasn’t celebrated Christmas for six years… But this year handsome Jake Porter is determined she’ll enjoy herself. Jake is a mountain rescuer, big-hearted and courageous, but Carly is too scared of loving him in case she loses him.In a whirl of festive fun, sleigh rides and snowball fights, Christmas starts to weave its magic. But it’s Jake who’s melting Carly’s heart.


Her friends have all found their Mr Right, but Jayne’s is Mr Right-Under-Her-Nose! Jayne Cavendish was engaged to Tristan MacGregor’s best friend, and strictly off-limits. Now she’s back from her girls’ weekend in Vegas – with a new hairdo, a new ‘no man’ rule and she’s even further out of his reach! His idiot ex-best friend might have destroyed her dreams, but the fun-loving girl Tristan fell for is still in there, waiting to be unleashed…and this intrepid adventurer is just the man for the job!


HE'D KNOW THE IDEAL WIFE WHEN HE MET HER!Because contractor Gabriel Logan had developed a design for his future a long time ago. And Faith Starr Addison did r?of fit the plan. She was too beautiful, too career-driven, too big-city…and much too tempting for a small-town guy like him. Gabe had learned a long time ago that her kind of woman was the kind who left. But working with Faith, side by 'side, to remodel a turn-of-the-century mansion, was putting ideas into his head–and into his heart. How else to explain why the woman who was so wrong for him now seemed so very, very right?


FROM THE DESK OF EMILY WINTERSBachelor #4: Reed Connors Title: VP of Global Marketing This month's scheme: Surprise him with his long-lost love–and secret child!I've always thought there was something missing in Reed Connors's life. And now that our research has turned up his high school sweetheart Samantha Wilson, I think I know exactly what it is. Luckily, Christmas is just around the corner, and so is the perfect excuse to send the ambitious executive back to his hometown. Now all we need is a nudge from Santa, and one little boy–who's been very good this year–just might get the gift he's always wanted….


For nearly two weeks they were trapped together on a tropical island, forced to endure Surv/vor-like challenges in order to win a grand prize. But for the normally business-minded Cade Armstrong Waters, the toughest part became resisting his pampered-princess-turned-worthy-teammate, Cynthia Sterling.Cynthia's grit and determination, not to mention her golden locks and shining eyes, made Cade ache to hold her as they shared close quarters in a makeshift tent. But although his hardened heart had slowly begun to heal in her presence, Cade had no desire to surrender his bachelor status. Which only proved that walking away could be his biggest challenge of all!


She didn't believe in love or marriage–for herself at least. For others, wedding consultant Kelsey Armstrong Waters planned the most perfect weddings–and hoped for the best. But her much-married parents made her vow never to step down the aisle. Until she met Will Addison.He'd come to beg Kelsey's help in planning his flighty sister's wedding, and against her instincts she'd agreed. He was handsome, sexy, a romantic who believed in love–and a man who stirred dreams she'd thought long gone. Now Kelsey was even forgetting the most basic rule: Remember–you're not the bride!Or would she be?


Practical Rachel Palmer's aversion to risk-taking led to a marriage that just didn't fit. Now single again, she's embracing her newfound independence–and the first step is taking her jewelry business worldwide! For that she needs expert help from Italian Antonio Salerno…His business help soon turns personal. And being in close-enough-to-kiss proximity to a sexy playboy makes Rachel feel she's taking a flying leap into deliciously risky territory. It's everything she's been craving…but this is a man famous for loving and leaving. Surely falling for him would be a step too far?