
Obsessão implacávelLucy GordonEla é demasiado inocente para aquele grego implacável…Lysandros Demetriou é um magnata da indústria naval, mas também é o solteiro mais cobiçado da Grécia. As mulheres mais bonitas competem pela sua atenção, mas para um homem frio e implacável como ele elas não passam de meros objectos prescindíveis.Contudo, Petra Radnor irrompe na sua vida. A sua beleza é irresistível para o jovem grego. Ela é capaz de despertar algo que esteve escondido durante muitos, muitos anos. Lysandros não consegue apagar a chama da paixão e deve decidir se o seu desejo por Petra é um simples capricho ou uma obsessão para toda a vida…Amante para se vingarMelanie MilburneOs homens como Marc Contini não perdoavam… vingavam-se…Há cinco anos, Ava McGuire deixou Marc e casou-se com o maior inimigo dele nos negócios, causando um grande escândalo. Mas ninguém sabia que a tinham forçado a dizer: «Sim, quero». Agora só tinha dívidas e outra proposta escandalosa.Marc queria Ava na sua cama durante o tempo todo que ele desejasse…


A merced de un hombre arroganteDaphne Clair¡Marco Salzano está furioso! Un momento de pasión en el calor del carnaval ha tenido su precio. Furioso y presa de las sospechas, el arrogante venezolano va en busca de su amante de una noche para reclamar a su hijo.Pero Marco se equivoca de mujer.Haciéndose pasar por su hermana, la frágil Amber convence a Marco de que el niño en cuestión no es hijo suyo. Sin embargo, cuando Marco descubre el engaño, decide hacer de Amber no su amante, sino su esposa.Venganza entre las sábanasLucy GordonEl arrogante noble italiano Salvatore Veretti se puso furioso al saber que una joven y bella mujer había heredado la empresa que él consideraba suya. ¡Sin duda esa mujer estaba detrás de la fortuna de la familia! Salvatore reclamaría lo que le pertenecía de un modo despiadado… y le demostraría a esa descarada que no podía luchar contra él.Pero después de conocer a la ingenua y obstinada Helena, Salvatore cambió de táctica… Ya no intentaría echarla del negocio, sino que ¡se cobraría su venganza entre las sábanas!


La hermosa inglesa le había dado tanta suerte que el jeque Alí Ben Saleem quiso recompensarla. Pero ella lo sorprendió al rechazar sus valiosos regalos. Parecía que lo único que quería era una entrevista para su periódico. Alí decidió complacerla con la condición de que lo acompañara a su reino…Frances había creído que el atractivo jeque era un hombre atento y generoso. ¡Hasta que la encerró con sus concubinas! Era algo salido directamente de Las Mil Y Una Noches… No podía ser real; Alí estaba creando su fantasía del desierto para divertirla. Pero, ¿hablaba en serio al insistir en el matrimonio?



He's come to find her–because he wants a baby…The man Becky Hanley nearly married has just walked back into her life! It's been years, but Italian Luca Montese is just as desirable as ever…. The attraction is overwhelming and she can't resist him–the love is still there. Then she discovers that all Luca really wants from her is a baby–and shockingly, she's already pregnant….


Single father in need of a wife!High-flying businessman Carson Page loves his young son, but Joey is deaf–and Carson is unable to communicate with him.Gina Tennison feels for Joey–she was once in his position herself. So for his sake, she agrees to live in Carson's home for the summer to show this proud man how to reach out to his son. As Carson becomes the dad of Joey's dreams, Gina begins to wonder if Carson could ever reach out for her, too….


It was a grand white wedding that would make the society pages the world over–handsome British aristocrat Jarvis Larne was marrying beautiful American oil heiress Meryl Winters. But behind the lavish ceremony, their vows were a sham.Marrying for convenience had been the only way Jarvis could save his estate–and that had hurt his pride. But after the wedding came the wedding night–which exceeded both their expectations! Was their society wedding set to become a marriage for real?


Heather felt humiliated when Lorenzo Martelli jilted her at the altar. She blamed his brother Renato for what had happened and was astonished when everyone insisted Renato make amends by taking his brother's place in an arranged marriage with her!Renato was a powerful man, not used to taking orders. But he knew he was responsible, and felt duty-bound to marry Heather. She was wary of accepting such a proud, arrogant substitute husband–only the attraction between them was overwhelming…. Could she refuse?


Plain Jane and the Italian rebel…Polly Hanson must go to Naples to find Ruggiero Rinucci, and what she has to tell him will surely end his bachelor ways–he is the father of her late cousin's baby! But nothing quite prepares Polly for Ruggiero's reaction…Outwardly he's a carefree playboy inwardly he once loved so passionately it nearly broke him. Polly wants to help him, yet she feels forever in her cousin's shadow. Can plain Polly tame this wild Italian's heart…?


Italian count… English waif In a flash of lightning, Count Pietro Bagnelli sees a young woman standing outside his palazzo, a battered suitcase at her feet. This solitary count has turned his back on the world, but he can't turn his back on this bedraggled waif….Ruth has returned to Venice to uncover lost memories, yet finds comfort with this proudly damaged count. As Carnivale sweeps through the city, drama and passion ignite and secrets unravel….